Health at a Glance 2019
OECD Indicators
Health at a Glance compares key indicators for population health and health system performance across OECD members, candidate and partner countries. It highlights how countries differ in terms of the health status and health-seeking behaviour of their citizens; access to and quality of health care; and the resources available for health. Analysis is based on the latest comparable data across 80 indicators, with data coming from official national statistics, unless otherwise stated.
Alongside indicator-by-indicator analysis, an overview chapter summarises the comparative performance of countries and major trends, including how much health spending is associated with staffing, access, quality and health outcomes. This edition also includes a special focus on patient-reported outcomes and experiences, with a thematic chapter on measuring what matters for people-centred health systems.
Also available in: French
Extent of health care coverage
In addition to the share of the population entitled to core health services, the extent of health care coverage is defined by the range of services included in a publicly defined benefit package and the proportion of costs covered. assesses the extent of overall coverage, as well as coverage for selected health care services, by computing the share of expenditure covered under government schemes or compulsory health insurance. Differences across countries in the extent of coverage can be due to specific goods and services being included or excluded in the publicly defined benefit package (e.g. a particular drug or medical treatment); different cost-sharing arrangements; or some services only being covered for specific population groups in a country (e.g. dental treatment).
Also available in: French
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