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Education is a central priority for the State of Santa Catarina. Its policy makers are firmly committed to provide a relevant and efficient education system that responds to the requirements of the global economy and will allow the state to be competitive, both nationally and internationally .

This OECD review gives a brief overview of education in Santa Catarina and its development. It presents an analysis of the system from pre-school to tertiary education and lifelong learning, and identifies key directions for policy reform in light of the challenges encountered by officials, communities, enterprises, educators, parents and students. It concludes with a set of key recommendations concerning the structure of the system and its labour market relevance; access and equity; governance and management; research, development and innovation; internationalisation; and financing.

  • 04 Nov 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 190

Fragile states lag far behind meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015, representing 75% of the MDG deficit. Fragile states already lacked the institutional strength to adequately respond to both financial and environmental shocks. The effects of three consecutive and inter-related shocks – food, fuel and the secondary effects of the financial crisis – risk reversing progress achieved by some post-conflict states, and further entrenching insecurity in others.

Although official development assistance to fragile states is growing in real terms, it is increasingly concentrated, and half of fragile states face the prospects of declining aid. There is a need to maintain aid levels and meet aid pledges, but also to improve the quality of support to fragile states.

This report serves as a tool to better monitor the levels, timing and composition of resource flows to fragile states, and presents salient facts on aid flows to fragile states, the impact on fragile states of the three crises and the need for a whole-of-government response.

  • 28 Sept 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 384

Regional Policies in OECD Countries Policy makers need both a handy reference guide to the regional policies of their own and other countries and a broader analysis of trends in regional policies, based on sound, comparable information. responds to this need. It is the first systematic, comparative analysis of OECD countries’ regional policies.  

The report addresses fundamental regional policy concerns, such as: problem recognition; the objectives of regional policy; the legal/institutional framework; the urban/rural framework; budget structures; and the governance mechanisms linking national and sub-national governments as well as sectors.  

It begins with an overview of the regional policy today. This is followed by country profiles covering the 31 OECD members. The profiles share a common conceptual framework, allowing countries to see how their experiences measure up. The report also contains several annexes, which cover some of the countries that are candidates for accession to the OECD or with which the OECD has enhanced engagement. The annexes also cover the key topics of cross-border cooperation and trends in urban-rural linkages, especially efforts to control urban sprawl.  

The report will help countries to better understand regional policies and to formulate and diffuse horizontal policy recommendations. The analysis suggests an important role for regional policies in shaping sustainable endogenous development, in particular well-developed governance mechanisms to better respond to the different opportunities and demands of regions and to improve policy efficiency.  

This report is a unique source of regional policy information and of special interest to policy makers, researchers, and others engaging with regional development.

  • 10 Sept 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 204

Large volumes of hazardous wastes are produced each year, however only a small proportion of them are radioactive. While disposal options for hazardous wastes are generally well established, some types of hazardous waste face issues similar to those for radioactive waste and also require long-term disposal arrangements. The objective of this NEA study is to put the management of radioactive waste into perspective, firstly by contrasting features of radioactive and hazardous wastes, together with their management policies and strategies, and secondly by examining the specific case of the wastes resulting from carbon capture and storage of fossil fuels. The study seeks to give policy makers and interested stakeholders a broad overview of the similarities and differences between radioactive and hazardous wastes and their management strategies.

  • 28 Jul 2010
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 446

Renewables Information provides a comprehensive review of historical and current market trends in OECD countries. This reference document brings together essential statistics on renewable and waste energy sources. It therefore provides a strong foundation for policy and market analysis, which in turn can better inform the policy decision process to select policy instruments best suited to meet domestic and international objectives.

Part II of the publication provides an overview of the development of renewables and waste in the world over the 1990 to 2008 period. A greater focus is given to OECD countries with a review of electricity generation and capacity from renewable and waste energy sources. Part III of the publication provides a corresponding statistical overview of developments in the world and OECD renewable and waste market. Part IV provides, in tabular form, a more detailed and comprehensive picture of developments for renewable and waste energy sources for 30 OECD member countries, including 2009 preliminary data. It encompasses energy indicators, generating capacity, electricity and heat production from renewable and waste sources, as well as production and consumption of renewables and waste.

This publication describes major developments affecting fisheries in OECD countries in 2005, 2006 and some recent events of 2007, including changes in national and international policies, trade, and fisheries and aquaculture production. This edition contains a special chapter on Climate Change, Adaptation and the Fisheries Sector: A Review of the Key Issues. 

COUNTRIES COVERED: Argentina, Chinese Taipei, Thailand (observers); Australia, Belgium Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France Germany, Greece, Icelend, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States.

  • 25 May 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 170

Die Maßnahmen und Vorgehensweisen von Regierung und Verwaltung berühren zahllose Aspekte unseres täglichen Lebens. Die Quantifizierung und Messung staatlichen Handelns kann Politikverantwortlichen Entscheidungshilfen liefern und dazu beitragen, Regierung und Verwaltung den Bürgern gegenüber rechenschaftspflichtig zu machen.

Regierung und Verwaltung auf einen Blick ist eine neue, im zweijährigen Turnus erscheinende Publikation der OECD, die mehr als 30 Indikatoren enthält, die die Regierungs- und Verwaltungsleistung beschreiben. In der Publikation werden die politischen und institutionellen Rahmenstrukturen von Regierung und Verwaltung in den OECD-Ländern verglichen, wobei auch auf Staatseinnahmen und -ausgaben sowie die Beschäftigung im öffentlichen Dienst eingegangen wird. Sie enthält ferner Indikatoren, die die staatlichen Maßnahmen und Vorgehensweisen in den Bereichen Integrität, E-Government und offene Regierung beschreiben, und stellt verschiedene Mischindizes vor, die die wichtigsten Aspekte der öffentlichen Managementpraktiken auf dem Gebiet des Personalmanagements, der Haushaltsplanung und des Regulierungsmanagements zusammenfassen. Zu jeder Abbildung ist ein StatLink angegeben, der den Leser zu einer Internetseite führt, auf der die entsprechenden Daten im Excel-Format verfügbar sind.

Spanish, Italian, French, English

Although learning often takes place within formal settings and designated environments, a great deal of valuable learning also occurs either deliberately or informally in everyday life. Policy makers in OECD countries have become increasingly aware that non-formal and informal learning represents a rich source of human capital.

Policies which recognise this can play a significant role in a coherent lifelong learning framework, and present practices can be improved to make the knowledge and competencies people acquire outside of formal schooling more visible. The challenge for policy makers is to develop processes for recognising such learning, processes that will generate net benefits both to individuals and to society at large.

This report, based on an OECD review in 22 countries, explores the advantages of recognising non-formal and informal learning outcomes, takes stock of existing policies and practices, and recommends how to organise recognition of these learning systems.

  • 09 Apr 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 248

We expect governments to protect citizens from the adverse consequences of hazardous events. At the same time it is not possible or necessarily in the best interest of citizens for all risks to be removed. A risk-based approach to the design and implementation of regulation can help to ensure that regulatory approaches are efficient, effective and account for risk/risk tradeoffs across policy objectives. Risk-based approaches to the design of regulation and compliance strategies can improve the welfare of citizens by providing better protection, more efficient government services and reduced costs for business. Across the OECD there is great potential to improve the operation of risk policy as few governments have taken steps to develop a coherent risk governance policy for managing regulation.  

This publication presents recent OECD research and analysis on risk and regulatory policy.  The chapters discuss core challenges today. They offer measures for developing, or improving, coherent risk governance policies. Topics include: challenges in designing regulatory policy frameworks to manage risks; different cultural and legal dimensions of risk regulatory concepts across OECD; analytical models and principles for decision making in uncertain situations; key elements of risk regulation and governance institutions; the use of management-based regulation to help firms make risk-related behavioural changes; an analysis of the risk-based frameworks of regulators in five OECD countries (Australia, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom) and across four sectors: environment, food safety, financial markets and health and safety; and the elements for designing formal guidelines for risk prioritisation, assessment, management and communication.


  • 08 Apr 2010
  • OECD, The World Bank
  • Pages: 308

In recent years, the Government of Egypt has driven major reforms for modernising the country. However, Egypt’s higher education system has remained largely unchanged and without fundamental reform of the sector the country will face difficulties in improving its competitiveness.

This independent review of Egypt’s higher education system focuses on areas in need of attention by policy makers and stakeholders, including system steering and institutional governance; student access to higher education; educational quality and effectiveness; research, development and innovation; and finance. It contains an analysis of the system and valuable recommendations which, taken together, represent a major programme of structural and cultural reform of Egyptian higher education over the decade to 2020.


In recent years, the Government of Egypt has driven major reforms for modernising the country. While the success of this effort depends heavily on the quality of education and skills of the population, Egypt’s higher education system has remained largely unchanged in this context. Without a fundamental reform of the sector the country will face difficulties in improving its competitiveness in an increasingly knowledge-based world, in providing for a larger and more diverse student population, and in reducing social inequalities.

This book represents an independent review of Egypt’s higher education system and focuses on areas in need of attention by policy makers and stakeholders, including system steering and institutional governance; student access to higher education; educational quality and effectiveness; research, development and innovation; and finance. It contains an analysis of the system and valuable recommendations which, taken together, represent a major programme of structural and cultural reform of Egyptian higher education over the decade to 2020.

Reviews of National Policies for Education: Higher Education in Egypt will be of interest to Egyptian policy makers and education professionals, as well as others involved in education policy and research.


Reducir la burocracia para mejorar la actividad empresarial se ha vuelto una prioridad en los países de la OCDE. Este estudio piloto mide y compara internacionalmente las cargas administrativas en el sector de transporte por carretera en once países miembros de la OCDE: Alemania, Bélgica, Canadá, Dinamarca, Francia, Holanda, Italia, Noruega, Nueva Zelanda, Suecia y Turquía. El objetivo del ejercicio es doble: identificar las buenas prácticas y proporcionar aportaciones para la simplificación de las estrategias nacionales, y desarrollar y probar un modelo para la comparación internacional.
La medición, la cuantificación y la elaboración de políticas basada en evidencia son características que están predominando la estrategia en muchos países. Al estandarizar la metodología para la medición nacional, se puede realizar comparaciones internacionales. Así se facilita la identificación de buenas prácticas, las cuales pueden ser usadas para desarrollar estrategias de simplificación.


В данной публикации ОЭСР предлагается обзор текущей образовательной политики в отношении детей с особыми образовательными потребностями в Казахстане, Кыргызской Pеспублике и Таджикистане. Дается представление о социально-

историческом контексте, системах образования и соответствующего законодательства, критически анализируются принятые взгляды на доступ к образованию для самой уязвимой группы детского населения в данных странах. Особое внимание уделяется

политическим мерам, направленным на обеспечения инклюзивности образования, процедурам идентификации и оценки, общей координации предоставления образовательных услуг, интеграции в общеобразовательную систему, а также наиболее

успешным практикам и роли НПО и общественных доноров. Публикация входит в серию изданий ОЭСР “Oбзор национал ьной политики в области образования”, ее готовит Программа по Сотрудничеству со странами, не входящими в

состав ОЭСР Директората по Образованию.


This OECD publication reviews the current state of education policies for children with special education needs and those with disabilities in Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Tajikistan. It offers an overview of the respective country backgrounds, education systems and relevant legislation, and takes a critical look at access to education for what is considered to be the most vulnerable group of children in the countries reviewed. Particular attention is paid to inclusive education policies, to the processes of identification and assessment, to overall policy co-ordination for the provision of education services, to integration in mainstream education, as well as to good practices and the role of NGOs and the donor community.


Die Renten- und Ruhestandspolitik hat sich in den vergangenen zehn Jahren drastisch verändert, da die Regierungen versucht haben, den Zielen der Gewährleistung angemessener Renteneinkommen und einer langfristigen finanziellen Tragfähigkeit der Rentensysteme im Hinblick auf die Bevölkerungsalterung gleichermaßen gerecht zu werden. Renten auf einen Blick 2009 liefert einen konsistenten Rahmen sowie verlässliche Daten für den Vergleich der staatlichen Rentenpolitik in den OECD-Ländern.


In dieser dritten Ausgabe werden die Detailinformationen zu den Kernmerkmalen der Altersvorsorge in den OECD-Ländern aktualisiert und Projektionen für die Renteneinkommen vorgestellt, über die die heute Erwerbstätigen im Alter verfügen werden. Diese Publikation bietet ein erweitertes Spektrum an Indikatoren der Rentenpolitik, darunter auch Messgrößen wie Wert der Vermögensanlagen, Anlageergebnisse, Erfassungsgrad privater Rentenversicherungen, Ausgaben öffentlicher Rentenversicherungen sowie Informationen über den demografischen Kontext und Ausblick.


Vier Sonderkapitel bieten eine detaillierte Analyse wichtiger Fragen der heutigen Rentenpolitik. Das erste Kapitel befasst sich eingehender mit den Auswirkungen der aktuellen Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise auf die Rentensysteme. Welche Länder und welche Personengruppen sind am stärksten betroffen? Mit welchen Maßnahmen können die Regierungen helfend eingreifen, und welche Maßnahmen sollten sie vermeiden? Das zweite Sonderkapitel untersucht die Einkommens- und Armutssituation der älteren Bevölkerung auf der Basis einer Analyse der Trendentwicklungen in den vergangenen zwanzig Jahren. In vielen Ländern hat sich die Lage der Rentner im Vergleich zur Gesamtbevölkerung verbessert, Altersarmut besteht aber nach wie vor. Das dritte Kapitel enthält eine Aktualisierung der Analyse der Rentenreformen aus der zweiten Ausgabe von Renten auf einen Blick. Wie haben sich die Rentensysteme im Zeitraum 2004-2008 verändert? Das letzte Kapitel geht auf den Erfassungsgrad der freiwilligen privaten Altersvorsorge ein und erweitert die Analyse, indem untersucht wird, wie dieser nach Alter und Geschlecht variiert. In diesem Kapitel werden zudem fünf verschiedene Maßnahmen zur Erweiterung des Erfassungsgrads freiwilliger privater Rentenversicherungen evaluiert.


„Eine außerordentlich sachdienliche und gründliche Kompilation von Renteninformationen für ein breites Länderspektrum, die in einem einheitlichen Format und einer sinnvollen Struktur dargelegt sind. Die Autoren haben den internationalen Vergleichen der Altersvorsorgesysteme eine neue Dimension verliehen, ihnen gebührt hohes Lob für ihre intensiven Bemühungen. [Diese Publikation] stellt einen der intelligentesten verfügbaren Ländervergleiche der Altersvorsorgesysteme dar, verfasst von Experten, die mit den Nuancen – und Komplexitäten – von Vergleichen der Rentenpolitik bestens vertraut sind.“

Jede Tabelle ist mit einem dynamischen Link (StatLink) ausgestattet, der den Leser zu einer Internetseite führt, auf der die entsprechenden Daten im Excel-Format verfügbar sind.

-Olivia Mitchell, Direktorin des Boettner Centre for Pensions and
Retirement Research, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

French, English
  • 24 Nov 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 344

This annual publication presents a unique set of detailed and internationally comparable tax data in a common format for all OECD countries from 1965 onwards. It also defines which government receipts should be regarded as taxes and classifies them. This edition includes a special feature on changes to the guidelines for attributing revenues to levels of government.

Why do some regions grow faster than others, and in ways that do not always conform to economic theory? This is a central issue in today’s economic climate, when policy makers are looking for ways to stimulate new and sustainable growth. OECD work suggests that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to regional growth policy. Rather, regions grow in very varied ways and the simple concentration of resources in a place is not sufficient for long-term growth. This report draws on OECD analysis of regional data (including where growth happens, country-by-country), policy reviews and case studies. It argues that it is how investments are made, regional assets used and synergies exploited that can make the difference. Public investment should prioritise longer-term impacts on productivity growth and combine measures in an integrated way. This suggests an important role for regional policies in shaping growth and economic recovery policies, but also challenges policy makers to implement policy reforms.


Experimental facilities are essential research tools both for the development of nuclear science and technology and for testing systems and materials which are currently being used or will be used in the future. As a result of economic pressures and the closure of older facilities, there are concerns that the ability to undertake the research necessary to maintain and to develop nuclear science and technology may be in jeopardy.

An NEA expert group with representation from ten member countries, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the European Commission has reviewed the status of those research and test facilities of interest to the NEA Nuclear Science Committee. They include facilities relating to nuclear data measurement, reactor development, neutron scattering, neutron radiography, accelerator-driven systems, transmutation, nuclear fuel, materials, safety, radiochemistry, partitioning and nuclear process heat for hydrogen production.

This report contains the expert group’s detailed assessment of the current status of these nuclear research facilities and makes recommendations on how future developments in the field can be secured through the provision of high-quality, modern facilities. It also describes the online database which has been established by the expert group which includes more than 700 facilities.

  • 02 Oct 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 240
Expecting substantial savings and improved public services – a trend further accentuated by the financial and economic crisis beginning in 2008 – OECD countries have invested in the development of e-government services over the past 10-15 years. However, despite the initial exceptional take-up, governments later saw low adoption and low use of e-government services which are still far from satisfactory today.

This report gives a broad description of the shift in governments' focus on e-government development –  from a government-centric to a user-centric approach. It gives a comprehensive overview of challenges to user take-up of e-government services in OECD countries and of the different types of approaches to improving it. The monitoring and evaluation of user take-up are also discussed, including the existence of formal measurement frameworks. Good practices are presented to illustrate the different concrete approaches used by OECD countries.

  • 04 Sept 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 182

Regulatory impact analysis (RIA) is a systemic approach to critically assessing the positive and negative effects of proposed and existing regulations and non-regulatory alternatives. This publication brings together recent OECD research and analysis concerning methodological issues and country experiences with RIA. The collected papers cover a number of challenges to the effectiveness of RIA including: systemic factors which influence the quality of RIA; methodological frameworks that can assist RIA to improve regulation; guidance on using RIA to avoid unnecessary regulation of competitive markets; and a review of the use of RIA in the regulation of corporate governance across a number of OECD countries. Taken together, this publication provides valuable, practical guidance on how to improve the performance of RIA systems to promote economic welfare through better quality regulation.  

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