Inflation measured by consumer price index (CPI) is defined as the change in the prices of a basket of goods and services that are typically purchased by specific groups of households. Inflation is measured in terms of the annual growth rate and in index, 2015 base year with a breakdown for food, energy and total excluding food and energy. Inflation measures the erosion of living standards. A consumer price index is estimated as a series of summary measures of the period-to-period proportional change in the prices of a fixed set of consumer goods and services of constant quantity and characteristics, acquired, used or paid for by the reference population. Each summary measure is constructed as a weighted average of a large number of elementary aggregate indices. Each of the elementary aggregate indices is estimated using a sample of prices for a defined set of goods and services obtained in, or by residents of, a specific region from a given set of outlets or other sources of consumption goods and services.
Inflation forecast is measured in terms of the consumer price index (CPI) or harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP) for euro area countries, the euro area aggregate and the United Kingdom. Inflation measures the general evolution of prices. It is defined as the change in the prices of a basket of goods and services that are typically purchased by households. Projections are based on an assessment of the economic climate in individual countries and the world economy, using a combination of model-based analyses and expert judgement. The indicator is expressed in annual growth rates.
Housing prices include housing rent prices indices, real and nominal house prices indices, and ratios of price to rent and price to income.
In most cases, the nominal house price index covers the sales of newly-built and existing dwellings, following the recommendations from the RPPI (Residential Property Prices Indices) manual.
The real house price index is given by the ratio of the nominal house price index to the consumers’ expenditure deflator in each country from the OECD national accounts database. Both indices are seasonally adjusted.
The price to income ratio is the nominal house price index divided by the nominal disposable income per head and can be considered as a measure of affordability.
The price to rent ratio is the nominal house price index divided by the housing rent price index and can be considered as a measure of the profitability of house ownership.
The price to income and price to rent ratios are indices with base year 2015.
Share price indices are calculated from the prices of common shares of companies traded on national or foreign stock exchanges. They are usually determined by the stock exchange, using the closing daily values for the monthly data, and normally expressed as simple arithmetic averages of the daily data. A share price index measures how the value of the stocks in the index is changing, a share return index tells the investor what their “return” is, meaning how much money they would make as a result of investing in that basket of shares. A price index measures changes in the market capitalisation of the basket of shares in the index whereas a return index adds on to the price index the value of dividend payments, assuming they are re-invested in the same stocks. Occasionally agencies such as central banks will compile share indices.
Prices cover the consumer price index (inflation) and its forecast, the producer price index, the price level index, housing prices and share prices. Consumer price indices measure changes in average retail prices of a fixed basket of goods and services representing household consumption, whereas producer price indices measure average movements of prices received by the producers of various commodities; these are often seen as advanced indicators of price changes throughout the economy. Comparative price levels measure the differences in the general price levels of countries; they are dependent on exchange rates and should be treated with caution. Share price indices are calculated from the prices of common shares of companies traded on national or foreign stock exchanges.
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