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Public procurement is becoming a strategic tool in Peru for achieving key policy objectives. The legislative reforms enacted in 2016 indicate a strong commitment from the government to modernise the public procurement system. In fact, the system is currently going through a transitional period, moving from excessive formalities and complex tendering processes to prioritizing results and value for money. This report examines ongoing public procurement reforms in Peru, focusing on issues such as procurement processes, participation in tenders, and the culture of integrity in the public procurement process. It provides guidance to help Peru implement reforms that enhance the efficiency, transparency and accountability of the system.


This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the challenges confronting Chile’s centralised growth model and recommendations towards developing a more integrated territorial approach, capable of mobilising regional productivity catch-up potential in order to strengthen the role of regions and municipalities.

The Chilean government has launched an ambitious decentralisation agenda, aimed at empowering municipalities by providing them with the legitimacy, financial resources, human capacities and tools required to improve their autonomy and performance. This study seeks to assist the government by covering several dimensions, looking at municipal responsibilities, fiscal and human resources, equalisation mechanisms, local public service performance,  citizen participation, and co-ordination mechanisms across levels of government.

  • 14 Sept 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 76

State-owned enterprises (SOEs) are important elements of many national economies. They are also increasingly active internationally, which has led to renewed concerns in recent years about whether their competitive conditions in home markets might adversely impact “fair” competition with companies abroad. Many of the concerns held by national policy makers and businesses surrounding foreign SOEs’ competitive conditions stem from limited transparency and information on SOEs. This report seeks to bolster the factual information base by presenting the main findings of the most comprehensive and internationally comparable dataset currently available on the size, sectoral distribution and corporate forms of national SOE sectors in 40 countries.

Este informe describe las actividades de las Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores (EFS) de Brasil, Canadá, Chile, Francia, Corea, Países Bajos, Polonia, Portugal, Sudáfrica y Estados Unidos. Analiza el potencial poco explotado de las EFS de ir más allá de su tradicional función de supervisión y contribuir información para la formulación de políticas públicas. El informe proporciona ejemplos y estudios de casos sobre las actividades de las EFS en la formulación, aplicación y evaluación de políticas públicas y programas. Teniendo en cuenta la estrategia interna de cada EFS, así como los retos políticos y los actores en el entorno externo, el informe proporciona también orientación para las EFS que deseen participar en la supervisión, proveer información y contribuir a la visión de un buen gobierno.

French, English
  • 11 Sept 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136

Civil servants make an important contribution to national growth and prosperity. Today, however, digitalisation and more demanding, pluralistic and networked societies are challenging the public sector to work in new ways. This report looks at the capacity and capabilities of civil servants of OECD countries. It explores the skills required to make better policies and regulations, to work effectively with citizens and service users, to commission cost-effective service delivery, and to collaborate with stakeholders in networked settings. The report also suggests approaches for addressing skills gaps through recruitment, development and workforce management.

El Estudio de la OCDE sobre integridad en México es uno de los primeros estudios en aplicar la nueva Recomendación del Consejo de la OCDE sobre Integridad Pública (2017). En el Estudio se evalúa i) la coherencia y la amplitud del sistema de la integridad pública; ii) hasta qué punto las nuevas reformas de México inculcan una cultura de integridad en la sociedad y el sector público; y iii) la eficacia de mecanismos cada vez más estrictos de rendición de cuentas. Además, el Estudio incluye un enfoque sectorial en la contratación pública, una de las mayores áreas de gasto gubernamental en el país y una área de actividad gubernamental de alto riesgo para el fraude y la corrupción. El estudio ofrece varias propuestas para fortalecer los arreglos institucionales y mejorar la coordinación vertical y horizontal, colmar las lagunas aún existentes en los diversos marcos legales y políticos, inculcar los valores de integridad y asegurar la sostenibilidad de las reformas.

  • 05 Sept 2017
  • OECD, Korea Development Institute
  • Pages: 328

Regulations help governments support economic growth, social welfare and environmental protection. The challenge is to design clear, coherent, and efficient regulations and to effectively implement them. This report presents cutting-edge thinking in how to facilitate good regulatory design and implementation. Jointly developed by the OECD and the Korea Development Institute, the report builds on a series of expert papers that analyse the experience of Korea and other OECD members in designing and implementing regulatory oversight, stakeholder engagement, regulatory impact assessment and ex post evaluation. It identifies forthcoming challenges, possible solutions and areas for further analysis that can help governments in OECD member and partner countries improve their regulatory systems.

The modern structure of the UK economy is largely based on knowledge, ideas and innovation and its well integrated global value chains. These factors help boost the country’s economic growth, but at the same time they make it highly susceptible to the risk of trade in counterfeit goods. This risk negatively affects UK rights holders, the UK government, and the reputation of UK firms. This report measures the direct, economic effects of counterfeiting on consumers, retail and manufacturing industry and governments in the United Kingdom. It does so from two perspectives: the impact on these three groups of imports of fake products into the UK, and the impact of the global trade in fake products on UK intellectual property rights holders.

Norway has long used technology to streamline processes within the public sector and bring the government closer to citizens and businesses. Now the country is going further, seeking to transform its public sector through the full assimilation of digital technologies. The goal is to make it more efficient, collaborative, user- and data-driven, and better able to respond to the changing needs and expectations of citizens and businesses. This review analyses the efforts under way and provides policy advice to support the Norwegian government in implementing digital government.

  • 01 Sept 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 144

This 2017 edition of the OECD Corporate Governance Factbook provides the first comparative report on corporate governance across all OECD, G20 and Financial Stability Board member jurisdictions. It now covers 47 different jurisdictions hosting 95% of all publicly traded corporations in the world as measured by market value.

  • 31 Aug 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 268

The OECD Review of Telecommunication Policy and Regulation in Mexico, released in 2012, provided a comprehensive examination of the sector at the time, highlighting potential areas for regulatory and policy reform. Since then, the Mexican telecommunication sector has experienced substantial progress both from a legal and regulatory perspective, but also with respect to current market dynamics. The changes derive, to an important extent, from the reform that has taken place in Mexico since 2013, which closely reflect the 2012 OECD recommendations.

This report assesses subsequent market developments in the telecommunication and broadcasting sectors in Mexico, evaluates the implementation of the 2012 OECD recommendations, and puts forward a number of recommendations for the future. It records the remarkable progress made in implementing policy and regulatory changes and identifies areas where more can be done to continue the momentum that has brought tangible benefits to the people of Mexico.


El Estudio de la OCDE sobre políticas y regulación de telecomunicaciones en México, publicado en 2012, hizo un diagnóstico del sector en su momento, y subrayó las posibles áreas de reforma regulatoria y de política pública. Desde entonces, el sector de telecomunicaciones en México ha progresado sustancialmente, no sólo desde el punto de vista del marco legal y regulatorio, pero también en el aumento del dinamismo del mercado. Los cambios en el sector se derivaron, en gran medida, de la reforma que se ha llevado a cabo en el país desde el 2013, y que reflejan muchas de las recomendaciones que la OCDE hizo en su reporte de 2012.

El presente estudio evalúa los cambios en los sectores de telecomunicaciones y radiodifusión que se realizaron en México a raíz de la reforma, valora la implementación de las recomendaciones que la OCDE hizo en 2012, y propone una serie de mejoras para el futuro. Asimismo, el estudio constata el progreso extraordinario que México ha hecho en la implementación de las recomendaciones en materia de regulación y políticas públicas hasta la fecha, identificando las áreas de oportunidad para continuar con el impulso de dicha reforma que se ha materializado en beneficios tangibles para los mexicanos.


Complexity is a core feature of most policy issues today and in this context traditional analytical tools and problem-solving methods no longer work. This report, produced by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation, explores how systems approaches can be used in the public sector to solve complex or “wicked” problems . Consisting of three parts, the report discusses the need for systems thinking in the public sector; identifies tactics that can be employed by government agencies to work towards systems change; and provides an in-depth examination of how systems approaches have been applied in practice. Four cases of applied systems approaches are presented and analysed: preventing domestic violence (Iceland), protecting children (the Netherlands), regulating the sharing economy (Canada) and designing a policy framework to conduct experiments in government (Finland). The report highlights the need for a new approach to policy making that accounts for complexity and allows for new responses and more systemic change that deliver greater value, effectiveness and public satisfaction.

This assessment provides an evidence-based analysis of the ongoing decentralisation reforms in Jordan from the perspective of the principles and practices of open government. It covers topics such as enhancing the role of the centre of government in driving reform, enabling effective public service delivery at the local level, and the potential and expected impact of the country’s decentralisation reforms on Jordan’s open government agenda.

Brazil’s Federal Court of Accounts, the Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), is seeking to go beyond its traditional oversight role and help improve policy formulation, implementation and evaluation. This report identifies ways TCU can achieve this by applying principles of good governance to areas such policy coherence, strategic and long-term budgeting, internal control and risk management, and monitoring and evaluation. It suggests concrete steps TCU can take to adapt its own strategies, approaches and audit programming to provide valuable insight and foresight to policy makers in the centre of government. In this way, it can help ensure that policies and programmes are forward looking and based on evidence.

The Revenue Statistics in Asian Countries publication is jointly undertaken by the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration and the OECD Development Centre, with the co-operation of the Asian Development Bank and with the financial support of the European Union. It compiles comparable tax revenue statistics for Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore. The model is the OECD Revenue Statistics database which is a fundamental reference, backed by a well-established methodology, for OECD member countries. Extending the OECD methodology to Asian countries enables comparisons about tax levels and tax structures on a consistent basis, both among Asian economies and between OECD and Asian economies.

This report on Mexico’s state-owned oil company PEMEX is part of a series of OECD reviews of Mexico’s procurement institutions. PEMEX’s procurement system was overhauled after Mexico’s 2013 Energy Reform opened up the sector to private participation, requiring PEMEX to compete in an open market. Using the 2015 Recommendation of the OECD Council on Public Procurement as a benchmark, the review assesses the effectiveness and integrity of PEMEX’s entire procurement system while identifying a series of actions for improvement. A state-of-the art procurement system can not only help PEMEX achieve value for money on a sustainable basis, but also support other social and environmental policy objectives in Mexico.


Este reporte sobre la empresa petrolera estatal de México, PEMEX, es parte de una serie de estudios de la OCDE sobre las contrataciones públicas en instituciones mexicanas. El sistema de contrataciones públicas de PEMEX fue reformado después de que la Reforma Energética de 2013 abrió el sector a la participación privada, haciendo que PEMEX tenga que competir en los mercados. Utilizando la Recomendación del Consejo de la OCDE sobre Contrataciones Públicas 2015 como referencia, este reporte analiza la efectividad e integridad del sistema completo de contrataciones públicas de PEMEX, identificando una serie de acciones de mejora. Un sistema de contrataciones públicas de clase mundial puede ayudar a PEMEX no solo a lograr valor por el dinero de manera sostenida, sino también apoyar otros objetivos de política pública social y ambiental en México.


Cette publication est la version abrégée du troisième Examen environnemental de la Nouvelle-Zélande. Elle contient le résumé, ainsi que l’évaluation et les recommandations officielles du rapport, issues des trois chapitres sur les tendances et développements récents, la gouvernance, la croissance verte, ainsi que des deux chapitres détaillés sur la gestion des ressources en eau et le développement urbain durable. La version intégrale du rapport est disponible en anglais sur le site de l’OCDE.


Cette publication est la version abrégée du troisième Examen environnemental de la Corée. Elle contient le résumé, ainsi que l’évaluation et les recommandations officielles du rapport, issues des trois chapitres sur les tendances et développements récents, la gouvernance, la croissance verte, ainsi que des deux chapitres détaillés sur les déchets, la gestion des matières et l’économie circulaire, et sur la justice environnementale. La version intégrale du rapport est disponible en anglais sur le site de l’OCDE.

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