Health at a Glance 2017
OECD Indicators
This new edition of Health at a Glance presents the most recent comparable data on the health status of populations and health system performance in OECD countries. Where possible, it also reports data for partner countries (Brazil, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, India, Indonesia, Lithuania, Russian Federation and South Africa). The data presented in this publication come from official national statistics, unless otherwise stated.
This edition contains a range of new indicators, particularly on risk factors for health. It also places greater emphasis on time trend analysis. Alongside indicator-by-indicator analysis, this edition offers snapshots and dashboard indicators that summarise the comparative performance of countries, and a special chapter on the main factors driving life expectancy gains.
Mortality from circulatory diseases
Despite substantial declines in recent decades, circulatory diseases remain the main cause of mortality in most OECD countries, accounting for more than one-third (36%) of all deaths in 2015. Prospects for further reductions may be hampered by a rise in certain risk factors such as obesity and diabetes (OECD, 2015). Circulatory diseases cover a range of illnesses related to the circulatory system, particularly ischaemic heart disease (including heart attack) and cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke.
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