Browse by: "2016"


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Los países de la OCDE están intensificando sus esfuerzos de conseguir ahorros a través de sus sistemas de contratación pública, en particular en el sector de salud. En 2012, el Instituto de Seguridad y Servicos Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado en México (ISSSTE) pidió que la OCDE revisara la efectividad e integridad de su sistema de contratación pública y apoyara al ISSSTE para combatir la colusión entre proveedores. Varias recomendaciones de la OCDE condujeron a implementar reformas contínuas en el ISSSTE. En 2015, la OCDE llevó a cabo un nuevo estudio, enfocado en los procesos de planeación y coordinación de contrataciones, estudios de mercado y mejoras en servicos médicos integrales. Este informe presenta las conclusiones del estudio y los logros recientes del ISSSTE. También recomienda acciones para apoyar la harmonización de los procesos de contratación en el ISSSTE con la Recomendación del Consejo sobre Contratación Pública de 2015 e incluye planes de acción para actividades prioritarias.

  • 22 Jan 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 168

OECD countries are increasingly attempting to achieve savings through their public procurement systems, in particular in healthcare. In 2012, the State’s Employees’ Social Security and Social Services Institute in Mexico (ISSSTE) asked the OECD to review the effectiveness and integrity of its procurement system and to address bid-rigging. Many of the OECD’s recommendations led to enduring reforms at ISSSTE. In 2015 the OECD conducted a new review focusing on planning and coordination of procurement activities, market research and improvement of medical services. This report presents the findings of the review and notes the ISSSTE’s recent achievements. It also makes recommendations to support the alignment of the ISSSTE’s procurement practices with the 2015 OECD Recommendation of the Council on Public Procurement and includes action plans for priority activities.


The annual Economic Outlook for Southeast Asia, China and India examines Asia’s regional economic growth, development and regional integration process. It focuses on the economic conditions of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member countries: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam. It also addresses relevant economic issues in People’s Republic of China and India to fully reflect economic developments in the region. The 2016 edition of the Economic Outlook for Southeast Asia, China and India comprises three main parts, each highlighting a particular dimension of recent economic developments in the region. The first part presents the regional economic monitor, depicting the medium-term economic outlook and macroeconomic challenges in the region. The second part consists of three chapters on “enhancing regional ties”, which is the special thematic focus of this edition. The third part includes structural policy country notes.

La structure des systèmes éducatifs varie énormément d’un pays à l’autre. Afin de produire des statistiques et des indicateurs comparables à l’échelle internationale, il est nécessaire de disposer d’un cadre permettant de collecter et de soumettre des données sur des programmes éducatifs avec un contenu éducatif de niveau similaire. La Classification internationale type de l’Éducation (CITE) de l’UNESCO est la classification de référence permettant d’organiser les programmes éducatifs et les certifications correspondantes par niveau d’éducation et par domaines d’études. Les définitions et les concepts fondamentaux de la CITE ont été établis de manière à être internationalement valides et applicables à l’ensemble des systèmes éducatifs.

La CITE 2011 est la deuxième révision importante de cette classification (élaborée initialement dans les années 70 et révisée pour la première fois en 1997). Elle a été adoptée par la Conférence générale de l’UNESCO en novembre 2011. Préparé conjointement par l’Institut de statistique de l’UNESCO (ISU), l’OCDE et Eurostat, ce guide opérationnel fournit des directives et notes explicatives pour l’interprétation de la classification révisée, par niveau éducatif. Il présente également des exemples nationaux de programmes et de certifications correspondantes classés dans la CITE 2011.

Ce guide sera utile aux statisticiens nationaux qui collectent et soumettent des données d’éducation aux organisations internationales, ainsi qu’aux décideurs politiques et aux chercheurs intéressés par une meilleure compréhension de ces données.

  • 28 Jan 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 104

This 2016 OECD Economic Survey of Finland examines recent economic developments, policies and prospects. The special chapters cover: Productivity and Employment and Skills.



The OECD series Making Integration Work draws on key lessons from the OECD’s work on integration, particularly the Jobs for Immigrants country reviews series. The objective is to summarise in a non-technical way the main challenges and good policy practices to support the lasting integration of immigrants and their children for selected key groups and domains of integration. Each volume presents ten lessons and examples of good practice, complemented by synthetic comparisons of the integration policy frameworks in OECD countries. This first volume deals with refugees and others in need of protection, referred to as humanitarian migrants.

French, German

Die OECD-Publikationsreihe „Erfolgreiche Integration“ beruht auf zentralen Erkenntnissen aus den Arbeiten der OECD zur Integrationspolitik, insbesondere den Länderstudien der Reihe Jobs for Immigrants. Ziel ist es, in leicht verständlicher, überblicksartiger Form die wichtigsten Herausforderungen und empfehlenswerten politischen Praktiken bei der Förderung der dauerhaften Integration von Zuwanderern und ihren Kindern für ausgewählte wesentliche Zielgruppen und Integrationsbereiche darzustellen.  Jeder Band enthält zehn Empfehlungen sowie Beispiele für empfehlenswerte Praktiken, die durch synthetische Vergleiche des integrationspolitischen Rahmens in den einzelnen OECD-Ländern ergänzt werden, die sich auf bisherige Erfahrungen stützen. Der erste Band befasst sich mit Flüchtlingen und sonstigen schutzbedürftigen Personen, die als humanitäre Zuwanderer bezeichnet werden.

French, English

Cette série aide les pays à identifier et surmonter les obstacles à de meilleurs niveaux de bien-être et à une croissance plus équitable et durable. Elle s’appuie sur des examens multidimensionnels par pays, qui tiennent compte des interactions entre les politiques et de l'environnement national dans lequel s’inscrivent ces dernières. Ces examens comportent trois phases. La première consiste en une évaluation initiale des obstacles au développement. La deuxième propose une analyse de fond des principaux problèmes et découle sur des recommandations détaillées. La troisième phase est conçue pour passer de la théorie à la pratique et soutenir les efforts du gouvernement dans l'élaboration de stratégies et la mise en œuvre des politiques recommandées.

  • 29 Jan 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 128

Études économiques de l'OCDE : États-Unis 2014 examine les développements récents, les politiques et les perspectives économiques de ce pays. Ce rapport comporte des chapitres consacrés au améliorer le bien-être et tirer parti des nouvelles énergies.

  • 31 Jan 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136

Measuring and Assessing Well-being in Israel provides a description of the level, distribution, and sustainability of well-being in Israel. Drawing on the methodology developed in the bi-annual report on well-being in OECD countries – How's Life? – this report extends the methodology to provide in an-depth examination of well-being in a single OECD country. The report examines well-being in Israel in the context of the Israeli government's recent initiative to develop indicators of well-being, resilience, and sustainability, and provides a complementary account of well-being in Israel with a stronger focus on international comparisons.

Going beyond a simple statistical description of the level and distribution of well-being in Israel, the report also uses Israel as a case study of how well-being measures can be used to identify areas of high policy relevance. In particular, the report analyses the preferences of Israeli citizens across the different dimensions of the OECD well-being framework. Finally, the report reviews the Israeli statistical system from the perspective of measuring well-being, and notes the key areas where further statistical development is desirable.

Measuring and Assessing Well-being in Israel is part of the OECD Better Life Initiative, which features a series of publications on measuring well-being, as well as the Better Life Index, an interactive website that aims to involve citizens in the debate about what a better life means to them.

  • 31 Jan 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 144

This 2016 OECD Economic Survey of Israel examines recent economic developments, policies and prospects. The special chapters cover: Special Features: Boosting competition on Israeli markets and Improving the pension system.


This report examines the Netherland’s new Metropolitan Region of Rotterdam-The Hague (MRDH), drawing on lessons from governance reforms in other OECD countries and identifying how the MRDH experience could benefit policy makers beyond Dutch borders. Long in search of ways to strengthen urban areas, the Dutch government has recently undertaken the development of a National Urban Agenda known as Agenda Stad, in parallel to a series of broad institutional reforms. This included abolishing the country’s traditional eight city-regions, which led Rotterdam, The Hague and 21 smaller neighbouring cities to form the Metropolitan Region of Rotterdam-The Hague (Metropoolregio Rotterdam Den Haag, or MRDH). This report analyses the emergence of the MRDH both as a geographical area that spans 23 municipalities in the southern Randstad region and as a new metropolitan authority with transport and economic development responsibilities. One of the challenges the MRDH faces is how to bring the economies of Rotterdam and The Hague closer together while generating growth and well-being. 

  • 02 Feb 2016
  • OECD, Asian Development Bank Institute, International Labour Organization
  • Pages: 90

This report analyses the institutions and structures that govern labor migration in Asia. It considers the important role of governments and other stakeholders in both labour-destination countries such as Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Singapore, and labour-sending countries such as India, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka. Key issues are the extent to which these structures provide an orderly process for the movement of people between countries and whether the rights and the welfare of workers are protected.


The State continues to remain an important shareholder in listed companies worldwide, especially among emerging economies, which rely increasingly on mixed-ownership models. With the benefit of hindsight and more recent examples, this book provides fresh perspectives on the motivation to list state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and the process it entails. Drawing from the experiences of five economies (People's Republic of China, India, New Zealand, Poland and Turkey), the book concludes that broadened ownership generally has a positive impact on the governance and performance of these companies. However, country practices show that the act of listing cannot guarantee that these companies are completely averse to State interests; and deviations from sound corporate governance practices, as enshrined in the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of SOEs, can in some cases, raise concerns with regards to non-State shareholder rights, commercial orientation, board independence, conflicting State objectives, transparency, disclosure and more.

The recent debate on the role of money in politics has shed the light on the challenges of political finance regulations. What are the risks associated with the funding of political parties and election campaigns? Why are existing regulatory models still insufficient to tackle those risks? What are the links between money in politics and broader frameworks for integrity in the public sector? This report addresses these three questions and provides a Framework on Financing Democracy, designed to shape the global debate and provide policy options as well as a mapping of risks. It also features country case studies of Canada, Chile, Estonia, France, Korea, Mexico, United Kingdom, Brazil and India, providing in-depth analysis of their political finance mechanisms and challenges in different institutional settings.

  • 08 Feb 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 268

The Open Government Review of Tunisia is the first of its kind analysing a country’s open government policies and practices and their institutional and legal frameworks for implementation against OECD instruments. The analysis focuses on how public sector’s openness, transparency and accountability can be enhanced and therefore promote trust in government, in assessing : coherence and coordination of open government policies; citizens’ participation in policymaking; public financial management; integrity and anti-corruption initiatives; and the role of Information and Communication Technologies and Social Media. It also includes case studies of open government and local development. By bringing together a multitude of OECD instruments and expertise in different areas of public governance, the Review provides Tunisian policymakers, public sector officials and civil society activists with practical indications on how to improve and successfully implement their national open government agenda. In addition, the Review contains a list of recommendations that have been included in Tunisia’s first Action Plan for the Open Government Partnership.


Cette publication fournit aux gouvernements des conseils sur les options politiques qui sont disponibles pour tirer le meilleur parti des opportunités d'investissement privé dans une infrastructures énergétique propre, appuyant sur l'expertise des communautés du climat et de l'investissement, entre autres. Elle propose aux décideurs une liste de questions à prendre en considération, notamment dans les domaines suivants : politique d’investissement, promotion et facilitation de l’investissement, politique de la concurrence, marchés financiers et gouvernance publique. D' autres questions transversales sont également abordées, comme la coopération régionale et le commerce international pour les investissements dans les énergies propres.


There is no country or economy participating in PISA 2012 that can claim that all of its 15-year-old students have achieved a baseline level of proficiency in mathematics, reading and science. Poor performance at school has long-term consequences, both for the individual and for society as a whole.  Reducing the number of low-performing students is not only a goal in its own right but also an effective way to improve an education system’s overall performance – and equity, since low performers are disproportionately from socio-economically disadvantaged families.

Low-performing Students: Why they Fall Behind and How to Help them Succeed examines low performance at school by looking at low performers’ family background, education career and attitudes towards school. The report also analyses the school practices and educational policies that are more strongly associated with poor student performance. Most important, the evidence provided in the report reveals what policy makers, educators, parents and students themselves can do to tackle low performance and succeed in school.

  • 11 Feb 2016
  • OECD, Inter-American Development Bank, World Association of Public Employment Services
  • Pages: 319

Public Employment Services vary widely across the world in terms of history, structures and capacities, as well as the national labor market context in which they operate. In order to meet the demands of the new world of work, comparability will be crucial to align priorities and adapt methods of operation. This publication provides a wide range of indicators for comparing the operational and institutional characteristics of 73 Public Employment Services in 71 countries around the world. It also provides forward looking analysis on four key issues: matching skills for the life cycle, strategic multichannel service delivery, institutional capacity, and governance mechanisms.

  • 11 Feb 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 140

Urban, demographic and climate trends are increasingly exposing cities to risks of having too little, too much and too polluted water. Facing these challenges requires robust public policies and sound governance frameworks to co-ordinate across multiple scales, authorities, and policy domains. Building on a survey of 48 cities in OECD countries and emerging economies, the report analyses key factors affecting urban water governance, discusses trends in allocating roles and responsibilities across levels of government, and assesses multi-level governance gaps in urban water management. It provides a framework for mitigating territorial and institutional fragmentation and raising the profile of water in the broader sustainable development agenda, focusing in particular on the contribution of metropolitan governance, rural-urban partnerships and stakeholder engagement.

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