Policy Framework on Sound Public Governance

Baseline Features of Governments that Work Well

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The interconnected challenges of our times call for a coherent and multidimensional approach to public governance. The OECD Policy Framework on Sound Public Governance provides governments at all levels with an integrated diagnostic, guidance and benchmarking tool that aims to improve the quality of public governance – an objective that takes on immediate strategic importance for governments as they strive to manage the COVID-19 crisis and plan for a sustainable and inclusive recovery. The Framework builds on OECD legal instruments in the area, on lessons learned over the past decade through the OECD’s Public Governance Reviews (PGRs) and other country and sector-specific assessments. The first part shows the importance of key governance values and provides an overview of enablers of sound public governance that governments can adopt to pursue successful reforms. The second part presents an overview of management tools and policy instruments that can enhance the quality and impact of policy-making at the different stages of the policy cycle. Each chapter poses a number of strategic questions that policy-makers can use to self-assess the institutional and decision-making capacity of their governments in key public governance areas.

English Also available in: French, German

Toward robust policy evaluation

This chapter discusses the importance of policy evaluation, and provides tools and strategies to promote and produce high quality evaluations. As distinguished from policy monitoring, policy evaluation seeks to analyse linkages between policy interventions and effects. Policy evaluations can therefore enhance the quality of decision-making and provide tailored advice to improve policy formulation and implementation. Despite these findings, evidence collected by the OECD suggests that, regardless of strong commitments, policy evaluation often constitutes the weakest link in the policy cycle and countries are still facing substantial challenges to promote policy evaluation. The first section of this chapter provides guidance on how to build an institutional framework and promote the quality and use of evaluations in policy-making. The following section highlights the need to review the effect of regulations.

English Also available in: French, German

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