Trade and Gender Review of New Zealand

image of Trade and Gender Review of New Zealand

This Trade and Gender Review of New Zealand draws on both quantitative and qualitative insights to provide a comprehensive analysis of the impact of trade, and trade policies, on New Zealand women as workers, consumers, and business owners and leaders. This Review sets out policy recommendations to help tackle the barriers that women face in engaging in trade and ensure that they share in the benefits from trade. Key recommendations include ensuring market access for goods and services that women produce and consume; incorporating gender provisions in trade agreements; trade facilitation reforms that particularly benefit women entrepreneurs; export promotion of women-led businesses; and ensuring diversity in trade policymaking.


Forward policy actions for consideration

Chapter 3 suggests a number of policy actions that New Zealand could undertake to lower barriers to trade faced by women, to promote inclusive gains from trade, and to translate gender equality objectives into trade policies. These policy recommendations aim to contribute to New Zealand’s inclusive trade agenda and support open markets and a rules-based international trading system in good working order.


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