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Year Index

  • 23 Oct 1998
  • European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • Pages: 168

This report on the current state of combined transport in Europe begins with an overview of combined transport in 30 European countries of the ECMT. It deals with both Central and Eastern European Countries that have recently become Members and the long-standing Member countries for which the most recent developments have been highlighted through the updating of a 1992 study on the improvements of main international piggyback links.

The scope of the study, beyond road and rail, has been extended to include inland waterways and short-sea shipping, thus permitting a better evaluation of the current weaknesses of the sector and the possible improvements.

On the basis of this report, the Council of Ministers of the ECMT has adopted a series of recommendations directed at all parties concerned in the public and private sectors, at both national and international level, regarding certain elements which are needed to achieve a significant improvement in combined transport and to ensure the sustainable development of the latter. These recommendations are also included in this publication.

  • 09 Oct 1998
  • European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • Pages: 148

Europe's railways are going through a period of radical restructuring in the drive to improve their efficiency and competitiveness. The emphasis is on fostering commercial freedom through a clearer separation of the roles of the State and of rail enterprises and through a progressive opening of access to rail infrastructure. This report examines reforms in over 30 countries from the Atlantic to the Urals, characterizing restructuring in terms of management independence, separation of infrastructure from operations and rights of access to rail infrastructure.

  • 07 Oct 1998
  • OECD
  • Pages: 147

Given the current trends and developments across OECD Member countries, a new and dynamic vision for tertiary education is called for. Higher levels of participation at the tertiary level, driven strongly by demands reflecting the diverse interests of students, employers and society at large, have created challenges which must be met. How should tertiary education better respond to the interests and choices of clients, students foremost among them? What should be done to adapt teaching methods or restructure the curricula? How should the needs of those not currently served in the first years of tertiary education be addressed? How should governments interact with large, diverse tertiary education systems, comprised of varied and increasingly autonomous providers? This volume also examines how best to mobilize the energies and expertise of staffs and institutions as well as partners, and how to secure adequate resources and improve efficiency in the face of greater competition for public funds.

The findings, analyses and conclusions presented in this publication will serve as a basis for debate, reflection and exchange as all parties seek to strengthen and extend the contributions of tertiary education to economic and social well-being for all.

  • 30 Sept 1998
  • OECD
  • Pages: 120

OECD's 1998 review of Italy's education system.  It finds that a major reform of the entire Italian education and training system is in progress, aiming at the improvement and integration of learning in schools, universities and regional training institutions in order to respond to changing social and economic demands for knowledge, skills and qualifications. Fundamental changes will include the decentralisation of administrative responsibilities and increased school autonomy, enabling the grassroot actors in education and training to respond more flexibly to the diversity of individual, local and enterprise needs and to utilise more effectively available funds and technologies. Central elements in the reform will also provide evaluation and increased accountability across the system.

The OECD examiners support these objectives and suggest a number of strategies to strengthen the implementation of the reform goals. They underline the need for broad societal agreement on these goals and the mobilisation of all the parties involved in order to achieve the wide-ranging changes which are envisaged.


As border barriers to international trade and investment continue to be reduced thanks to liberalisation efforts, "behind-the-border" barriers -- which are typically regulations aiming at achieving domestic objectives such as health, safety, environmental or consumer protection -- are increasingly recognised as impeding trade and competition. The OECD project on regulatory reform has undertaken to tackle these new trade problems. This Workshop is aimed at expanding the horizon to dynamic economies outside the OECD area, particularly those in Asia and Latin America. What are the regulatory reform challenges for those economies, and how can they remain competitive in a global economy? How effectively can international mechanisms help them? The discussion revealed that regulatory reform has undoubtedly become a truly "global issue". This proceedings volume examines the role regulatory failures played in Asia's economic crisis, looks at regional trade groupings such as Mercosur and sheds light on the current international debate on food regulation as well as on the latest developments concerning the Information Technology Agreeement (ITA).

  • 17 Jul 1998
  • OECD
  • Pages: 133

This annual publication reflects recent efforts made by the OECD to improve the quality and availability of industrial R&D expenditure and researchers, scientists and engineers data. The publication presents estimated R&D expenditure data covering a period of 23 years for 15 OECD countries, as well as a zone total for the European Union. It then presents estimated R&D researchers, scientists and engineers data covering a period of 22 years for seven OECD countries. The greater international comparability of this data makes it invaluable for economic research and analysis.

  • 19 May 1998
  • OECD
  • Pages: 202

In the last 40 years, educational provision in Korea has grown at a rate unprecedented among OECD countries. Modern systems of education and training have been created, and rates of expansion have kept pace with demand for elementary, secondary, university and other forms of tertiary education. Despite these impressive gains, the Korean education system needs improvements to respond positively and creatively to the challenges of globalisation, the electronic revolution and the advent of society based on knowledge and information.

This review covers the entire education and training system, including vocational and tertiary education. It assesses the main directions of the reform proposals put forward by the Presidential Commission on Educational Reform in May 1995. It makes recommendations for improvements in such key areas as: access to education and training opportunities within the context of lifelong learning; quality of learning to foster creativity at all levels; improving the inner dynamics of the education and training system to provide a reformed, decentralised system; and the knowledge and information base for the effective performance of the education and training system.


Education is a powerful force in building the new Russia: it can help its citizens meet the challenges of the new, emerging democratic society; develop in its labour force the talents, skills and dispositions required in the new economic and social setting; and harmonise national aims with regional concerns. The challenge to the education system in the Russian Federation is especially great because so many other social and economic systems are undergoing transition and reform simultaneously. Against the present context of fluid and uncertain conditions and significant financial constraint, school policies need to promote and support the adaptation and restructuring of curricula while reinforcing evident strengths in current provision and fostering the development of new, effective partnerships at national, regional and local levels.

This report describes the most recent trends in schooling and education policy in the Russian Federation, and analyses the education reform initiatives under way. While supporting the overall policy trends now under way, its recommendations draw attention to particular problems and share new perspectives as well as identify ways to consolidate the ongoing reforms. Recommendations are offered for education goals, access and opportunity for all; curriculum and assessment; teachers and teacher education; reforming vocational and technical education within a changing economy; and management, finance and the role of government.


This annual publication describes major developments affecting the commercial fisheries of OECD countries, including government policy and action, and developments in production, processing, marketing and international trade.

1995 OECD landings surpassed slightly the 28 million tons landed in 1994. However, as in the previous year, many fishing communities experienced serious financial difficulties resulting from lower prices. Trade in fish and fish products changed only slightly. This reflects a strong attachment by consumers to healthy products coupled with lower prices on the main species. Aquaculture production continued to fare well. It is expected that, as this sector continues to develop to its full potential, it will increasingly be relied upon as a stable source of seafood.

  • 12 Dec 1997
  • OECD
  • Pages: 193

Human resources, training, qualifications and skills play an essential part in the development of regional economies. The notion of "learning" regions which has now become self-evident has yet to be translated into practice: but under which conditions and what are the priorities? This publication gives a comprehensive picture of current practices and future issues. Regional policies are increasingly focusing on human resources and their orientation towards market demand and improvement of partnerships. The great diversity of regional approaches to human resource development in industrialised countries shows that an efficient regional governance, coupled with concern for equity, can reinforce and consolidate national policies. This volume casts a new light on these issues, providing a useful source of information and inspiration for regional actors and their national partners.

  • 12 Dec 1997
  • OECD
  • Pages: 126

Mexico is a multi-faceted country. Given the geographical and ethnic diversity of Mexico's regions, as well as their particular cultural and historical traditions, each of the regions making up the Federation calls for a specific development policy. At the same time, economic, political and social equilibria are going to be affected by the trend towards a greater decentralisation of political structures. Mexico is faced with two major challenges. How can consistency of government action be maintained in conjunction with a firm resolve to decentralise? How is it possible to reconcile regional and national development while striving to achieve the country's integration within the world economy? This study, which includes many tables, maps and figures as background material, makes it possible to define these challenges more clearly and therefore to clarify regional policy options for the coming decade.

  • 01 Dec 1997
  • OECD
  • Pages: 280

This is the first report to look across the OECD membership at how regulatory impact analysis is actually designed and carried out. Concrete "best practices" are identified in areas such as improving the capacity of government to produce high-quality analysis, applying analytical methods including benefit-cost analysis, collecting data, and consulting with the public to ensure that estimates are realistic.


This document provides detailed practical guidance to OECD Member countries on the structure, mechanisms and procedures they should adopt when establishing national Good Laboratory Practice compliance monitoring programmes so that these programmes may be internationally acceptable.


This document provides guidance for the conduct of laboratory inspections and study audit under the Principles of Good Laboratory Practice.

  • 15 Sept 1994
  • OECD
  • Pages: 238

This report examines the impact of policy interdependence on how governments regulate. It has two purposes. The first is to understand better the dynamics of thc emerging multi-governmental regulatory system, and the relationships, institutions, and processes that comprise its working parts. The second is to suggest practical approaches by which national governments can establish solid managerial and administrative foundations for regulatory co-operation, within thc constraints of democratic and open government. The chapters in the report are based on papers prepared for an OECD Symposium on ‘‘Managing Regulatory Relations Between Levels of Government” held in October 1993, and on discussions at the Symposium.

The high-speed transport networks of the future are already in the planning stage, and all regions will want to be included. However, the magnitude of the investment required and the operating constraints will make it impossible to provide homogeneous service to all areas. Regional policies, whether accommodating or alternative in scope, will have to be adjusted accordingly. What problems will arise if the regions of Central and Eastern Europe, where investment requirements are considerable, are included? Round Table 94 addressed these issues from both a practical and analytical standpoint, gathering information and comparing the views of specialists and regional policy makers.


This book contains the proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Theory and Practice in Transport Economics, held in Brussels, 12th-14th September 1988. The conference focused on resources for tomorrow's transport.


This Round Table examines research relevant to trends in transport in the coming decade examining the political and economic context, financing, demand and supply and methodological issues.


This Round Table is an assessment of the attempts made since the early sixties to model passenger and freight transport demand.

  • 01 Feb 1980
  • European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • Pages: 250

This volume sets out the Resolutions and Reports approved by the European Conference of Ministers of Transport during 1979.

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