ITF Transport Outlook 2019

image of ITF Transport Outlook 2019

The ITF Transport Outlook provides an overview of recent trends and near-term prospects for the transport sector at a global level as well as long-term prospects for transport demand to 2050. The analysis covers freight (maritime, air, surface) and passenger transport (car, rail, air) as well as CO2 emissions.

This 2019 edition of the ITF Transport Outlook specifically examines the impacts of potential disruptions to transport systems. It also reviews alternative policy scenarios for long-term trends in transport demand and CO2 emissions from all modes for both freight and passenger transport.

English Also available in: French


The ITF Transport Outlook 2019 presents scenarios for the future of transport for all sectors and modes until 2050. How will demand for transport develop over the next three decades? How will this affect transport CO2 emissions? How could various disruptive developments affect transport? To what extent will transport’s future resemble its past, and to what degree will it become something altogether different?

English Also available in: French

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