This dataset comprises indicators on gross domestic product (GDP, GDP per capita), income (net national income per capita, net saving rate, real household net disposable income, earnings and wages), expenditure (investment, consumption expenditure), corporate, production (gross value added), international trade, general government (government spending, financial net worth, social contributions, social protection, public debt) and capital (net capital stock, financial assets of households, household debt). Data are internationally comparable by following the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA). Data are expressed in different measures and are provided from 1970 onwards.
This dataset presents OECD quarterly national accounts (QNA) statistics collected from all the OECD member countries and some major economies. It contains a wide selection of mainly seasonally adjusted quarterly series such as gross domestic product (GDP) expenditure and output approaches, GDP income approach, gross fixed capital formation, disposable income and real disposable income components, saving and net lending, population and employment, employment by industry, compensation of employees, household final consumption expenditure by durability. Data are expressed in millions of national currency, millions of US dollars and other measures and starting from 1946 when available.
This dataset presents statistics on government debt defined by the Maastricht Treaty. In the Protocol on the excessive deficit procedure annexed to the Maastricht Treaty, government debt is defined as the debt of the whole general government sector: gross, consolidated and nominal value (face value). It excludes the other accounts payable (AF.7), as well as, if they exist, insurance technical reserve (AF.6). Data are expressed in millions of national currency at current prices and are available starting from 1950 onwards.
This dataset presents comprehensive quantitative statistics on marketable and non-marketable central government debt instruments broken down by flows and stocks in all OECD member countries. Data coverage is limited to central government debt issuance hence excluding state and local government debt as well as social security funds. Data are expressed in million of national currency, millions of US dollars, number of years and percentage and are available from 1980 onwards.
This dataset contains the main results of the 2017 Eurostat-OECD PPP comparison for the 49 countries that participated in the 2017 round of the Eurostat-OECD Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Programme. Colombia and Costa Rica participated for the first time. Please note that time series for PPPs for GDP, actual individual consumption and household final consumption for these two countries in the National Accounts databases are still based on the 2011 ICP results until April 2020 (release of ICP 2017 results).
OECD National Accounts Statistics
The OECD National Accounts Statistics database includes annual and quarterly data of a wide range of areas from 1955, such as gross domestic product (GDP) with its three approaches: expenditure based, output based and income based; gross domestics product (GDP) per capita; disposable income; population and employment; PPPs and exchange rates; general government accounts; financial accounts flows and stocks and central government debt for OECD countries and non-member economies. Data are internationally comparable based on the System of National Accounts 2008 (SNA 2008).
Also available in: French
- ISSN: 20743947 (online)
- https://doi.org/10.1787/na-data-en
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