Resourcing Higher Education in the Flemish Community of Belgium
The report on Resourcing Higher Education in the Flemish Community of Belgium is the first in a series of publications produced by the OECD's Resourcing Higher Education Project. This project aims to develop a shared knowledge base for OECD member and partner countries on effective policies for higher education resourcing through system-specific and comparative policy analysis. The review of resourcing in the Flemish Community of Belgium has a strong focus on the funding of operating costs, teaching and research in Flemish higher education institutions. It also analyses financial support for students, system-level frameworks governing human resources policy in higher education and key trends in higher education that will impact future higher education resourcing policy. Alongside analysis and comparison of Flemish resourcing policy approaches, it provides recommendations to support future refinement of policies.
Expenditure per student in constant prices 2008-2017 in three OECD jurisdictions
Expenditure from public and private sources on all higher education institutions (ISCED 5-8) per FTE student in USD adjusted for constant prices (2015) and constant purchasing power parity (PPP)
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