International Migration Outlook 2011

image of International Migration Outlook 2011

This  publication analyses recent development in migration movements and policies in OECD countries and some non-member countries including migration of highly qualified and low qualified workers, temporary and permanent, as well as students. Three special chapters cover: the 50th anniversary of the OECD and the work of the SOPEMI, migrant entrepreneurship, and migration to Israel.

English Also available in: French

New Zealand

In total, net inflows in 2009/2010 equalled 16 500, an increase of one-third over the previous year. The rise in net migration was driven by more New Zealanders returning home and fewer leaving. In particular, some important changes were recorded with respect to flows to/from Australia and the United Kingdom, the two major destination countries of New Zealanders. The negative migration net balance with Australia was substantially reduced in parallel with the highest positive net migration on record with the United Kingdom. In contrast, fewer foreigners came in (56 100 compared with 63 400 in 2008/2009) and more left the country (25 400 compared with 23 300).

English Also available in: French

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