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Educational work is a key element for both human capital formation and the promotion of peace and democratic values. It has therefore been identified as one of the priorities of the Stability Pact. The OECD was asked to be Co-ordinator for “General Education Policy and System Change” within the Education and Youth Task Force, and to carry out “Thematic Reviews of Education Policy” in the countries of the region. The main outcome of this project is a series of reports which provide both country overviews and a regional overview. These reports offer an analysis of the education system and address issues and barriers to reform and recommendations. The recommendations are designed to be of use for national policy-makers and to assist Stability Pact partner countries and institutions target regional assistance in order to achieve the goal of supporting South Eastern Europe towards European integration. These reports are part of the OECD’s ongoing co-operation with non-member economies around the world.


The speed, nature and uncertainty of economic, social and political developments in the Russian Federation continue to pose enormous challenges for tertiary education and research activities in universities, higher level vocational schools and institutes of the academies of sciences. These challenges are shaping the strategies for needed reforms to widen further learning opportunities at the tertiary education level, improve the quality and extend the reach of research and boost the contributions of tertiary-level education and research to improved economic performance and social well-being. This book is based on one of the most recent, broadly-based and forward-looking analyses of these developments and pressures and takes account of the specific structures, strengths and traditions in tertiary education and research in the Russian Federation. It offers a set of general directions and specific recommendations for policies to address key issues of access, quality and standards in teaching; new directions to diversify and deliver tertiary education; the quality of research in academic and research establishments; and reforms in the governance, management and financing of teaching and research. This review of tertiary education and research policies follows an earlier examination of general education, Reviews of National Policies for Education: Russian Federation.

  • 02 Apr 2009
  • OECD, The World Bank
  • Pages: 304

This joint OECD and World Bank review gives a brief overview of post-secondary education in Chile and describes its development over the past twenty years. It presents an analysis of the system and identifies key directions for policy reform in light of the challenges encountered by officials, communities, enterprises, educators, parents and students. It concludes with a set of key recommendations concerning the structure of the system and its labour market relevance; access and equity, governance and management; research, development and innovation; internationalisation; and financing.

  • 24 Jan 2013
  • OECD, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, The World Bank
  • Pages: 320

In Colombia, the beginning of a new century has brought with it a palpable feeling of optimism. Colombians and visitors sense that the country’s considerable potential can be realised, and education is rightly seen as crucial to this process. As opportunities expand, Colombians will need new and better skills to respond to new challenges and prospects.

The government is therefore determined to address key challenges confronting tertiary education in the country: expanding enrolment and improving equity, increasing quality and relevance, and making governance and finance more responsive. Colombia has more than a decade of progress under its belt, and the energy to reach ambitious policy goals. Getting there in practice will involve dialogue and consensus-seeking among all stakeholders, as well as new resources and new rules.


Portugal’s tertiary education sector has expanded significantly over the last 20 years, but participation and overall educational attainment levels remain below European standards and enrolment rates have begun to decline. The OECD review recommends that Portugal’s national government should focus on strategic direction and leave higher education institutions wider latitude for accomplishing public priorities consistent with their mission. Among its proposals for reform, the review calls for the creation of a National Council on Higher Education to oversee Portugal’s higher education strategy. The review also calls for major changes in the governance and management of higher education institutions to bring them into line with national goals, encourage their responsiveness and efficiency, and improve their quality.  Improving research and innovation is a key strategic objective of the Portuguese government, and the OECD review suggests a number of qualitative changes in Portugal’s tertiary education system to enhance performance in this area.


OECD reviews of national education policies provide a well-established means for member countries to engage their peers in reviewing their country’s policies. This report is divided into two parts: a background report, prepared by the Swiss authorities, and the OECD examiners’ report. This review makes recommendations for further improvements to the tertiary education system in Switzerland as it grapples with national and global challenges emerging from the transition to a knowledge society. 

German, French

This OECD Review of the Danish university system examines such aspects as governance, funding, the Research Council System, the Danish knowledge system, the university system itself, universities' interaction with society, and outcomes.  It finds that training and research is of high quality, but that the system needs to change in response to rapidly changing demands.  A number of recommendations are put forward, particularly in the area of university governance and steering of the system by the government.

  • 03 May 2017
  • Hannah Kitchen, Elizabeth Fordham, Kirsteen Henderson, Anne Looney, Soumaya Maghnouj
  • Pages: 240

Romania’s education system has made impressive strides over the past two decades, with an increasing share of students mastering the basic competencies that they need for life and work. But these average improvements mask significant disparities in learning outcomes and attainment, with an increasing share of students leaving education early without basic skills. This review, developed in cooperation with UNICEF, provides Romania with recommendations to help strengthen its evaluation and assessment system, by reducing the weight of high stake examinations and creating more space for the formative discussions and feedback that are integral to improving learning and teaching. It will be of interest to Romania, as well as other countries looking to make more effective use of their evaluation and assessment system to improve quality and equity, and result in better outcomes for all students.

Come possono i Paesi preparare gli insegnanti a far fronte alle diverse sfide nelle scuole di oggi? L’indagine internazionale sull’insegnamento e l’apprendimento (TALIS) dell’OCSE fornisce elementi utili per rispondere a questa domanda, ponendo direttamente agli insegnanti e ai dirigenti scolastici domande  sulle loro condizioni di lavoro e sul clima di apprendimento nel loro istituto. L’indagine TALIS ha l’obiettivo di fornire  dati validi, recenti e comparabili,  per  aiutare i Paesi a esaminare e definire politiche per l’istruzione che siano volte alla formazione  di una professione insegnante di elevata  qualità. Per gli insegnanti e i dirigenti scolastici, lo studio dell’OCSE rappresenta un’opportunità per contribuire con le loro risposte all’analisi e alla formulazione di politiche per l’istruzione in aree cruciali della loro professione. Tra i temi esaminati figurano lo sviluppo professionale, la leadership degli istituti scolastici, le pratiche didattiche, il clima scolastico, la valutazione e il feedback, la soddisfazione lavorativa e i profili degli insegnanti. Il presente rapporto sintetizza i risultati della seconda edizione dell’indagine TALIS, condotta nel 2013.

French, English
  • 22 Dec 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 132

Tehnološka revolucija, ki se je pričela v zadnjih desetletjih 20. stoletja, je vplivala na skoraj vsak vidik življenja v 21. stoletju. Hitrejše in bolj učinkovite transportne in komunikacijske storitve so ljudem, blagu, storitvam in kapitalu omogočile, da se laže premikajo po svetu, kar pelje v globalizacijo gospodarstva. Te družbene in ekonomske preobrazbe so posledično spremenile tudi povpraševanje po spretnostih. S tem ko so proizvodnja in določene naloge, ki zahtevajo le nizko kvalifikacijo, postale vedno bolj avtomatizirane, je upadla potreba po rutinskih kognitivnih in obrtniških spretnostih, medtem ko je povpraševanje po spretnostih v zvezi z obdelavo in izmenjavo informacij ter drugih visoko zahtevnih kognitivnih spretnostih in spretnostih pri medosebnih odnosih v porastu.

Raziskava spretnosti odraslih, ki je izdelek OECD-jevega Programa za mednarodno ocenjevanje kompetenc odraslih (PIAAC), je bila oblikovana tako, da zagotovi vpogled, kakšna je razpoložljivost nekaterih od teh spretnosti v družbi ter kako se jih uporablja na delovnem mestu in doma. Neposredno meri zmožnosti s področja obdelave in izmenjave informacij – besedilne spretnosti, matematične spretnosti in reševanje problemov v tehnološko bogatih okoljih. To poročilo, ki je spremljevalni dokument k OECD Skills Outlook 2013: First Results from the Survey of Adult Skills, opisuje načrt in metodologijo raziskave ter razmerja do drugih mednarodnih ocenjevanj mladih učencev in odraslih.


1. poglavje: Kaj meri Raziskava spretnosti odraslih (PIAAC)

2. poglavje: Osnovni vprašalnik v Raziskavi spretnosti odraslih (PIAAC)

3. poglavje: Metodologija Raziskave spretnosti odraslih (PIAAC) in kakovost podatkov

4. poglavje: Poročanje o rezultatih Raziskave spretnosti odraslih (PIAAC)

5. poglavje: Primerjava Raziskave spretnosti odraslih (PIAAC) z drugimi mednarodnimi raziskavami spretnosti

6. poglavje: Razmerje med Raziskavo spretnosti odraslih (PIAAC) in OECD-jevim Programom za mednarodno

primerjavo dosežkov učencev (PISA)

7. poglavje: Raziskava spretnosti odraslih (PIAAC) in “Ključe kompetence”

8. poglavje: Raziskava spretnosti odraslih (PIAAC) in merjenje čovešega kapitala

English, French

A lo largo de los últimos 50 años, la educación superior de los países de la OCDE se ha caracterizado por los fenómenos de expansión y diversificación. Chile no es una excepción a esta tendencia: se ha experimentado un aumento espectacular enel número de alumnos, así como de la oferta de nuevas instituciones y carreras. No obstante, el aumento de la participación y la diversificación del sistema sólo es una parte de la historia. La sociedad chilena sigue experimentando altas desigualdades a nivel económico y social. La calidad de la oferta de formación académica, profesional y técnica difiere entre programas e instituciones. El establecimiento de una cultura de calidad en la educación superior que vaya más allá de la acreditación, juntamente con el suministro de información fidedigna, son temas que preocupan no sólo a las instituciones, sino también a los estudiantes, los empresarios y a la sociedad chilena en general.
Este informe analiza el funcionamiento del Sistema Nacional de Aseguramiento de la Calidad de la Educación Superior (SINAC-ES). El equipo de expertos de la OCDE proporciona una serie de principios básicos que cree que reflejan prácticas a nivel internacional que son de relevancia y utilidad para el caso de Chile. A lo largo del informe se encuentran una serie de recomendaciones de mejora en referencia a: el encaje del SINAC-ES en el sistema de educación superior y la sociedad chilena, el enfoque de su trabajo, su estructura y liderazgo, así como las funciones de licenciamiento, acreditación e información que desarrolla el sistema.


The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a highly influential instrument for monitoring the quality of education systems and provides a strong evidence base for informed policy making and education research. PISA also has a proven potential to trigger reforms and stimulate stakeholder involvement in the process.

Notwithstanding the importance of its ranking, the full strength of PISA unfolds when data it delivers is utilised in the national policy domain. Linking PISA outcomes and policy choices, and monitoring the impact on education quality is thereby a demanding task, which requires sound analytical capacity, and also knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of the respective education system. The OECD Directorate for Education addresses the demand of non-member economies for policy support in understanding and analysing PISA data in the broader context of education system management and policy formulation. 

This report was prepared to help the authorities of the Kyrgyz Republic better understand the reasons for the dramatically low performance of Kyrgyz students in the 2006 PISA survey, despite significant resources and efforts invested in education by schools, parents and government. The report reveals that a number of policy areas are in need of urgent attention and recommends ways to close the currently existing gap between aspirations and education reform achievement. 


In recent years, the Government of Egypt has driven major reforms for modernising the country. While the success of this effort depends heavily on the quality of education and skills of the population, Egypt’s higher education system has remained largely unchanged in this context. Without a fundamental reform of the sector the country will face difficulties in improving its competitiveness in an increasingly knowledge-based world, in providing for a larger and more diverse student population, and in reducing social inequalities.

This book represents an independent review of Egypt’s higher education system and focuses on areas in need of attention by policy makers and stakeholders, including system steering and institutional governance; student access to higher education; educational quality and effectiveness; research, development and innovation; and finance. It contains an analysis of the system and valuable recommendations which, taken together, represent a major programme of structural and cultural reform of Egyptian higher education over the decade to 2020.

Reviews of National Policies for Education: Higher Education in Egypt will be of interest to Egyptian policy makers and education professionals, as well as others involved in education policy and research.


В данной публикации ОЭСР предлагается обзор текущей образовательной политики в отношении детей с особыми образовательными потребностями в Казахстане, Кыргызской Pеспублике и Таджикистане. Дается представление о социально-

историческом контексте, системах образования и соответствующего законодательства, критически анализируются принятые взгляды на доступ к образованию для самой уязвимой группы детского населения в данных странах. Особое внимание уделяется

политическим мерам, направленным на обеспечения инклюзивности образования, процедурам идентификации и оценки, общей координации предоставления образовательных услуг, интеграции в общеобразовательную систему, а также наиболее

успешным практикам и роли НПО и общественных доноров. Публикация входит в серию изданий ОЭСР “Oбзор национал ьной политики в области образования”, ее готовит Программа по Сотрудничеству со странами, не входящими в

состав ОЭСР Директората по Образованию.

  • 03 Jun 2004
  • OECD
  • Pages: 307

La educación ha sido una prioridad central para Chile desde el retorno a la democracia en 1990. Gracias a un sostenido crecimiento económico y a un compromiso por aumentar la inversión pública en educación, Chile ha realizado mejoramientos claves en su sistema educacional en este período. Una reforma reciente asegura doce años de escolaridad obligatoria y gratis para todos los niños de Chile. La matrícula en educación secundaria se ha expandido rápidamente y los salarios de los profesores han aumentado en un 140%. Si continúan las tendencias actuales, más de 800.000 estudiantes ingresarán a la educación superior en 2010. Chile ha logrado mucho en un corto período de tiempo. Ha mejorado la calidad de la educación y el acceso a todos sus niveles, convirtiéndose así en el país líder de América Latina en este aspecto.

Revisión de Políticas Nacionales de Educación: Chile cubre todo el sistema de educación del país, desde la educación parvularia a la educación superior y también el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida para todos. Asimismo, analiza el sistema en términos de su impacto económico, social y político.

Esta revisión está basada en la permanente cooperación con las economías no miembros de todo el mundo. Es particularmente interesante tanto para aquellos profesionales involucrados en políticas educacionales, como para los  que trabajan directamente en el sistema educacional de Chile.

English, French
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