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Year Index

  • 23 Dec 2022
  • OECD, European Commission, CAF Development Bank of Latin America, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Pages: 374

¿Qué retos y oportunidades presenta la transición verde para América Latina y el Caribe? Esta 15ª edición de Perspectivas económicas de América Latina explora las opciones de política que la región tiene para repensar sus modelos productivos, transformar su matriz energética y crear empleos de calidad en el proceso. El informe señala que para que esta transición sea justa, se necesitan mejores sistemas de protección social y un diálogo abierto que ayude a construir nuevos contratos sociales sostenibles. Para impulsar esta ambiciosa agenda, el informe presenta distintas herramientas de financiación, incluidas las finanzas verdes, y aboga por la renovación de las alianzas internacionales.


EU Funded Note

Like many other OECD countries, Greece has embarked on an ambitious digital transformation of its public sector to make it more effective, sustainable, proactive and people-centred. However, digital transformation projects present challenges in terms of governance, procurement, implementation and institutional capacities. This review explores how Greece could overcome these challenges to ensure that digital government investments address critical bottlenecks such as the procurement process and result in policy coherence, achieve value for money, and deliver intended outcomes. It also highlights the crucial role of whole-of-government co-ordination.

In recent decades, federal and unitary countries have increasingly adopted or deepened regional governance reforms, especially in the OECD and Europe, but also in Asia, America and to a lesser extent Africa. Approximately two-thirds of countries around the world have increased the power of regions over the last 50 years. This trend has happened in parallel with countries increasingly embedding a territorial approach into policy-making at the national and subnational levels. This process, however, does not follow a linear path. The rationale behind regional governance reforms differs from country to country, and over time, leading to a broad spectrum of governance models with varying institutional and financing arrangements. Taking stock of these trends, this report provides key data on regional governance reforms and their drivers, with a focus on the role of regions in the COVID-19 crisis response. The report also presents an innovative typology of regional governance models across OECD countries and the multi-level governance instruments that enable sound regional governance and help ensure these arrangements effectively serve their purpose.

Better understanding multi-level governance frameworks and the scale of subnational government fiscal space can help countries cope with the different crisis and shocks, including the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's aggression against Ukraine, but also address megatrends and persistent and long-standing spatial disparities. Increasing the knowledge on multi-level governance and subnational finance is also key to implement and monitor the Sustainable Development Goals.

After two previous editions in 2016 and 2019, the OECD-UCLG World Observatory on Subnational Government Finance and Investment (SNG-WOFI) has become the largest international knowledge repository on subnational government structure and finance ever produced. It provides reliable and comparable information on multi-level governance frameworks, decentralisation and territorial reforms, subnational government responsibilities, fiscal decentralisation, and covers dozens of indicators on subnational expenditure, investment, revenue and debt.

The 2022 synthesis report presents internationally comparable data and analysis for 135 countries and provides insights into ways to strengthen the resilience of subnational public finance. It also offers a specific focus on the impact of the pandemic on subnational governments, the territorial dimension of recovery plans, property taxation systems, innovative subnational budgeting practices, subnational public-private partnerships, and a special chapter dedicated to 31 Least Developed Countries.

A Revisão do Centro de Governo do Brasil realizada pela OCDE oferece recomendações-chave sobre a consolidação do papel estratégico do Centro de Governo (CdG) do país na gestão das prioridades políticas e na melhoria dos resultados. A revisão examina os papéis, mandatos e as capacidades de coordenação do CdG. Ela fornece uma análise da capacidade do Brasil de traduzir compromissos políticos em objetivos mensuráveis e aprofunda sua capacidade de vincular planos estratégicos a resultados. Concentrando-se nas capacidades do CdG para contribuir com o processo orçamentário federal, ela considera planos de médio e longo prazo e como eles se alinham com a estrutura orçamentária e como o orçamento pode apoiar as políticas de forma coerente. A revisão também analisa o papel do CdG no monitoramento e na avaliação do desempenho de políticas de alta prioridade e como essas informações podem ser usadas para melhorar os resultados (ou entregas) para a sociedade. Finalmente, a revisão avalia como o Brasil pode consolidar e reforçar a comunicação pública para perseguir objetivos políticos e para promover um governo mais aberto.


The past decade has seen increasing international recognition of civic space as a cornerstone of functioning democracies, alongside efforts to promote and protect it. Countries that foster civic space are better placed to reap the many benefits of higher levels of citizen engagement, strengthened transparency and accountability, and empowered citizens and civil society. In the longer term, a vibrant civic space can help to improve government effectiveness and responsiveness, contribute to more citizen-centred policies, and boost social cohesion. This first OECD comparative report on civic space offers a baseline of data from 33 OECD Members and 19 non-Members and a nuanced overview of the different dimensions of civic space, with a focus on civic freedoms, media freedoms, civic space in the digital age, and the enabling environment for civil society. It provides an exhaustive review of legal frameworks, policies, strategies, and institutional arrangements, in addition to implementation gaps, trends and good practices. The analysis is complemented by a review of international standards and guidance, in addition to data and analysis from civil society and other stakeholders.

The OECD Policy Framework on Digital Security charts the economic and social dimension of cybersecurity, highlights the OECD approach to digital security policy and equips policymakers to use OECD digital security Recommendations in developing better policies. The Framework also identifies linkages with other policy areas addressed through existing OECD standards and tools.

The OECD has been at the forefront of international efforts on guiding policy makers in the area of digital security since 1990 and has become the primary international standard setter in this area. OECD Recommendations on digital security support stakeholders in developing digital security policies for economic and social prosperity, in line with the OECD’s mandate to help governments develop “better policies for better lives”.


This report showcases international regulatory co-operation (IRC) in the areas of competition law and chemical safety. These two studies – covering very different subjects – are rare examples of areas where complex legal and institutional frameworks have been created at the domestic and/or international level to ensure effective IRC. The competition case study focuses on international co-operation for law enforcement, surveying the range of tools and methods countries can use to address international antitrust concerns, as well as the challenges involved. The chemical safety case study reviews the OECD Environment, Health and Safety Programme and provides concrete evidence of the monetary and health benefits of its “mutual acceptance of data” system related to chemical safety. These case studies are evidence of both the importance and the complexity of frameworks that enable IRC to help solve common problems across jurisdictions.

Таджикистан определил, что привлечение прямых иностранных инвестиций (ПИИ) является критически важным элементом его национальной стратегии развития, который может помочь в достижении ряда стратегических целей, включая рост частного сектора, создание рабочих мест и диверсификацию экономики. Поскольку пандемия COVID-19 увеличила спрос на ПИИ, во всем мире выросла роль агентств по привлечению инвестиций (АПИ). Работа по привлечению инвестиций и содействию инвестиционной деятельности, осуществляемая специальным агентством по привлечению инвестиций, может помочь в привлечении ПИИ, при условии принятия мер, направленных на улучшение общих инвестиционных условий.

  • 09 Dec 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 58

Tajikistan has identified Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) attraction as a critical component of its national development strategy, which could contribute to the achievement of several policy goals, including private sector growth, job creation, and economic diversification. As the COVID-19 pandemic has increased competition for FDI, the role of investment promotion agencies (IPAs) is growing around the world. Investment promotion and facilitation work carried out by a dedicated investment promotion agency can help attract FDI, when underpinned by measures to improve the overall investment framework.

  • 09 Dec 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 250

O Manual de Integridade Pública da OCDE fornece orientação ao governo, empresas e sociedade civil acerca da implementação da Recomendação da OCDE sobre Integridade Pública. O Manual esclarece o que os treze princípios da Recomendação significam na prática e identifica os desafios para implementá-los. O Manual fornece orientação sobre como melhorar a cooperação dentro do governo, bem como entre os níveis nacional e subnacional. Para construir culturas de integridade no governo e na sociedade, o Manual detalha os componentes centrais de um sistema de gestão de recursos humanos baseado no mérito e os principais elementos para culturas organizacionais abertas. Também esclarece o papel do governo em fornecer orientação às empresas, à sociedade civil e aos cidadãos sobre a defesa dos valores de integridade pública. Além disso, o Manual explica como usar o processo de gestão de riscos para avaliar e gerenciar riscos para a integridade e destaca como usar o sistema de responsabilização para garantir a real prestação de contas por violações à integridade.

German, Spanish, French, Arabic, English, All

Economic and financial crimes are growing in numbers, complexity and reach, making them increasingly difficult to investigate and successfully prosecute. This report details efforts in Latvia to strengthen its criminal justice system against financial and economic crimes. It highlights the range of challenges common to numerous jurisdictions, and describes progress made in Latvia to address these challenges through interagency cooperation mechanisms. Finally, it provides recommendations for areas requiring further attention.

Governments are facing significant climate-related risks from the expected increase in frequency and intensity of cyclones, floods, fires, and other climate-related extreme events. The report Building Financial Resilience to Climate Impacts: A Framework for Governments to Manage the Risks of Losses and Damages provides a strategic framework to help governments, particularly those in emerging market and developing economies, strengthen their capacity to manage the financial implications of climate-related risks. The goal of the framework is to support sound public financial management strategies that take into account budgetary and financing constraints, and to foster broader actions at the national and international levels.

The report examines the role of governments in identifying and assessing climate-related physical risks and their impacts on public finances, and reporting climate-related fiscal risks to promote transparency in public financial management. It discusses how to mitigate those risks through protecting households and businesses, and developing integrated multipronged financial strategies to fund government expenditure needs. Finally, it calls for promoting integrated strategies to strengthen financial resilience at the country and regional levels, and for mobilising development co-operation to strengthen global climate financial resilience.

Desde la lucha contra el COVID-19 y el cambio climático hasta la lucha contra la corrupción y la evasión fiscal, las organizaciones internacionales (OI) desempeñan un papel fundamental para ayudar a los países a encontrar soluciones a problemas comunes. Pero para que las OI brinden un apoyo óptimo a los países y sus poblaciones, sus instrumentos internacionales deben ser inclusivos, comprensibles y tener un impacto tangible. Este Compendio de Prácticas de Organizaciones Internacionales reúne las experiencias de alrededor de 50 OI con diferentes mandatos, miembros y marcos institucionales para obtener lecciones para la elaboración de normas internacionales. El Compendio examina la diversidad de instrumentos en el ecosistema normativo internacional; describe tendencias y desafíos; y analiza cómo fortalecer la implementación y evaluación de los instrumentos internacionales, garantizar la participación eficiente de las partes interesadas y maximizar las oportunidades de coordinación entre las OI. El Compendio de las OI está diseñado para servir no solo a todos los profesionales de políticas nacionales e internacionales, sino también a los actores de la sociedad civil, expertos académicos, actores privados y ciudadanos que buscan comprender, beneficiarse y posiblemente contribuir al proceso de elaboración de instrumentos internacionales.

English, French

EU Funded Note

Prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, Ukraine had made significant progress in implementing ambitious regional development and decentralisation reforms. These reforms resulted in the creation of 1 469 amalgamated municipalities, the establishment of an elaborate multi-level regional development planning framework, as well as a significant increase in local public service delivery, and public funding for regional and local development. However, the reforms faced a number of challenges, many of which have been significantly exacerbated by Russia’s war against Ukraine. These challenges include increasing regional economic, demographic and well-being disparities, a fragmented regional development funding framework, as well as marked discrepancies in municipal administrative, human resource and fiscal capacity. This report presents an in-depth analysis of Ukraine’s progress in implementing its multi-level governance reforms and explores the role of subnational governments in disaster management. From there, it recommends how Ukraine, together with international partners, can use multi-level governance, regional development and decentralisation to support subnational reconstruction and recovery to address urgent humanitarian needs, rebuild local economies and communities, and strengthen their resilience.

  • 30 Nov 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 364

Tourism has been hit hard by the depth and duration of the crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Just as the sector was starting to rebound, the economic fallout from Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has dealt a fresh blow to recovery prospects. The 2022 edition of OECD Tourism Trends and Policies analyses tourism performance and policy trends to support recovery across 50 OECD countries and partner economies. It examines the key tourism recovery challenges and outlook ahead, and highlights the need for co-ordinated, forward-looking policy approaches to set tourism on a path to a more resilient, sustainable and inclusive future. Evidence on the significance of the tourism economy is presented, with data covering domestic, inbound and outbound tourism, enterprises and employment, and internal tourism consumption. Tourism policy priorities, reforms and developments are analysed and examples of country practices highlighted. Thematic chapters provide insights on building resilience in the tourism ecosystem and promoting a green tourism recovery.

  • 25 Nov 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 277

Rural regions in Colombia have untapped potential to boost wealth and well-being in the country. Despite remarkable economic growth over the last two decades, Colombia’s development policy needs to increase its focus on rurality, as regional inequalities remain high by OECD standards and structural challenges still prevent greater development in rural places. This report assesses trends, challenges and opportunities of rural Colombia and examines the country’s rural development policy. It offers recommendations to mobilise rural assets and improve rural well-being with a focus on: strengthening multi-government coordination and policy implementation; enhancing transport and broadband connectivity as well as accessibility to quality education and health and; improving land use management in rural Colombia.

This report discusses how steering innovation investment in public sector organisations through a portfolio approach can help governments respond to the multi-faceted challenges they face. Portfolio management is a well-known device in the financial sector, allowing for dynamic decision-making processes involving regular reviews of activity and ensuring a coherent distribution of resources among strategic options. The report illustrates how this approach can be applied by public sector organisations to reap a variety of benefits, including avoiding innovation fragmentation and single-point solutionism; tackling risk aversion and learning at the portfolio level; identifying synergies among projects and activities; building value chains among projects and programmes; and layering activities connected to complex reforms. The report also discusses the type of innovation investments or facets a portfolio can help to steer and what these look like in practice.

As countries seek to learn from the COVID-19 crisis and increase their resilience for the future, evaluations are important tools to understand what worked or not, why and for whom. This report is the first of its kind. It evaluates Luxembourg’s responses to the COVID-19 crisis in terms of risk preparedness, crisis management, as well as public health, education, economic and fiscal, and social and labour market policies. While Luxembourg’s response to the pandemic has been particularly agile, preserving the country’s resilience will require maintaining high levels of trust in government, reducing inequalities, and laying the foundations for inclusive growth. The findings and recommendations of this report will provide guidance to public authorities in these efforts.


يمثّل الشباب (12-30 عاما) أكثر من ثلث مجموع السكان في الأردن، مع نسبة تصل إلى 36%. تعتبر الحوكمة العامة ضرورية لدعم انتقال الشباب إلى العيش المستقل وتوفير الفرص لمشاركتهم في الحياة الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والعامة. ضربت جائحة كوفيد-19 الشباب في الأردن بشكل قوي، مؤكّدة بذلك على أهمية وصول الشباب إلى خدمات عامة عالية الجودة وفرص للمشاركة في عمليات صنع القرار.

يورد هذا التقرير تحليلا للترتيبات الخاصة بالحوكمة التي وضعتها حكومة الأردن لتحقيق نتائج سياساتية مراعية للشباب، مركّزا على خمسة مجالات: 1) الاستراتيجية الوطنية للشباب في الأردن للأعوام 2019-2025، 2) القدرات المؤسسية لوزارة الشباب، 3) أدوات الحوكمة لإدراج الاعتبارات الخاصة بالشباب في عملية وضع السياسات وتقديم الخدمات، 4) مشاركة الشباب وتمثيلهم في الحياة العامة، 5) الأطر القانونية المراعية للشباب.

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