Public Value in Public Service Transformation

Working with Change

image of Public Value in Public Service Transformation

Building on the previous report, this report examines how governments can move from a tactical to a holistic approach to system change. Drawing on diverse case studies from across the world at both national and local levels, the report illustrates how a strategic approach to system change implies three key elements: envisioning and acting on the future, putting public value at the core of the change process, and systematically engaging citizens in decision-making.


Creating value-led futures

Chapter 1 outlined the normative and value-led approach to futures. Anticipatory processes for systems change require taking action today and exploring different options. What is often considered plausible is based on values. Yet, how these interlink with the systems transformation in the public sector has not yet been examined. For example, the main line of literature on public sector change, public sector innovation, has usually been viewed through a public service lens (Osborne et al. 2013). Less attention has been paid to how problems are framed and how value conflicts and priorities in transformation processes and outcomes are debated. Public policy in general is inherently contested (Fuglsang and Rønning, 2014; Oldenhof, Ostma and Putters, 2013), making the role of political engagement extremely important when starting systems change processes. But how should different values be expressed and enhanced, muted or addressed in public sector systems change processes?


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