Building a Skilled Cyber Security Workforce in Latin America

Insights from Chile, Colombia and Mexico

image of Building a Skilled Cyber Security Workforce in Latin America

As societies become increasingly digital, the importance of cyber security has grown significantly for individuals, companies, and nations. The rising number of cyber attacks surpasses the existing defense capabilities, partly due to a shortage of skilled cyber security professionals. This report delves into the analysis of the demand for cyber security experts in Latin America, using information from online job postings in Chile, Colombia, and Mexico. The analysis investigates recent trends in job demand for various cyber security roles, the geographical distribution of cyber security job postings, and the evolving skill requirements in this field. Additionally, the report focuses on the supply side by examining the landscape of cyber security education and training programmes in Colombia. It explores the different types of programmes offered in vocational and higher education, the characteristics of learners enrolled in these programmes, and their outcomes. Lastly, the report examines policies and initiatives implemented in Colombia to enhance the accessibility and relevance of cyber security education and training programmes. This report is part of a broader initiative that examines the evolution of policies and experiences in the cyber security profession around the world.


Resumen ejecutivo

América Latina (LATAM) no está exenta de los crecientes desafíos globales de ciberseguridad. La rápida transformación digital de la región y la mayor conectividad la hacen propensa a las amenazas cibernéticas. Tanto los individuos como las organizaciones se encuentran cada vez más expuestos a ataques cibernéticos a medida que hay una mayor penetración de las tecnologías digitales en diversos aspectos de la vida cotidiana y las operaciones. Además, América Latina posee activos significativos e infraestructura esencial que podrían ser objetivos para los ciberdelincuentes. Desarrollar una fuerza laboral sólida en ciberseguridad es vital para salvaguardar los activos digitales de la región, mantener la estabilidad económica y proteger la privacidad y seguridad de la población.

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