International Migration Outlook 2018
The 2018 edition of International Migration Outlook analyses recent developments in migration movements and policies in OECD countries and some non member countries, and looks at the evolution of the labour market outcomes of immigrants in OECD countries, with a focus on the migrants’ job quality and on the sections and occupations in which they are concentrated. It includes two special chapters on the contribution of recent refugee flows to the labour force and on the illegal employment of foreign workers. It also includes country notes and a statistical annex.
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Russian Federation
Net migration inflow to the Russian Federation was 212 000 in 2017, a 19% decrease compared to the previous year (262 000). The inflow of permanent immigrants amounted to 598 000 (575 000 in 2016). The main countries of origin were Ukraine (150 000), Kazakhstan (72 000), Uzbekistan (64 000), Tajikistan (63 000) and Armenia (47 000). Emigration from the Russian Federation increased significantly to 377 000, compared to 313 000 in 2016. This is even more than in 2015 (353 000) and is mainly driven by labour migrants departing after being unable to renew work permits due to negative economic conditions. The main destination countries were Ukraine (102 000 a 72% increase since 2016), Uzbekistan (42 000), Kazakhstan (39 000) Armenia (33 000), Tajikistan (29 000), Moldova and Kyrgyzstan (22 000 each).
Also available in: French
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