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Performance of fiscal policy, while good in international comparison, is not sufficient to prepare for future ageing-related spending increases. Subject to macroeconomic developments, the pace of consolidation could be more ambitious than currently planned, with a view to reducing the debt burden below 60% of GDP by 2020. Austrian fiscal policies have tended to be pro-cyclical in upturns, mainly because spending was not adequately kept in check. Stronger fiscal rules and a reform of inter-governmental fiscal relations could help contain expenditure dynamics. Efficiency-raising reforms in key spending areas such as pensions and other social expenditures, health, and education are also highly needed to reduce spending and ensure the provision of high-quality public services at lower cost. In this regard, Austria should make full use of the performance budgeting framework it plans to introduce from 2013. Higher potential growth could also take off some of the pressure on public finances. There remains significant room to rebalance the tax structure towards less distortive sources of revenue, thus supporting employment and growth.

Austria’s transition to a digital economy and society is slower than in other high-income small open European economies. The rate and pace of utilisation of eight main ICT applications shows that Austrian firms follow peer country counterparts with a gap, which has widened in most areas in recent years. Two dynamics drive digital transitions and Austria has room for progress in both of them. First, the potential for digitalisation in all firms, and especially in the smaller ones (where gaps are largest) should be freed-up by upgrading the full range of ICT-generic, ICT-specific and ICT-complementary skills. Second, Austria needs to make its business environment more conducive to firm entry and exit. The rate of entry of new firms and their growth are crucial for the diffusion of new business models and ICT innovations but fall behind peer countries. The adoption of ICT innovations by households also follows a staggered path: young and highly educated Austrians adopt ICT applications in similar ways to their counterparts in peer countries, while middle and older age cohorts display noticeable gaps. This calls for policies to help lagging groups become more acquainted with innovations. A whole-of-government approach, including large-scale utilisation of e-government applications in enterprises and households, should help to embrace change and facilitate the flourishing of innovative businesses, work practices and lifestyles throughout Austria.
This Working Paper relates to the 2017 OECD Economic Survey of Austria (www.oecd.org/eco/surveys/economic-survey-austria.htm)

Many cars sold today are already capable of some level of automated operation, and prototype cars capable of driving autonomously have been - and continue to be - tested on public roads in Europe, Japan and the United States. These technologies have arrived rapidly on the market and their future deployment is expected to accelerate. Autonomous driving promises many benefits: improved safety, reduced congestion and lower stress for car occupants, among others. Authorities will have to adapt existing rules and create new ones in order to ensure the full compatibility of these vehicles with the public’s expectations regarding safety, legal responsibility and privacy. This report explores the strategic issues that will have to be considered by authorities as more fully automated and ultimately autonomous vehicles arrive on our streets and roads.

It is often claimed that tax and welfare reforms that aim at enhancing efficiency may come at the cost of cyclical stabilisation. Reducing the generosity of welfare systems and lowering taxes may boost efficiency and output, and improve market adjustment to shocks. But, by reducing the size of automatic stabilisers, it may also imply less cyclical smoothing. This would be unwelcome in EMU given the loss of national monetary autonomy and the well-known pitfalls of active fiscal management. This paper argues that the alleged trade-off between efficiency/flexibility and stabilisation may not exist. We show that, if the initial level of the tax burden is high, reducing it may lead to higher output stabilisation in the event of a supply shock and higher inflation stabilisation in the event of a demand shock. The threshold level of taxation depends on the preferences of the central bank over inflation and output. Econometric and numerical simulations show that European countries — ...

Building on the automatic fiscal stabilisers literature, this paper assesses how automatic stabilisers have evolved over the past two decades by analysing changes in the personal income tax and social benefit systems. In three-quarters of the 35 OECD countries analysed, indicators of the strength of automatic stabilisers (aggregate elasticities of household income after tax with respect to the cycle and aggregate net replacement rates) changed little or moderately over the past two decades, suggesting broadly stable automatic stabilisers of household disposable income. The paper discusses pros and cons of several policy options to strengthen automatic stabilisers in the current environment. The effectiveness and possible side effects, particularly related to disincentives to work, vary across policy options. Consequently, policy reform proposals should be carefully assessed in a country-specific context and take into account other important policy objectives of tax and benefit systems.

Routine-biased technological change has emerged as a leading explanation for the differential wage growth of routine occupations, such as manufacturers or office clerks, relative to less routine occupations. Less clear, however, is how the effects of technological advancement on occupational wage trends vary across political-institutional context. This paper investigates the extent to which collective bargaining agreements and union coverage shape the relative wage growth of automatable occupations. Using data from the Luxembourg Income Study and the United States Current Population Survey, I measure the ‘routine task intensity’ of occupations across 15 OECD Member States and the 50 United States from the 1980s onward. Findings suggest that bargaining coverage is more consequential for the wage growth of high routine occupations relative to less routine occupations, and that high routine occupations lose coverage at a faster rate when bargaining coverage at the national level declines. As a result, declines in bargaining coverage within a country are associated with declining relative wage growth for automatable occupations. Estimates suggest that had union coverage in the United States not declined from 1984 levels, the earnings of high routine occupations might have grown at the same rate as low pay occupations between 1984 and 2015, rather than experiencing a relative wage decline. However, the findings also suggest that gains in the relative wage growth may increasingly come at the cost of reduced employment shares of automatable occupations.

This paper reiterates the basic principles and rationale for valuing travel time savings. It explains the type of impacts that the valuation of travel time savings intends to capture and discusses whether and how those fundamental principles continue to hold with automation and increased possibility of productive time use while travelling. The paper also discusses implications for traffic management and urban form that follow from increased in-vehicle productivity.

The possible consequences of the advent of fully automated vehicles (AVs) for personal transport are assessed. A shared-user model is considered preferable to an owner-user model; public-sector intervention is considered necessary to secure the successful integration of AVs with mass transit. Interurban expressways are found to offer a better opportunity than urban roads of capturing the vehicles' potential traffic and safety benefits. AVs' performance in a mixed-fleet scenario is highly dependent on segregation from other road users, but segregation poses significant challenges.

The governance of a range of themes (such as demand management and security) is considered. In each case, challenges to achieving a socially desirable outcome are identified. Both laissez-faire and more interventionist styles of governance with respect to AVs present problems but laissez faire may carry greater risk. Decisions on governance should be based on meaningful dialogue with those who stand to be affected.

This study focuses on the risk of automation and its interaction with training and the use of skills at work. Building on the expert assessment carried out by Carl Frey and Michael Osborne in 2013, the paper estimates the risk of automation for individual jobs based on the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC). The analysis improves on other international estimates of the individual risk of automation by using a more disaggregated occupational classification and identifying the same automation bottlenecks emerging from the experts’ discussion. Hence, it more closely aligns to the initial assessment of the potential automation deriving from the development of Machine Learning. Furthermore, this study investigates the same methodology using national data from Germany and United Kingdom, providing insights into the robustness of the results.

The risk of automation is estimated for the 32 OECD countries that have participated in the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) so far. Beyond the share of jobs likely to be significantly disrupted by automation of production and services, the accent is put on characteristics of these jobs and the characteristics of the workers who hold them. The risk is also assessed against the use of ICT at work and the role of training in helping workers transit to new career opportunities.

As far as we know, there is no study that identifies databases relating to the destination of doctorate recipients, including at international level. Young scientists unquestionably play an important role in research and innovation. Consequently, it is necessary to develop statistical sources to find out about the destinations of doctorate recipents. Such information is extremely valuable to the authorities for framing research and innovation policies.

This study has two objectives: first, to review existing statistical sources in the OECD countries, and to discuss their comparability. All told, 21 countries replied to the questionnaire on the existence of such databases, representing 25 data sources available for analysis. The analysis focused on the main aspects of the labour market for young researchers: the existence of queues for academic posts with, correlatively, post-doctoral training, relations between public research systems and industrial ...


Over the past 15 years, tax reforms have profoundly changed the shape of OECD tax systems and rekindled interest in measuring effective tax burdens. Indeed, in order to understand past reforms or to evaluate the tax policies of particular countries, it is necessary to go beyond statutory rates since these sometimes bear little relation to rates actually paid. This paper updates and extends the Mendoza et al. estimates of average effective tax rates (AETRs) and presents new estimates based on modifications to the methodology to make some of the underlying assumptions more realistic. In particular, the assumption that all income from self-employment is capital income is dropped in favour of assuming that the self-employed earn both labour and capital income. This change raises estimates of the AETR on capital and reduces the estimated AETR on labour but does not alter the trends observed in the updated Mendoza et al. estimates. Both sets of estimates show that, on average, the ...

The statutory progressivity of the income taxes paid by wage earners, net of the standard cash benefits they receive, depend on the design and interaction of personal income taxes, social security contributions (SSCs) and cash benefits. In order to capture their combined impact, this paper presents statutory tax progressivity indicators for the 34 OECD member countries on the basis of average effective income tax rates and tax wedges which are calculated using the OECD’s Taxing Wages framework. The analysis shows a decreasing pattern of tax progressivity across income levels. In some countries, the tax system becomes regressive when the SSC ceiling has been reached. Also, child benefits increase progressivity (especially at low income levels) and their effect is larger than the flattening impact of SSCs, except at top income levels. Reductions in SSCs targeted at low-incomes and dependant spouse allowances increase progressivity in some OECD countries. Income-splitting systems typically have the opposite effect.
  1. Macro-based effective tax rate (ETR) measures do not provide information on the level or distribution of marginal effective tax rates thought to influence household behaviour. They also do not capture differences in average ETRs facing different population sub-groups. I use EUROMOD, an EUwide tax-benefit model, to derive distributions of average and marginal ETR measures for fourteen countries. Results for each country show how many and which types of individuals face different ETR levels. I consider effective tax burdens on labour income as well as the marginal tax rates faced by working men and women. Results are broken down to isolate the influence of income taxes, social contributions and various types of social benefits ...
In this paper we develop a simple analytical framework to analyze “good” and “bad equilibria” in public-debt and growth dynamics. The “bad equilibrium” is characterised by the simultaneous occurrence, and adverse feedbacks between, high and growing fiscal deficits and debt, high risk premia on sovereign debt, slumping economic activity and plummeting confidence, whereas a “good equilibrium” is characterized by stable growth and debt and low risk premia. We use this framework to identify – both theoretically and empirically – the good and bad equilibrium levels of debt and policies that can help a country caught in a bad equilibrium to recover. The analysis shows that despite some output loss in the short run fiscal consolidation can help countries escape from the bad equilibrium trap. More broadly, we find that a combination of financial backstops, structural reform and fiscal consolidation is most effective in helping countries getting onto a sustainable path.

In this article we develop a simple and stylised analytical framework, which is both tractable and feasible to estimate, capturing several key dimensions of the sovereign debt crisis in Europe. We use it to examine if and how a combination of fiscal consolidation, structural reform and financial backstops can help countries, notably the southern euro-area countries, to escape from the debt trap. Our analysis confirms that the loss of fiscal policy space in countries trapped in bad dynamics inevitably requires that fiscal action be directed towards consolidation despite some output loss in the short run. In particular, reducing debt levels breeds stronger growth and results in lower sovereign risk premia. We identify also a very important role for structural reform to help countries escape from bad dynamics. Last but not least, we find that financial backstops are helpful, but only to “buy time”. This additional time must be used productively, for fiscal consolidation and structural reforms to bear fruit as well as to make progress with institutional reforms of the European monetary union.

This paper develops a differential game of tax avoidance by modelling the interactions between a taxpayer and the tax authority. This framework is particularly useful for explicitly modelling situations of conflict. The solution to the game is a non-co-operative Nash that depends on the resources that need to be used by the tax authority to enforce legislation and the cost to be borne by the taxpayer in tax compliance, provided that the curvature of the utility functions is bounded. Empirical evidence is provided for the value added tax (VAT) using a cross-section of OECD and non-OECD countries. OECD indicators of tax administration efficiency are included in the regressions. The empirical findings show that VAT efficiency, defined as the ratio of collections as a share of consumption to the statutory rate, rises the lower the VAT rate, the lower the share of administrative costs in tax revenue (proxying for the efficiency of tax administration), the more pro-competition the regulatory framework in product markets (measuring non-tax incentives for non-compliance) and the better the country’s governance indicators (regulatory quality, rule of law and government effectiveness). This paper is forthcoming in the Public Finance Review.

La IA y las tecnologías emergentes ofrecen enormes oportunidades para el bienestar, la productividad y el crecimiento, además de para resolver apremiantes desafíos sociales. Sin embargo, también suponen riesgos para los derechos humanos, la equidad y la agencia humana, entre otros. Muchos países reconocen la necesidad de desarrollar políticas orientadas al futuro y adaptar los marcos de gobernanza de modo que sea posible seguir el ritmo de estos avances y aprovechar las ventajas tecnológicas al tiempo que se mitigan los riesgos. Este documento se basa en el amplio trabajo de la OCDE en materia de IA, gobernanza de datos y conectividad orientado a apoyar a los responsables de la formulación de políticas en este proceso. En él se destaca la importancia de cooperar a nivel internacional para garantizar que las tecnologías emergentes sean fiables, y se insta a establecer una visión compartida de la IA y las tecnologías emergentes, llevar a cabo una puesta en común de las buenas prácticas y crear una base empírica sobre la que fundamentar el diseño, la implementación y la evaluación de las políticas públicas.

French, English

Los gobiernos en toda la OCDE están invirtiendo recursos importantes para hacer frente a los efectos inmediatos y a largo plazo de la pandemia de COVID-19. Dado que la crisis ha afectado de forma diferente a distintos grupos de edad, y muchos sentirán sus repercusiones durante las siguientes décadas, resulta crucial el adoptar un enfoque integral de gobernanza pública para dar respuesta y conducir los esfuerzos de recuperación de la COVID-19. Este informe presenta las perspectivas de una muestra no representativa de 151 organizaciones juveniles de 72 países, de las cuales 100 están situadas en 36 países de la OCDE, sobre cómo los jóvenes han vivido la crisis y las acciones gubernamentales relacionadas. El informe se complementa con un análisis de las medidas adoptadas por 34 países miembros de la OCDE y proporciona recomendaciones de cómo lograr una recuperación justa, inclusiva y resiliente para los jóvenes a través de diversos enfoques gubernamentales.

English, Japanese

La recuperación tras la pandemia de COVID-19 provocará probablemente la reubicación de empleos entre sectores y ocupaciones y, con esto, la necesidad de proveer de asesoría y orientación profesional a los adultos en necesidad de mejorar o cambiar sus habilidades. La crisis también ha causado un cambio repentino en la manera de proporcionar orientación profesional, migrando de presencial a distancia. Este informe de política describe el impacto de la pandemia sobre la demanda y la prestación de orientación profesional; documenta los esfuerzos de los países para continuar proporcionando servicios de orientación profesional durante los confinamientos; y explora la futura necesidad de aumentar el alcance de la orientación profesional. Dada la importancia de la orientación profesional para mantener relevantes las habilidades de los trabajadores y mejorar la pertinencia entre la demanda y la oferta de habilidades, este informe también ofrece guía en políticas para mejorar su alcance, uso y calidad.


La crisis de COVID-19 ha intensificado los factores de riesgo generalmente asociados con una salud mental deficiente –inseguridad financiera, desempleo, miedo– mientras que los factores protectores –conexión social, compromiso laboral y educativo, acceso al ejercicio físico, una rutina diaria, acceso a los servicios de salud– se desplomaron dramáticamente. Esto ha conducido hacía el deterioro significativo y sin precedentes de la salud mental de la población. En todos los países, la salud mental de las personas desempleadas y de aquellos que experimentaban inseguridad financiera era más desfavorable que la de la población en general, una tendencia que precede a la pandemia, pero que parece haberse acelerado en algunos casos. Los países de la OCDE han respondido con esfuerzos decisivos para aumentar los servicios de salud mental, y poner en práctica medidas para proteger los empleos e ingresos y, por consiguiente, reducir la angustia mental para algunos. Sin embargo, la escala de angustia mental, desde el inicio de la pandemia, requiere de un apoyo integrado a la salud mental de toda la sociedad para evitar cicatrices permanentes.

French, English
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