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Title Index

Year Index

  • 10 Oct 2017
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 584

The IRTAD Road Safety Annual Report 2017 provides an overview of road safety performance for 2015 in 40 countries, with preliminary data for 2016, and detailed reports for each country. It includes tables with cross country comparisons on key safety indicators.

The report outlines the most recent safety data in IRTAD countries, including detailed analysis by road user, age group and type of road. It describes the crash data collection process in IRTAD countries, the road safety strategies and targets in place, and information on recent trends in speeding, drink-driving and other aspects of road user behaviour. The 2017 edition of the IRTAD Road Safety Annual Report puts special emphasis on road safety for an ageing population, which represents a growing concern in many countries.

  • 12 Oct 2017
  • OECD, African Tax Administration Forum, African Union Commission
  • Pages: 288

The publication Revenue Statistics in Africa is jointly undertaken by the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration and the OECD Development Centre, the African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) with funding by the European Union. It compiles comparable tax revenue and non-tax revenue statistics for 16 countries in Africa: Cabo Verde, Cameroon,  the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, Morocco, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Swaziland, Togo, Tunisia and Uganda. The model is the OECD Revenue Statistics database which is a fundamental reference, backed by a well-established methodology, for OECD member countries. Extending the OECD methodology to African countries enables comparisons of tax-to-GDP ratios and tax structures on a consistent basis, both among African economies and with OECD, Latin American, Caribbean and Asian economies.

Radiological characterisation is a key enabling activity for the planning and implementation of nuclear facility decommissioning. Effective characterisation allows the extent, location and nature of contamination to be determined and provides crucial information for facility dismantling, the management of material and waste arisings, the protection of workers, the public and the environment, and associated cost estimations.

This report will be useful for characterisation practitioners who carry out tactical planning, preparation, optimisation and implementation of characterisation to support the decommissioning of nuclear facilities and the management of associated materials and waste. It compiles recent experience from NEA member countries in radiological characterisation, including from international experts, international case studies, an international conference, and international standards and guidance. Using this comprehensive evidence base, the report identifies relevant good practice and provides practical advice covering all stages of the characterisation process.

  • 23 Nov 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 340

Data on government sector receipts, and on taxes in particular, are basic inputs to most structural economic descriptions and economic analyses and are increasingly used in economic comparisons. This annual publication gives a conceptual framework to define which government receipts should be regarded as taxes.  It presents a unique set of detailed an internationally comparable tax data in a common format for all OECD countries from 1965 onwards.

  • 23 Nov 2017
  • OECD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • Pages: 16

La Svizzera ha fatto dei passi avanti verso il miglioramento delle performance ambientali dei settori agricolo, energetico e dei trasporti. Il Paese si è affermato tra i migliori Paesi dell’OCSE in termini d’intensità delle emissioni di gas serra e può essere lodato per il suo approccio innovativo nella rivitalizzazione della rete idrografica. Tuttavia, si possono constatare anche ambiti problematici, quali le abitudini di consumo non sostenibili, la produzione di un elevato volume di rifiuti urbani e le alte percentuali di specie minacciate. Quale importante piazza finanziaria, la Svizzera gioca un ruolo fondamentale nella promozione della finanza verde.

Questo è il terzo rapporto sulle performance ambientali della Svizzera. Valuta i progressi compiuti verso uno sviluppo sostenibile e una crescita verde, con particolare riferimento alla gestione delle acque come pure alla conservazione e all’uso sostenibile della biodiversità.

German, English, French
  • 28 Feb 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 172

O forte crescimento e o considerável progresso social das últimas duas décadas fez do Brasil umas das principais economias do mundo, apesar da profunda recessão da qual a economia está agora se recuperando. No entanto, o Brasil continua sendo um dos países mais desiguais do mundo e as contas públicas deterioraram-se significativamente. Reformas abrangentes são necessárias para sustentar o progresso em matéria de crescimento inclusivo. Um melhor direcionamento do gasto social nas famílias pobres reduziria a desigualdade e ao mesmo tempo asseguraria a sustentabilidade da dívida pública. Isso exigirá escolhas políticas difíceis, principalmente em relação à previdência social e às transferências sociais. A redução das transferências econômicas para o setor corporativo, juntamente com avaliações mais sistemáticas dos programas de gastos públicos, reforçará o crescimento, aperfeiçoará a governança econômica e limitará o escopo futuro do rentismo e dos subornos políticos. Para manter o potencial de crescimento da economia, é preciso mais investimento, o que pode elevar a produtividade e, ao mesmo tempo, o escopo de futuros aumentos de salário. Simplificar os impostos, reduzir os custos administrativos e agilizar a emissão de licenças aumentaria o retorno do investimento. Uma concorrência mais forte permitiria aos empreendimentos de alto desempenho prosperarem e aumentaria as oportunidades de investimento. Ao mesmo tempo, as barreiras comerciais isolam as empresas das oportunidades globais e da competição internacional. Maior integração na economia mundial levará ao aumento da competitividade das empresas brasileiras e abrirá novas oportunidades de exportação.


French, English
  • 09 Mar 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136

The OECD Regulatory Policy Review of Slovenia assesses the regulatory management capacity of Slovenia. It takes stock of regulatory policies, institutions and tools; describes trends and recent developments; and identifies areas for improvement in the design, delivery and evaluation of regulations. The government of Slovenia has made great strides in regulatory policy, but challenges in implementation remain. This review provides policy recommendations based on best international practices and peer assessment to strengthen the government’s management and oversight of regulatory policy.

  • 27 Mar 2018
  • OECD, Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations, Inter-American Development Bank, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Pages: 308

Revenue Statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean 2018 compiles comparable tax revenue statistics for 25 Latin American and Caribbean economies, the majority of which are not OECD member countries. The publication is based on the OECD Revenue Statistics database, which is a fundamental reference, backed by a well-established methodology, for OECD member countries. Extending the OECD methodology to countries in Latin America and the Caribbean enables comparison of tax levels and tax structures on a consistent basis, both among the economies of the region and with OECD member countries. This publication is jointly undertaken by the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, the OECD Development Centre, the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

  • 06 Apr 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 144

This report takes stock of discussions held between academics and country practitioners during a series of seminars organised in 2017 by the OECD and the European Commission that focused on opportunities to improve the design and delivery of regional development policies. What can governments do to enhance economic development in regions and cities ? What lessons can be drawn from theory and practice to ensure public spending and investments contribute to regional development as effectively as possible ? At a time of increasing pressure on public finances it is paramount to enhance the effectiveness of regional policy governance instruments to add value to public spending and investment.

Bringing together frontier economic theory and country practices regarding performance frameworks, financial instruments, policy conditionalities, contractual arrangements and behavioural insights in regional policy, this report identifies cross-cutting lessons to help policy-makers manage common trade-offs when designing public expenditure and investment programmes for the development of regions and cities.

  • 18 May 2018
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 74

The IRTAD Road Safety Annual Report 2018 provides an overview of road safety performance for 32 countries. The report outlines the most recent road safety developments across IRTAD countries and comparative data for the main road safety indicators. It also offers detailed analysis by road user, age group and type of road. It describes the crash data collection process in IRTAD countries, the road safety strategies and targets in place and information on recent trends in speeding, drink-driving and other aspects of road user behaviour.

El presente e estudio analiza la transición del gobierno electrónico al gobierno digital en Colombia. Se estudia el marco de gobernanza del gobierno digital,  el uso de las plataformas digitales y de los datos abiertos para lograr el compromiso y la colaboración con los ciudadanos, las condiciones necesarias para un sector público impulsado por los datos, y la coherencia de las políticas en un contexto de diferencias territoriales significativas. Asimismo, se proporcionan recomendaciones de política concretas sobre el modo en que  las tecnologías digitales y los datos pueden ser utilizados a fin de generar políticas y servicios impulsados por el ciudadano.

  • 14 Jun 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 168

This report provides a new perspective to the nature of urban sprawl and its causes and environmental, social and economic consequences. This perspective, which is based on the multi-dimensionality of urban sprawl, sets the foundations for the construction of new indicators to measure the various facets of urban sprawl. The report uses new datasets to compute these indicators for more than 1100 urban areas in 29 OECD countries over the period 1990-2014. It then relies on cross-city, country-level and cross-country analyses of these indicators to provide insights into the current situation and evolution of urban sprawl in OECD cities. In addition, the report offers a critical assessment of the causes and consequences of urban sprawl and discusses policy options to steer urban development to more environmentally sustainable forms.

Over the last decades, and in line with the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, cities and regions have played an important part in helping to implement global agendas at local level through their Decentralised Development Cooperation (DDC) activities. This report analyses the evolution of financial flows, emerging trends and innovative paradigms related to the development co-operation of local and regional governments, including but not limited to official development assistance extended by sub-national governments. It promotes a territorial approach to development co-operation and provides policy recommendations to maximise the effectiveness, benefits and outcomes of DDC at all levels, while acknowledging the diversity of approaches, definitions and concepts across OECD DAC countries active in DDC.

Die Ausgabe von Renten auf einen Blick 2017 stellt die Rentenreformen in den Vordergrund, die von den OECD-Ländern in den letzten beiden Jahren durchgeführt wurden. Darüber hinaus befasst sich ein Sonderkapitel mit den Möglichkeiten für einen flexiblen Altersübergang in den OECD-Ländern und erörtert die diesbezüglichen Präferenzen der Menschen, die tatsächliche Inanspruchnahme der gebotenen Möglichkeiten sowie die Auswirkungen auf die Höhe der Leistungen.

In dieser Ausgabe werden ferner die Informationen zu den wichtigsten Kenndaten der Alterssicherung in den OECD-Ländern aktualisiert und Projektionen des Alterseinkommens der heutigen Arbeitskräfte erstellt. Sie enthält Indikatoren zum Aufbau der Alterssicherungssysteme, zu den Rentenansprüchen, zu den demografischen und wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen, in die die Alterssicherungssysteme eingebettet sind, zum Einkommen und zur Armut älterer Menschen, zur Finanzierung der Alterseinkommenssysteme und zur privaten Altersvorsorge.

French, English, Korean
  • 25 Aug 2018
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 492

Renewables Information provides a comprehensive review of historical and current market trends in OECD countries. It provides an overview of the development of renewables and waste in the world since 1990. A greater focus is given to the OECD countries with a review of electricity generation and capacity from renewable and waste energy sources, including detailed tables. However, an overview of developments in the world and OECD renewable and waste market is also presented. The publication encompasses energy indicators, generating capacity, electricity and heat production from renewable and waste sources, as well as production and consumption of renewables and waste.
Renewables Information is one of a series of annual IEA statistical publications on major energy sources; other reports are Coal Information, Electricity Information, Natural Gas Information and Oil Information.

This guidance document was originally published in 2012 and updated in 2018 to reflect new and updated OECD test guidelines, as well as reflect on scientific advances in the use of test methods and assessment of the endocrine activity of chemicals. The document is intended to provide guidance for evaluating chemical using standardised test guidelines. Specific objectives include providing a description of the OECD conceptual framework for evaluating chemicals for endocrine disruption, background on the standardised test methods used, and guidance for interpreting the outcome of individual tests. The general approach taken by the document is primarily to provide guidance on how test results might be interpreted based on the outcome of standardised assays. Key questions addressed in the document concern likely mechanisms of endocrine action and any resulting apical effects that can be attributed to such action. The document is not proscriptive but provides suggestions for possible next steps in testing (if any) which might be appropriate for a regulatory authority to take, given the various data scenarios. The guidance document is focused primarily on endocrine modalities included in the conceptual framework; estrogen, androgen, and thyroid mediated endocrine disruption and chemicals that interfer with steroidogenesis.

  • 06 Oct 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 148

Road and Rail Infrastructure in Asia: Investing in Quality discusses the challenges facing the region and possible policy options, including those previously or currently used in Emerging Asian countries, with reference to the experiences of OECD member countries. It provides analysis and recommendations for the region’s policy makers to consider in their efforts to improve the quality of infrastructure. In particular, it highlights the importance of considering the spill-over effects of infrastructure in investment decisions. A comprehensive infrastructure impact evaluation does not simply consider the financial feasibility of an individual project, but attempts to judge the full extent of the externalities of planned investments, looking at the positive and negative economic, social and environmental effects over different time periods. The report first presents project case studies, illustrating how policy makers have incorporated the principles of quality infrastructure. It then examines the local economic impact of infrastructure, the role of local governments in infrastructure development and the benefits and challenges of their involvement. It then goes on to discuss different infrastructure financing options including funding from public and private sectors, as well as public-private partnerships, and concludes with a focus on fostering improved alignment between national development strategies and infrastructure planning.

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