OECD Regional Development Working Papers

Working papers from the Regional Development Policy Division of the OECD cover a full range of topics including regional statistics and analysis, urban governance and economics, rural governance and economics, and multi-level governance. Depending on the programme of work, the papers can cover specific topics such as regional innovation and networks, the determinants of regional growth or fiscal consolidation at the sub-national level.


The OECD Metropolitan Governance Survey

A Quantitative Description of Governance Structures in large Urban Agglomerations

Even though metropolitan areas account for half of the population, and an even larger share of economic activity of OECD countries, almost no systematic information on governance structures in these areas exists. This study – based on a novel data set – gives an overview of governance arrangements in OECD metropolitan areas. It shows that organisations dedicated to metropolitan area governance are common, but often have little powers. Nevertheless, the existence of such organisations is related with better performance on a range of important outcome variables, such as public transport systems, environmental issues, and urban sprawl.


Keywords: local governance, metropolitan areas, data collection
JEL: H11: Public Economics / Structure and Scope of Government / Structure, Scope, and Performance of Government; H70: Public Economics / State and Local Government; Intergovernmental Relations / State and Local Government; Intergovernmental Relations: General; R50: Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics / Regional Government Analysis / Regional Government Analysis: General
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