

Au cours de ces 30 dernières années, les problèmes du bien-être et des droits humains rencontrés dans le cadre du programme pour l’emploi à l’étranger des Philippines ont exercé une pression croissante sur les pouvoirs publics afin que ceux-ci prennent des mesures concrètes pour veiller à ce que les travailleurs philippins expatriés bénéficient d’une protection adéquate dans leur pays d’accueil. L’une des méthodes par lesquelles le...


Over the last 30 years, the welfare and human rights issues confronting the overseas employment programme of the Philippines have increasingly put pressure on government to take concrete steps to ensure that overseas Filipino workers are adequately protected in their countries of destination. One of the ways in which the Philippines has tried to overcome the disadvantages experienced by Filipino workers abroad and to promote their...


The Philippines was immediately affected by the fi nancial crisis in Asia in 1997, but to a less severe degree than other parts of the region – economic growth returned by 1999. Overall, the Philippines experienced robust growth in GDP (30 per cent) over the period 1995-2002. However, the country has also had strong population growth: the population aged 5-14 years grew by 15 per cent, the greatest increase in WEI countries. This puts pressure on the education system to increase student numbers at all levels.

The Philippine Overseas Employment Program (OEP) was institutionalised in 1974 with the enactment of the Philippine Labor Code. Regarded as a temporary programme or a stop-gap economic measure to address the high unemployment rate during the Marcos era, the programme eventually became an important fixture of national policy because of the recognition of the role of international labour markets in containing the problem of local unemployment.


Le Programme philippin pour l’emploi à l’étranger (OEP) a été institutionnalisé en 1974 avec la promulgation du Code du travail philippin. Considéré comme un programme temporaire ou comme un palliatif économique face au taux de chômage élevé qui sévissait sous le régime Marcos, il a fini par devenir un instrument important de politique nationale quand on a pris conscience du rôle des marchés du travail internationaux dans la lutte contre le chômage local.


This chapter first highlights the particular risk-exposure of the Philippines to disasters and calamities. It then provides an overview of the Philippine Disaster Management System, of the comprehensive emergency management framework and of the funding mechanism of these disaster management programs. It also presents a project for a risk transfer scheme to cope with natural disasters.

The legal framework for insolvency in the Philippines is characterised by few and far-between landmarks, starting with the antiquated Insolvency Law of 1909. This law dealt simply with suspension of payments and the liquidation process.

This paper is the second of four country case studies which is a part of a broader research programme addressing trade and structural adjustment issues in non-member economies which was conducted as a follow-up to Trade and Structural Adjustment: Embracing Globalisation (OECD, 2005) which identified policies for successful trade-related structural adjustment. This paper studies the trade liberalisation experience of the Philippines from the 1980s. The report consists of 7 main parts; Part 1 provides the introduction, part 2 looks at the economic policies in the Philippines from the 1970s, and part 3 takes a general look at the general structure of the economy. Part 4 takes a closer look at the trade liberalisation in the Philippines which was implemented in three phases, (1) initial trade reforms (1981-88), (2) second phase (1991-93) and (3) third phase (1994-96). Part 5 takes an overview of the structural adjustments which took place in manufacturing and agriculture, with Part 6 taking a closer look at four sectors, electronics, food processing, cement, and business process outsourcing sectors. Part 7 concludes with lessons learnt and opportunities and challenges for further liberalisation. Despite considerable liberalisation including in trade policy since the 1980s, the Philippines economy posted only lacklustre performance initially. After a growth period in the 1990s and the Asian crisis, it is only in the recent past that some of the reforms are starting to pay off. The importance of a stable political and macroecnomic environment, need for appropriate exchange rates, need for early elimination of quantitative restrictions in trade reform, early deregulation on FDI are some of the lessons learnt. While challenges remain, better results are expected in the future if complemented with further reforms.
Le document ci-après présente la deuxième des quatre études de cas menées dans le cadre d'un programme de recherche plus général consacré aux échanges et aux ajustements structurels dans plusieurs pays non-membres de l'OCDE ; ces travaux font suite à l'étude intitulée Les échanges et l'ajustement structurel : les enjeux de la mondialisation (OCDE, 2005), qui définissait les mesures nécessaires à la réussite de l'ajustement structurel dans le domaine des échanges. Le présent document porte sur la libéralisation du commerce aux Philippines à partir des années 1980. Le rapport comprend sept grandes sections : introduction (partie 1) ; historique de la politique économique des Philippines à compter des années 1970 (partie 2) ; aperçu général de la structure de l'économie (partie 3) ; examen détaillé de la libéralisation des échanges aux Philippines, réalisée en trois phases - 1981-1988 (premières réformes), 1991-1993 (deuxième phase) et 1994-1996 (troisième phase) - (partie 4) ; aperçu global des ajustements structurels apportés dans les domaines de l'agriculture et des produits manufacturés (partie 5) ; étude détaillée de quatre secteurs - électronique, agroalimentaire, ciment et délocalisation des processus d'affaires (partie 6) ; enseignements tirés, opportunités et défis concernant la poursuite de la libéralisation (partie 7). Bien que la libéralisation ait considérablement progressé depuis les années 1980, y compris dans le domaine de la politique commerciale, l'économie des Philippines n'a d'abord affiché que des performances peu enthousiasmantes. Après une période de croissance dans les années 1990, la crise asiatique est survenue et les réformes n'ont commencé à porter leurs fruits que récemment. Parmi les enseignements tirés au fil des années, on peut citer : l'importance d'un environnement politique et macroéconomique stable, la nécessité de taux de change appropriés, la nécessité d'une suppression rapide des restrictions quantitatives qui pèsent sur la réforme des échanges et d'une déréglementation prochaine des investissements directs étrangers (IDE). Il est vrai que certaines difficultés subsistent, mais l'on s'attend à des résultats plus convaincants à l'avenir si les réformes se poursuivent.

The Metagora pilot survey in the Philippines focused on indigenous peoples’ rights. It was designed, prepared and carried out through a vigorous participatory process, leading to one of Metagora’s strongest and most inclusive national structures (see box below).


This chapter can be broken down into two parts. The first part considers policy challenges in the Philippines, taking a look at recent economic development and describing major policy initiatives and their effects. The second part discusses the rationale for peer reviews in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), briefly assesses their benefits, then looks at their future.

This chapter is aimed at taking stock of the current institutional approaches to the financial management of large-scale catastrophes in selected OECD and non-member countries. It is largely based on the elaboration of data provided by several countries that responded to an OECD questionnaire survey.

In 1987, the government of the Philippines introduced a Constitution that affirms equality for all citizens. Still, significant gender imbalances remain. Customary laws that discriminate against women prevail, particularly in rural areas where girls and boys have unequal access to education, and men and women have different employment opportunities. In the cities, government agencies are slowly recognising women’s rights and granting them legal authority to exercise those rights, especially in concluding contracts, and owning land or property.

L’expérience Métagora aux Philippines s’est focalisée sur les droits de la population indigène. Le processus participatif très dynamique qui a présidé à la conception, la préparation et la réalisation de l’enquête pilote a permis de mettre sur pied l’une des structures nationales du projet Métagora les plus solides et représentatives (voir encadré ci-dessous).


This profile offers a general overview of the Philippine system of budgeting at national level. Special characteristics of the Philippine budget process are examined, such as a commitment to fiscal discipline and the national planning function. The three steps of the annual budget formulation cycle are described: the development of economic assumptions and revenue forecasts; the use of a medium-term expenditure framework to assess the continuing costs of existing programmes; and identifying the resultant “fiscal space” through the Paper on Budget Strategy. The process for allocating resources is then described, including the “Budget Call”, the submission and review of proposals, the role of the central ministry and the line ministries, and finally the role of Congress, constitutional restrictions, and the nature of executive-legislative relations.

The Philippine legal system is based on Spanish and Anglo-American law and thus has both civil and common law influences. The Philippines has been a State Party to UNCAC since 8 November 2006. Its criminal bribery offences were externally reviewed under the UNCAC’s Pilot Review Programme. The Philippines has been a member of the APG since 1997.

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