OECD Health Working Papers
This series is designed to make available to a wider readership health studies prepared for use within the OECD. Authorship is usually collective, but principal writers are named. The papers are generally available only in their original language - English or French - with a summary in the other.
- ISSN: 18152015 (online)
- https://doi.org/10.1787/18152015
The Impact of Pay Increases on Nurses' Labour Market
A Review of Evidence from Four OECD Countries
Nurses are usually the most numerous professionals in the healthcare workforce, and their
contribution is a core component in attaining the policy objectives of improved productivity, quality of
care and effectiveness in the health sector. The recent global economic crisis, and its related impacts on
health sector funding and health labour market dynamics, has reinforced these policy priorities.
This report reviews the impact of pay increases on nurses’ labour market indicators. It presents
background data on trends in the numbers of nurses and the remuneration of nurses in OECD countries;
summarises the limited evidence base on pay and labour market behaviour; reports on four case study
countries where a significant pay raise was awarded to at least some categories of nurses in recent years in
response to perceived labour market challenges – the United Kingdom (UK), New Zealand, Finland and
the Czech Republic – using a variety of indicators to illustrate impact; and concludes with key points for
policy makers.
There has been variable growth in nurses’ employment levels in OECD countries in recent years, and
nurses’ pay rates, in comparison to other earnings in national economies, vary markedly across OECD
The country case studies in this report highlight that there were several main drivers for the
implementation of a pay rise for nurses, and also identified a range of possible indicators that can be used
to assess the impact of changes to nurses’ pay. The main impetus for a pay increase came from: labour
market concerns (geographic or specialty shortages), which were reported in all four countries; pay equity
issues (New Zealand and the UK); structural changes in the pay systems (e.g., increased flexibility)
(Finland, New Zealand and the UK); attempts to improve organizational productivity and the quality of
care (UK); and improving international pay competitiveness (Czech Republic after EU accession).
The review concludes by arguing that how nurses are paid - as well as how much they are paid – is an
issue worthy of more detailed examination. While the same policy drivers exist in most OECD countries,
nurses’ pay systems are very different. The findings suggest that, in the short term at least, the pay
increases in the four countries contributed to an increase in the potential “new” supply of entrants to nurse
education; the effect on those already in work is more difficult to assess, as their behaviour is also
impacted by the complex interaction of other aspects, such as working environment and working
conditions, career possibilities, and individuals' priorities.
J2: Labor and Demographic Economics / Demand and Supply of Labor;
I10: Health, Education, and Welfare / Health / Health: General;
I18: Health, Education, and Welfare / Health / Health: Government Policy; Regulation; Public Health
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