Browse by: "2011"


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This publication provides information on value added taxes, taxes on goods and services and excise duty rates in OECD member countries. It provides information about indirect tax topics such as international aspects of VAT/GST developments in OECD member countries as well as in selected non-OECD economies.  It also describes a range of taxation provisions in OECD countries, such as the taxation of motor vehicles, tobacco and alcoholic beverages.

Les États-Unis sont l’un des plus importants producteurs de produits agricoles du monde. Ils disposent d’un très vaste marché intérieur et sont le premier exportateur mondial de produits agricoles. En effet, la part de la production qui est exportée est plus de deux fois plus élevée dans l’agriculture que dans n’importe quel autre secteur aux États-Unis et l’excédent commercial agricole est un important stimulant pour l’économie du pays. Par conséquent, les politiques agricoles américaines exercent une forte influence sur les marchés agricoles mondiaux.

Les États-Unis mettent en œuvre toute une série de politiques agricoles qui visent à atteindre des objectifs habituels, comme la stabilisation de la production et le soutien des revenus agricoles, aussi bien que d’autres dont l’importance s’est récemment accrue, consistant par exemple à assurer une alimentation suffisante, à garantir la sécurité des aliments, à promouvoir la protection de l’environnement et à favoriser le développement rural.

Cette étude analyse et évalue les politiques agricoles des États-Unis, et plus particulièrement la loi de 2008 sur l’alimentation, la conservation des ressources et l’énergie, en la replaçant dans le contexte de l’évolution de la politique agricole enregistrée aux États-Unis depuis 1985. Elle examine de près cinq lois agricoles : la loi sur la sécurité alimentaire de 1985 ; la loi sur l’alimentation, l’agriculture, la conservation des ressources et les échanges de 1990 ; la loi fédérale sur l’amélioration et la réforme de l’agriculture de 1996 ; la loi sur la sécurité agricole et l’investissement rural de 2002 ; et la loi sur l’alimentation, la conservation des ressources et l’énergie de 2008. Cette étude examine aussi plusieurs problèmes et défis qui se font jour auxquels devront répondre les politiques agricoles des Etats-Unis et propose des recommandations importantes à l’intention des pouvoirs publics.

  • 15 Mar 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 304

Eco-innovation is more important than ever on the public policy agenda. It is a major driver for green growth and contributes to the environmental performance and economic development of OECD and developing countries alike.

This report takes a pragmatic approach to policies that support the development and diffusion of eco-innovation. Building on the OECD Innovation Strategy, it argues that eco-innovation is not merely about technological developments: non-technical innovations matter as well. It acknowledges that policies do not operate in a vacuum and that they must take account of the contexts that influence the development and diffusion of eco-innovation, such as market structures. It explores links between eco-innovation policies and related fields such as industry, competition, and international cooperation.

This work builds on an OECD inventory of eco-innovation policies in OECD countries and in China. It also draws on studies of select environment-friendly innovations, highlighting different patterns of development across countries. It also incorporates extensive international consultation on the topics of eco-innovation and green growth.

The results from this publication will contribute to the Green Growth Strategy being developed by the OECD as a practical policy package for governments to harness the potential of greener growth.

For more information on OECD work on eco-innovation, visit: www.oecd.org/greengrowth

  • 15 Mar 2011
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 144
The International Energy Agency's 2011 comprehensive review of Norways energy policies and programmes. The review finds that Norway has a unique twin role as a major oil and gas producer and a strong global advocate of climate change mitigation. As the third-largest exporter of energy in the world, it contributes to global energy security by providing reliable supplies to consuming countries. At the same time, the Norwegians highly value environmental sustainability and the country is taking climate policy very seriously. Norway also manages its petroleum resources and revenue in a commendable way, setting a model for other countries. The challenge now for the government is to stimulate further increases in natural gas and petroleum production from safe and environmentally sustainable operations.  

Norway’s large potential for hydropower generation is an asset, as European electricity markets are integrating and variable renewable energy generation is set to increase. More cross-border interconnections are needed to realise the full potential of hydropower for balancing variations in demand and supply in the regional market. Increased interconnections would also improve electricity security in Norway in times of low hydropower availability. Gas-fired power plants should also be considered for use for the same purpose. 

In order to meet its ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Norway needs to step up efforts at home. Although the dominance of low-carbon electricity in the energy mix limits the scope for domestic measures, large potential for emission reductions remains in oil and gas production, manufacturing and transport. However, measures to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy should be carefully designed, because they often focus on electricity and would thus not reduce emissions. Recent large increases in spending on energy RD&D and ongoing efforts to develop carbon capture and storage are very welcome.

  • 15 Mar 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 260

Selon l'édition 2010 de l'examen périodique de l’OCDE consacré à l’économie de la Chine, le pays a continué de connaître une croissance spectaculaire au cours des dernières années relevant ainsi considérablement le niveau de vie. Le ralentissement lié à la crise financière et économique mondiale a été jugulé par une relance monétaire et budgétaire, ce qui a donné un coup de pousse à la demande intérieure. L’étude inclut des chapitres sur les récents accomplissements et perspectives économiques, la politique monétaire, les réformes financières, la réglementation des marchés des produits et la concurrence, les inégalités, le marché du travail, la sécurité des personnes âgées et le système de santé.

Les Principes de l’OCDE pour renforcer l’intégrité dans les marchés publics constituent un instrument novateur qui favorise la bonne gouvernance à toutes les étapes de la passation des marchés publics, depuis l’évaluation des besoins jusqu’à la gestion des marchés. S’inspirant de bonnes pratiques reconnues dans les pays membres et non membres de l’OCDE, ils représentent un réel progrès. Ils fournissent des orientations sur la mise en œuvre des instruments juridiques internationaux élaborés dans le cadre de l’OCDE, ainsi que par d’autres organisations comme les Nations Unies, l’Organisation mondiale du commerce et l’Union européenne.

Outre les Principes, cette publication très complète inclut une Liste de vérification pour la mise en œuvre du cadre à toutes les étapes du cycle de passation des marchés publics. Par ailleurs, elle établit une cartographie détaillée des risques afin d’aider les auditeurs à prévenir et à détecter la fraude et la corruption. Enfin, elle comprend une étude de cas utile sur le Maroc, qui a fait l’objet d’une application pilote des Principes.

 « La Liste de vérification aidera les États et les autorités publiques à élaborer des systèmes de passation de marchés plus transparents et plus efficients »

-Nicolas Raigorodsky, Sous-secrétaire chargé des stratégies de transparence, Bureau de lutte contre la corruption, Argentine

 « Dans le domaine de la gouvernance publique, la passation des marchés publics est une des questions les plus importantes. C’est en s’attaquant aux pots de vin et à la corruption qu’on pourra promouvoir l’intégrité. »

 -Comité consultatif économique et industriel auprès de l'OCDE

 « Il faut saluer l’orientation générale et le contenu de ce document. Ils s’inspirent très étroitement de la Convention des Nations Unies contre la corruption et de la Loi type de la Commission des Nations Unies pour le droit commercial international »

 -Stuart Gilman, Chef du Programme mondial de lutte contre la corruption et du Groupe de lutte contre la corruption, Office des Nations Unies contre la drogue et le crime

  • 10 Mar 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 88

In 2003, the Asian Roundtable on Corporate Governance produced recommendations to improve corporate governance in Asia, based on the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. This report summarises the results of a stocktaking exercise to determine progress made to date and the challenges remaining in the implementation of these recommendations. Included in this book are valuable insights into corporate governance rules and practices of listed companies in Asia, notably: shareholder rights, the protection of non-controlling owners, transparency and disclosure, as well as the role of company boards.

L’Inde a réalisé des avancées considérables sur la voie de l’instauration d’un environnement propice à l’investissement. De ce fait, le pays a vu sa croissance accélérer et les flux d’investissement direct étranger entrants progresser de façon impressionnante. Toutefois, l’investissement n’est pas encore à la hauteur des besoins du pays, en particulier dans le domaine des infrastructures. Il est nécessaire d’intensifier les efforts déjà déployés pour renforcer et libéraliser le cadre réglementaire de l’investissement et d’accélérer l’application de la législation relativement avancée de l’Inde en matière économique à l’échelon national ainsi que dans les États et les territoires de l’Union.

L’Examen des politiques de l’investissement de l’Inde réalisé par l’OCDE décrit les progrès accomplis par l’Inde en termes d’instauration d’un cadre d’action destiné à promouvoir l’investissement et à le mobiliser au service du développement, en particulier depuis l’accélération des réformes qui s’est amorcée à partir de 1991. Il porte principalement sur les politiques conduites dans les domaines de l’investissement, des échanges commerciaux, de la concurrence et dans d’autres domaines de l’environnement des affaires. Enfin, il décrit certaines des difficultés auxquelles se heurte la mise en œuvre, au niveau des États indiens fédérés, de réformes adoptées à l’échelon fédéral.   
  • 08 Mar 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 88
The Review of Corporate Governance in Israel was prepared as part of the process of Israel’s accession to OECD Membership. The report describes the corporate governance setting including the structure and ownership concentration of listed companies and the structure and operation of the state-owned sector. The Review then examines the legal and regulatory framework and company practices to assess the degree to which the recommendations of the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance and the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises have been implemented.
  • 07 Mar 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 108

Public administration has entered a new age. In the 1980s, “less” government was the prevailing idea; in the 1990s and early 21st century, “New Public Management” was the dominant theme. Today, public administration is moving in new directions. Reforms are focusing on the quality of services for citizens and businesses and on the efficiency of administration (the “back office” of government). The OECD is studying these new trends in a multi-annual, cross-country project called “Value for Money in Government”.

This publication focuses on the Netherlands and provides an overview of previous Dutch reforms and recommendations for further reforms in view of the need to get better value for money from government.

  • 07 Mar 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 192

Developing growth strategies that promote greener lifestyles requires a good understanding of what factors affect people’s behaviour towards the environment. Recent OECD work based on periodic surveys of more than 10 000 households across a number of countries and areas represents a breakthrough by providing a common framework to collect unique empirical evidence for better policy design.

This publication presents responses from the most recent round of the OECD survey implemented in 2011 in 5 areas (energy, food, transport, waste and water) and 11 countries: Australia, Canada, Chile, France, Israel, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

Analysis comparing the data across countries, policy conditions and households’ characteristics reveals which measures most effectively change behaviour. Each round of the survey also allows to track changes over time and to explore new emerging issues.  

The new survey confirms the importance of providing the right economic incentives for influencing our decisions. The findings indicate that “soft” measures such as labelling and public information campaigns also have a significant complementary role to play. Spurring desirable behaviour change requires a mix of these instruments. 

This book is a milestone for all those interested by the challenging question of ways to promote greener behaviour, from policy makers to individual citizens.  


Many countries around the world have introduced systems of asset declarations for public officials in order to prevent corruption. These systems vary greatly from country to country. The impact of such systems on the actual level of corruption is not well known.

This study provides a systematic analysis of the existing practice in the area of asset declarations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and in some OECD member states in Western Europe and North America. It examines the key elements of asset declaration systems, such as policy objectives, legal frameworks and the institutional arrangements; the categories of public officials who are required to submit declarations, and types of required information; procedures for verifying declared information, sanctions for violations, and public disclosure. The study also discusses the cost-effectiveness and overall usefulness of declaration systems. It includes four case studies covering Lithuania, Romania, Spain and Ukraine, and many additional country examples and references.

The study presents policy recommendations on the key elements of asset declaration systems. These recommendations will be useful for national governments and international organisations engaged in development, reform and assessment of asset declarations systems on a country level.

  • 04 Mar 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 316

The National Accounts of OECD Countries, Financial Accounts includes financial transactions (both net acquisition of financial assets and net incurrence of liabilities), by institutional sector (non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households and non-profit institutions serving households, total economy and rest of the world) and by financial operation.


Le Comptes nationaux des pays de l'OCDE, Comptes financiers inclut les transactions financières (à la fois acquisition nette d'actifs financiers et accroissement net des passifs), par secteur institutionnel (sociétés non financières, sociétés financières, administrations publiques, ménages et institutions sans but lucratif au service des ménages, économie totale et reste du monde) et par opération financière.

  • 03 Mar 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 232

L’état de santé de la population des pays de l’OCDE n’a cessé de s’améliorer comme l’indiquent l’allongement de l’espérance de vie et la hausse des taux de survie pour certaines maladies comme le cancer. Néanmoins, les dépenses de santé s’élèvent à présent à plus de 9 % du PIB en moyenne dans l’OCDE. Dès lors, améliorer l’efficacité-coût dans le secteur de la santé est un objectif important pour tous les pays de l’OCDE. 

Ce livre offre une vision approfondie des systèmes de santé dans les pays de l’OCDE. Quel est l’état de santé de la population ? Comment évaluer la contribution des dépenses de santé ? Comment mesurer l’efficacité des systèmes de santé ? Comment les politiques et institutions de la santé affectent-elles la performance des dépenses de santé ? Ce livre offre des réponses à ces questions. Les chapitres décrivent : l’évolution récente des résultats et des dépenses ; les approches pour mesurer l’efficacité ; les nouveaux indicateurs de politiques et institutions de la santé ; les caractéristiques et performances des systèmes de santé.

Korean, English
  • 02 Mar 2011
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 192
The International Energy Agency's comprehensive 2011 review Poland's energy policies and programmes.  The review finds that Poland has made commendable efforts to develop a solid energy policy framework over the last years. As energy security is a high policy priority, the country is enhancing gas supply security by building an LNG terminal, expanding underground storage capacity and increasing domestic gas production. Polish plans for developing electricity and gas cross-border links will also contribute to regional security of supply. In addition, the government has announced an ambitious nuclear programme by 2030, envisaging the first unit to enter operation by 2022. Other achievements include energy intensity improvements, an increased share of renewables and a stronger focus on energy research and development (R&D).

Despite these positive developments, there is room for improving Poland�fs energy strategy. First, a more integrated energy and climate policy is needed to put Poland firmly on a low-carbon path while enhancing energy security. Second, energy policy could put more emphasis on promoting competition to make the energy markets more efficient. Decarbonising Poland�fs power sector will be a particularly significant challenge requiring huge investments. Coal accounts for 55% of Polish primary energy supply and 92% of electricity generation, raising significant climate change and environmental challenges. To this end, Poland�fs efforts to improve energy efficiency and to diversify the country�fs energy mix are praiseworthy and should be pursued. The government�fs attention to R&D on clean coal technologies, including carbon capture and storage (CCS) is also encouraging. The government could put more focus on the positive role that gas can play in decarbonising the electricity mix, especially if Poland�fs potential resources of unconventional gas are confirmed. To tap these resources, it will be vital to put the necessary legal and regulatory framework in place.

This in-depth review analyses the energy challenges facing Poland and provides sectoral critiques and recommendations for further policy improvements. It is intended to help guide the country towards a more secure and sustainable energy future.

  • 28 Feb 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 524

Criminalisation is a key component of all international anti-corruption instruments. For example, the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions (Anti-Bribery Convention) and the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) both require States Parties to enact specific criminal offences on bribery. The Asian Development Bank (ADB)/Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Anti-Corruption Initiative's Action Plan commits countries to ensure ‘the existence of legislation with dissuasive sanctions which effectively and actively combat the offence of bribery of public officials’.

However, criminalisation can be a challenging task, as experienced by many countries Party to the Anti-Bribery Convention. This report reviews the criminalisation of bribery offences in Asian countries under the UNCAC. Drawing on the experience of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention's monitoring mechanism, the review focuses on each member's implementation of UNCAC Articles 15, 16 and 26 (domestic and foreign bribery by natural and legal persons). The review also identifies trends and challenges across the Asia-Pacific region.

Learning for Jobs is an OECD study of vocational education and training (VET) designed to help countries make their VET systems more responsive to labour market needs.

In Texas, secondary level career and technical education (CTE) is provided within a comprehensive high school framework. Texas has encouraged a wide variety of innovative learning initiatives, established good articulation between high school CTE and postsecondary programs and benefits from a strong network of community colleges and universities. At the same time the state faces some challenges in ensuring minimum quality standards in CTE, in providing sufficient good quality career advice, and providing an adequate range of workplace learning opportunities.

The OECD review assesses the main challenges faced by the CTE system and presents an interconnected package of policy recommendations. For each recommendation, the report describes the challenge, the recommendation itself, supporting arguments, and issues of implementation.

  • 25 Feb 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 71
This Review of Corporate Governance in Slovenia describes the corporate governance setting including the structure and ownership concentration of listed companies and the structure and operation of the state-owned sector. The Review then examines the legal and regulatory framework and company practices to assess the degree to which the recommendations of the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance and the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises have been implemented.
  • 23 Feb 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 172

Études économiques de l'OCDE : Corée 2010 comprend des chapitres consacrés aux thèmes suivants : la reprise économique, les perspectives à court terme, les politiques macro-économiques, les systèmes financier et de santé et la stratégie de la Corée pour une croissance verte.

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