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Outside the Netherlands Rotterdam is best known for its port – once the busiest in the world, and still the busiest in Europe. But the docks have moved steadily downstream and the centre of Rotterdam is very different from what it was even 50 years ago.

A young and dynamic city, Rotterdam is one of the few in Europe where the average age of the population is decreasing. It is ethnically and culturally diverse and has high potential for attracting the “creative class”.

The Rotterdam region is home to two leading research universities and several other innovative higher education institutions. This report looks at how to encourage growth in the Rotterdam region, through the transfer of technology and knowledge, and through realising the potential of its people.

This publication is part of the series of OECD reviews of Higher Education in Regional and City Development. These reviews help mobilise higher education institutions for economic, social and cultural development of cities and regions. They analyse how the higher education system impacts upon regional and local development and bring together universities, other higher education institutions and public and private agencies to identify strategic goals and to work towards them.

Berlin is a creative city attracting talent from around the world. The Berlin Senate has made great strides in developing innovation as a pillar of its economy. But challenges remain: there is long-term unemployment, a low absorptive capacity in small and medium-sized enterprises and a large migrant population that lags behind in educational and labour market outcomes.

How can Berlin’s higher education institutions capitalise on their long tradition of professionally relevant learning and research to transform social, economic and environmental challenges into assets and opportunities? What incentives are needed to improve higher education institutions´ regional and local orientation?

This publication explores a range of helpful policy measures and institutional reforms to mobilise higher education for Berlin’s development. It is part of the series of the OECD reviews of Higher Education in Regional and City Development. These reviews help mobilise higher education institutions for economic, social and cultural development of cities and regions. They analyse how the higher education system impacts upon regional and local development and bring together universities, other higher education institutions and public and private agencies to identify strategic goals and to work towards them.

  • 13 Oct 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 90

What does the OECD have to say about the state of education today? What are the main OECD messages on early childhood education, teacher policies and tertiary education? What about student performance, educational spending and equity in education? OECD work on these important education topics and others have been brought together in a single accessible source updating the first edition of Education Today which came out in March 2009.

Organised into eight chapters, this report examines early childhood education, schooling, transitions beyond initial education, higher education, adult learning, outcomes and returns, equity, and innovation. The chapters are structured around key findings and policy directions emerging from recent OECD educational analyses. Each entry highlights the main message in a concise and accessible way, with a brief explanation and reference to the original OECD source.

"The large issues that the very conciseness of this book brings into focus might suggest that brevity is an underrated virtue in the educational literature."   -  Paul Temple, Institute of Education, University of London, reviewing in the London Review of Education

  • 12 Oct 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 240

Pour les pays membres de l’OCDE, des compétences de haut niveau sur le lieu de travail sont considérées comme essentielles pour soutenir la croissance économique. Les systèmes de formation professionnelle sont actuellement examinés à la loupe afin de déterminer s’ils sont en mesure de fournir les compétences requises. Formation et emploi : relever le défi de la réussite est une évaluation par l’OCDE des politiques de formation professionnelle ayant pour but d’aider les pays à mieux adapter leur système de formation professionnelle aux besoins du marché du travail. Cette évaluation élargit la base factuelle, définit des moyens d’action possibles et élabore des outils pour évaluer les initiatives en matière de politique de formation professionnelle.

L’OCDE procède à une évaluation des politiques de formation professionnelle en Allemagne, en Australie, en Autriche, en Belgique (Flandre), en Corée, aux États-Unis (Caroline du Sud et Texas), en Hongrie, en Irlande, au Mexique, en Norvège, en République tchèque, au Royaume-Uni (Angleterre et Pays de Galles), en Suède et en Suisse. Un premier rapport sur le Chili et un rapport succinct sur la République populaire de Chine ont aussi été préparés.

Le rapport initial de Formation et emploi : relever le défi de la réussite est disponible sur le site de l’OCDE.

Korean, English, German, Spanish

Que savons-nous de la façon dont nous apprenons ? Quelle influence les motivations et les émotions des jeunes ont-elles sur leurs apprentissages ? Dans quelles circonstances le travail en groupe, l’évaluation formative ou les pédagogies par projet donnent-ils les meilleurs résultats ? Qu’en est-il de l’apprentissage à l’aide des technologies ou au sein de la famille ?

Voilà quelques-unes des questions abordées pour l’OCDE par des chercheurs de premier plan d’Amérique du Nord et d’Europe, parmi lesquels Brigid Barron, Monique Boekaerts, Erik De Corte, Linda Darling-Hammond, Kurt Fischer, Andrew Furco, Richard Mayer, Lauren Resnick, Barbara Schneider, Robert Slavin, James Spillane, Elsbeth Stern et Dylan Wiliam.

Réunissant les éclairages apportés par la recherche sur la nature de l’apprentissage et sur diverses applications éducatives, cet ouvrage en dégage sept principes fondamentaux. C’est une lecture incontournable pour tous ceux qui s’intéressent à ce que la recherche a à dire sur l’optimisation des apprentissages en classe, à l’école et ailleurs.

Visant avant tout à inspirer les pratiques et les réformes éducatives, il intéressera tout particulièrement les enseignants, les chefs d’établissement, les formateurs d’enseignants, les conseillers et décideurs ainsi que la communauté des chercheurs en sciences de l’éducation.

Polish, English, Slovenian

Amsterdam has the characteristics of creativeness, openness and diversity that make it attractive to global talent and a young population. It has strong research universities and excellent transport infrastructure including one of the world’s leading airports. It is the financial capital of the Netherlands and home to many multi-national companies. Amsterdam’s cultural and architectural heritage have ensured that it is better-known globally than many cities twice its size.

However, the Amsterdam metropolitan region still has unfulfilled potential. This report looks at how to encourage effective interaction between the higher education sector and the region, not simply on the transfer of technology and knowledge, but on the mobility and skills of people. It considers how to develop and transform the talents and competences both of the young non-Western minority and of the 30+ age-group.

This publication explores a range of helpful policy measures and institutional reforms to mobilise higher education for the development of Amsterdam. It is part of the series of the OECD reviews of Higher Education in Regional and City Development. These reviews help mobilise higher education institutions for economic, social and cultural development of cities and regions. They analyse how the higher education system impacts upon regional and local development and bring together universities, other higher education institutions and public and private agencies to identify strategic goals and to work towards them.

This report highlights key issues to facilitate understanding of how a systemic approach to technology-based school innovations can contribute to quality education for all while promoting a more equal and effective education system. It focuses on the novel concept of systemic innovation, as well as presenting the emerging opportunities to generate innovations that stem from Web 2.0 and the important investments and efforts that have gone into the development and promotion of digital resources. It also shows alternative ways to monitor, assess and scale up technology-based innovations. Some country cases, as well as fresh and alternative research frameworks, are presented.

A educação é uma prioridade fundamental para o Estado de Santa Catarina. Os seus responsáveis pela elaboração de políticas estão firmemente empenhados no fornecimento de um sistema educacional adequado e eficiente, que atenda às exigências da economia global e que possibilite que o Estado ganhe em competitividade, tanto em âmbito nacional como internacional.

Esta análise da OCDE apresenta uma breve visão global do setor da educação no Estado de Santa Catarina e das suas recentes evoluções. Realiza uma análise do sistema, desde a pré-escola até a educação superior e a aprendizagem continuada e identifica as principais diretrizes para uma reforma das políticas à luz dos desafios enfrentados pelas autoridades, comunidades, empresas, bem como pelos educadores, pais e alunos. Conclui com um conjunto de recomendações principais referentes à estrutura do sistema e sua relevância para o mundo do trabalho, ao acesso e equidade, à gestão e administração, à pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação, à internacionalização e ao financiamento. Este relatório será de utilidade para os profissionais catarinenses e de outros Estados, bem como para os seus homólogos no plano internacional.

  • 30 Sept 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 180

This report develops comparative knowledge for reforms in teacher and school management policies in the context of an OECD member country: Mexico. Mexico’s education outcomes can be improved by enhancing the effectiveness of its schools. The standards gap between the performance of students in Mexico and other OECD countries can only be reduced if schools become good at what they do. This report looks at key issues and challenges faced by the Mexican education system and provides policy recommendations on school management, leadership and teacher policies. These recommendations have been developed by considering the outcomes, quality and standards of education and schools in Mexico in terms of what is known internationally about effective schools, and by adapting this knowledge to the Mexican context.

The report has two audiences: It aims to support the Mexican government and key actors in the education system to develop long-term vision and policy in the areas of school management, school leadership, social participation, selection and recruitment of teachers, teacher education, professional development, and evaluation policies in Mexico. At the same time, it provides valuable knowledge in education policy development and implementation useful for other OECD member and partner countries that are in the process of reforming their education systems.

  • 30 Sept 2010
  • Kathrin Hoeckel, Robert Schwartz
  • Pages: 74

Learning for Jobs is an OECD study of vocational education and training (VET) designed to help countries make their VET systems more responsive to labour market needs.

Germany has a very well developed and widely respected VET system with a strong dual component integrating learning in schools and workplace training. VET policy, design and delivery are strongly supported by social partner engagement and institutionalised VET research capacity. At the same time the German system confronts several challenges: the transition system is costly and suffers from undue fragmentation; more attention could be placed on adequate career guidance and basic skills provision; assessment is dominated by the Chamber exam; and only very few VET graduates take up university studies despite reforms to open access considerably.

The OECD review assesses the main challenges faced by the VET system and presents an interconnected package of policy recommendations. For each recommendation, the report describes the challenge, the recommendation itself, supporting arguments, and issues of implementation.

  • 28 Sept 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 90
  • 23 Sept 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 176

Mathematics Teaching and Learning Strategies in PISA uses data from the PISA 2003 assessment to examine the relationships between teaching strategies, student learning strategies and mathematics achievement. The report aims to identify instructional practices and learning strategies that contribute to increased achievement in mathematics and general knowledge. It then explains how these strategies may be related to different countries’ school system structures.

This report offers policy insights and stimulates new research to complement and further develop the recent OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) and the upcoming PISA 2012 assessment, which will again focus on mathematics. In addition, this report may be of interest to teachers, educators and officials within national and local educational authorities responsible for the professional development of teachers or for programme development, as well as members of school boards and parent advisory bodies.

  • 17 Sept 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 220

Today’s global policy climate underlines the importance of better addressing non-economic dimensions of well-being and social progress such as health, social engagement, political interest and crime. Education plays an important role in shaping indicators of progress. However, we understand little about the causal effects, the causal pathways, the role of contexts and the relative impacts that different educational interventions have on social outcomes.

This report addresses challenges in assessing the social outcomes of learning by providing a synthesis of the existing evidence, original data analyses and policy discussions. The report finds that education has the potential to promote health as well as civic and social engagement. Education may reduce inequalities by fostering cognitive, social and emotional skills and promoting healthy lifestyles, participatory practices and norms. These efforts are most likely to be successful when family and community environments are aligned with the efforts made in educational institutions. This calls for ensuring policy coherence across sectors and stages of education.

  • 14 Sept 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 218

Ein hohes Niveau arbeitsplatzrelevanter Kompetenzen wird für die OECD-Länder als entscheidendes Mittel zur Stützung des Wirtschaftswachstums betrachtet. Die Berufsbildungssysteme sind nunmehr Gegenstand eingehender Analysen, um herauszufinden, ob sie in der Lage sind, die erforderlichen Kompetenzen zu vermitteln. Lernen für die Arbeitswelt ist eine OECD-Studie zur Berufsbildung, die den Ländern dabei helfen soll, die Anpassungsfähigkeit ihrer Berufsbildungssysteme im Blick auf die Arbeitsmarkterfordernisse zu verbessern. Sie wird die Faktengrundlage erweitern, einen Katalog von Politikoptionen ermitteln und Instrumente für die Bewertung der Politikinitiativen im Bereich der Berufsbildung entwickeln.

Die OECD führt in folgenden Ländern Prüfungen der Berufsbildungspolitik durch: Australien, Belgien (Flandern), Deutschland, Irland, Korea, Mexiko, Norwegen, Österreich, Schweden, Schweiz, Tschechische Republik, Ungarn, Vereinigtes Königreich (England und Wales), Vereinigte Staaten (South Carolina und Texas). Ein erster Bericht über Chile und ein Kurzbericht über die Volksrepublik China wurden ebenfalls erstellt.

French, Spanish, English, Korean
  • 07 Sept 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 96

Highlights from Education at a Glance 2010 is a companion publication to the OECD’s flagship compendium of education statistics, Education at a Glance. It provides easily accessible data on key topics in education today, including: education levels and student numbers, economic and social benefits of education, education spending, the school environment (hours of instruction, class size, etc.) and school choice and parent voice.

Each indicator is presented on a two-page spread. The left-hand page explains the significance of the indicator, discusses the main findings, examines key trends and provides readers with a roadmap for finding out more in the OECD education databases and in other OECD education publications. The right-hand page contains clearly presented charts and tables, accompanied by dynamic hyperlinks (StatLinks) that direct readers to the corresponding data in Excel™ format. Highlights from Education at a Glance 2010 is an ideal introduction to the OECD’s unrivalled collection of internationally comparable data on education and learning. 

  • 07 Sept 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 472

Across OECD countries, governments are seeking policies to make education more effective while searching for additional resources to meet the increasing demand for education.

The 2010 edition of Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators enables countries to see themselves in the light of other countries’ performance. It provides a rich, comparable and up-to-date array of indicators on systems and represents the consensus of professional thinking on how to measure the current state of education internationally.

The indicators show who participates in education, how much is spent on it and how education systems operate. They also illustrate a wide range of educational outcomes, comparing, for example, student performance in key subject areas and the impact of education on earnings and on adults’ chances of employment.

New material in this edition includes:

  • indicators on school choice and the parent voice in education;
  • an indicator on the long-term economic impact of improved learning outcomes;
  • an indicator benchmarking labour costs by educational levels across OECD countries;
  • a review of trends in educational attainment;
  • an update on the human and financial resources invested in education;
  • an indicator comparing salaries of teachers to earnings of workers with tertiary education;
  • a review of adult participation in education and training.
French, German, Spanish
  • 07 Sept 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 504

Dans tous les pays de l’OCDE, les gouvernements cherchent à accroître l’efficacité de leur système éducatif tout en s’employant à trouver les ressources supplémentaires pour faire face à la demande grandissante de formation.

Conçue pour permettre aux pays d’évaluer la performance de leur système d’enseignement à la lumière de celle d’autres pays, l’édition 2010 de Regards sur l’éducation : Les indicateurs de l’OCDE présente une imposante batterie d’indicateurs actualisés et comparables sur les résultats des systèmes éducatifs. Ces indicateurs sont le fruit d’une concertation entre spécialistes sur la façon de mesurer l’état actuel de l’éducation à l’échelle internationale.

Les indicateurs montrent qui participe aux activités éducatives, quelles dépenses leur sont affectées, comment les systèmes éducatifs fonctionnent et quels sont les résultats obtenus. Les indicateurs de résultats portent sur des aspects très variés, allant de la comparaison des performances des élèves dans des disciplines fondamentales jusqu’à l’analyse de l’impact de la formation sur les revenus et sur les possibilités d’emploi à l’âge adulte.

Cette édition comprend des éléments nouveaux, notamment :

  • des indicateurs sur le droit au libre choix des établissements scolaires et l’influence des parents sur les structures d’éducation de leur(s) enfant(s) ;
  • un indicateur ciblant l’impact économique à long terme d’une amélioration des résultats d’apprentissage ;
  • un indicateur comparant les coûts de main-d’œuvre des pays de l’OCDE selon le niveau de formation ;
  • un examen de l’évolution des niveaux de formation ;
  • des données récentes sur les ressources humaines et financières investies dans l’éducation ;
  • un indicateur comparant les salaires des enseignants à ceux des actifs diplômés de l’enseignement tertiaire ; et
  • une étude de la participation des adultes aux activités de formation.
Spanish, English, German
  • 07 Sept 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 537
Maßnahmen, um das Bildungswesen effektiver zu gestalten, während sie sich gleichzeitig um zusätzliche Ressourcen für die steigende Bildungsnachfrage bemühen.
Die Ausgabe 2010 von Bildung auf einen Blick: OECD-Indikatoren ermöglicht es jedem einzelnen Land, sein Bildungssystem im Licht der Leistungen anderer Länder zu betrachten. Sie bietet ein umfangreiches, aktuelles Spektrum an Indikatoren zu den Bildungssystemen, die Ländervergleiche ermöglichen und die Qualität und Effizienz der Bildungssysteme nach Maßstäben messen, die von der internationalen Fachwelt allgemein anerkannt werden.
Die Indikatoren zeigen auf, wer an Bildung teilnimmt, was für Bildung ausgegeben wird und wie die einzelnen Bildungssysteme funktionieren. Ferner veranschaulichen sie ein breites Spektrum an Bildungsergebnissen, indem beispielsweise die Schülerleistungen in wichtigen Fächern und der Einfluss von Bildung auf die Arbeitsverdienste und Beschäftigungschancen Erwachsener verglichen werden.
French, Spanish, English
  • 02 Sept 2010
  • OECD, The World Bank
  • Pages: 132

Chile has long considered education as a central priority and as key for its economic development. Over the past two decades the country has made great strides to increase the numbers of young people entering tertiary education. In 2008 Chile embarked on a bold initiative to develop its human capital with a scholarship abroad scheme – the Becas Chile Programme – which aims to train 30 000 outstanding students including teachers and technicians in institutions of their choice around the world.

This joint OECD and World Bank report gives an overview of human capital development in Chile; describes features of the Becas Chile Programme; analyses the strategic and operational issues; and recommends ways to maintain and fine-tune the scholarship abroad scheme. This report will be useful for both Chilean education professionals and their international counterparts.

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