Health at a Glance: Asia/Pacific 2014

Measuring Progress towards Universal Health Coverage

image of Health at a Glance: Asia/Pacific 2014

This third edition of Health at a Glance Asia/Pacific presents a set of key indicators of health status, the determinants of health, health care resources and utilisation, health care expenditure and financing and health care quality across 27 Asia/Pacific countries and economies. Drawing on a wide range of data sources, it builds on the format used in previous editions of Health at a Glance, and gives readers a better understanding of the factors that affect the health of populations and the performance of health systems in these countries and economies.

Each of the indicators is presented in a user-friendly format, consisting of charts illustrating variations across countries and over time, brief descriptive analyses highlighting the major findings conveyed by the data, and a methodological box on the definition of the indicator and any limitations in data comparability. An annex provides additional information on the demographic context in which health systems operate. It is a joint OECD and WHO/WPRO and WHO/SEARO publication.

English Also available in: Korean

Mental health care

Despite the enormous epidemiological, social and economic burden of mental ill-health, mental health care is still not a priority in most health systems and access to mental health care is often not adequate. At any point in time, about 10% of the adult population report having some type of mental or behavioural disorder (WHO, 2001) and in some countries, over 90% of people who have attempted or committed suicide had been diagnosed with psychiatric disorders such as severe depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia (Nock et al., 2008). In many parts of the Asia/Pacific region, appropriate care may not be available and access to mental health care may not be assured for people with mental ill-health. Access to mental health care can be assessed by the supply of professionals and the availability of psychiatric beds in different settings such as general hospitals, mental health hospitals and community facilities.



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