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Na temelju pregleda trendova i stanja zdravstvene skrbi u području raka po zemljama utvrđuju se prednosti, nedostaci i konkretna područja djelovanja za svaku od 27 država članica EU-a te Island i Norvešku kako bi se usmjerila ulaganja i intervencije na razini EU-a, država i regija u okviru europskog plana za borbu protiv raka. Svaki profil raka u zemlji pruža kratku sintezu: nacionalnog opterećenja rakom ; čimbenika rizika za rak (s fokusom na čimbenike rizika u ponašanju i okolišu) ;programa ranog otkrivanja ; učinkovitosti skrbi za rak (s fokusom na dostupnost, kvalitetu skrbi, troškove i utjecaj COVID-19 na liječenje raka).

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

I profili sul cancro per paese identificano i punti di forza, le sfide e le aree d’azione specifiche per ciascuno dei 27 Stati membri dell’UE, l’Islanda e la Norvegia, per orientare gli investimenti e gli interventi a livello europeo, nazionale e regionale nell’ambito del piano europeo di lotta contro il cancro. Ciascun Profilo del cancro nazionale fornisce una breve sintesi di: il carico oncologico nazionale; i fattori di rischio per il cancro (con particolare attenzione ai fattori di rischio comportamentali e ambientali); i programmi di diagnosi precoce; le prestazioni dell’assistenza oncologica (con particolare attenzione all’accessibilità, alla qualità dell’assistenza, ai costi e all’impatto della COVID-19 sull’assistenza oncologica).

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

V profilih držav o stanju na področju raka so opredeljene prednosti, izzivi in posamezna področja ukrepanja za vsako od 27 držav članic EU ter Islandijo in Norveško, da bi se tako usmerjalo naložbe in ukrepe na ravni EU ter na nacionalni in regionalni ravni v okviru Evropskega načrta za boj proti raku. Vsak profil raka v državi vsebuje kratko sintezo: nacionalno breme raka; dejavnike tveganja za nastanek raka (s poudarkom na vedenjskih in okoljskih dejavnikih tveganja); programe zgodnjega odkrivanja raka; uspešnost oskrbe raka (s poudarkom na dostopnosti, kakovosti oskrbe, stroških in vplivu Covida-19 na oskrbo raka).

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

Los perfiles nacionales de cáncer determinan los puntos fuertes, los desafíos y los ámbitos de actuación específicos de cada uno de los veintisiete Estados miembros de la UE, Islandia y Noruega, al objeto de orientar la inversión y las intervenciones a escala de la UE, nacional y regional en el marco del Plan Europeo de Lucha contra el Cáncer. Cada perfil oncológico nacional ofrece una breve síntesis de: la carga nacional del cáncer; factores de riesgo de cáncer (centrándose en los factores de riesgo conductuales y ambientales); programas de detección precoz; resultados de la atención oncológica (centrándose en la accesibilidad, la calidad de la atención, los costes y el impacto de COVID-19 en la atención oncológica).

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

În profilurile de țară privind cancerul sunt identificate punctele forte, provocările și domeniile specifice de acțiune pentru fiecare dintre cele 27 de state membre ale UE, precum și pentru Islanda și Norvegia, în scopul orientării investițiilor și intervențiilor la nivelul UE, la nivel național și regional în cadrul Planului european de combatere a cancerului. Fiecare profil de țară privind cancerul oferă o scurtă sinteză a: poverii naționale a cancerului; factorilor de risc pentru cancer (cu accent pe factorii de risc comportamentali și de mediu) ; programelor de depistare precoce; performanței în îngrijirea cancerului (cu accent pe accesibilitate, calitatea îngrijirii, costuri și impactul COVID-19 asupra îngrijirii cancerului).

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

Os perfis sobre cancro por país identificam pontos fortes, desafios e áreas específicas de ação para cada um dos 27 Estados-Membros da UE, a Islândia e a Noruega, com o propósito de orientar investimentos e intervenções a nível da UE, nacional e regional no âmbito do Plano Europeu de Luta contra o Cancro. Cada perfil do país sobre cancro fornece uma breve síntese: da carga de doença causada pelo cancro no país ; dos fatores de risco para o cancro (particularmente os do tipo comportamental e ambiental) ; dos programas de deteção precoce ; do desempenho na prestação de cuidados Oncológicos (com foco na acessibilidade, qualidade, custos e o impacte da COVID-19 no tratamento do cancro).


This report compiles and shares some of the lessons learnt from implementing post-Fukushima actions related to human and organisational factors (HOF), including at nuclear facility operating companies, technical support organisations, research institutions, and regulatory authorities. It summarises a two-phase information-gathering exercise, overseen by the NEA Working Group on Human and Organisational Factors, about the requirements and guidelines that countries and nuclear licensees have adopted since the accident. The report discusses the central role of human and organisational performance in mitigating extreme external events and the management of severe accidents. It addresses the importance of validating the ability to perform these actions, and the challenges associated with performing such validations with fidelity to the conditions likely to be present during such events. The report concludes by providing four key recommendations that seek to promote greater sharing of information and the identification of best practices.

EU Funded Note

Labour markets across the Netherlands recovered quickly from the COVID-19 shock and Dutch cities are now facing an unprecedented level of labour market tightness. The high demand for workers presents a unique opportunity for Dutch municipalities to find pathways into employment for those with the lowest labour market attachment and alleviate the pressure faced by local employers that struggle to find suitable workers. Supporting the diverse population in Dutch cities in finding their way into the labour market requires the efficient use of existing labour market instruments, advancing innovative methods of skills-based job matching and improving the cooperation between national, regional and local labour market institutions. This OECD report analyses current and future bottlenecks that could hamper the effective provision of local labour market services. It highlights policy options for strengthening the capacity of municipalities to support different population groups in making the transition from social welfare recipients to workers.

  • 23 Dec 2022
  • OECD, European Commission, CAF Development Bank of Latin America, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Pages: 374

¿Qué retos y oportunidades presenta la transición verde para América Latina y el Caribe? Esta 15ª edición de Perspectivas económicas de América Latina explora las opciones de política que la región tiene para repensar sus modelos productivos, transformar su matriz energética y crear empleos de calidad en el proceso. El informe señala que para que esta transición sea justa, se necesitan mejores sistemas de protección social y un diálogo abierto que ayude a construir nuevos contratos sociales sostenibles. Para impulsar esta ambiciosa agenda, el informe presenta distintas herramientas de financiación, incluidas las finanzas verdes, y aboga por la renovación de las alianzas internacionales.

  • 15 Dec 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 90

Many of Asia’s retirement-income systems are ill prepared for the rapid population ageing that will occur over the next two decades. Asia’s pension systems urgently need to be reformed to ensure that they are both financially sustainable and provide adequate retirement incomes. This report examines the retirement-income systems of 11 non-OECD countries in the region, comparing the results with a selection of OECD countries. The report provides new data for comparing pension systems of different countries. It combines the OECD’s expertise in modelling pension entitlements with a network of national pension experts who provided detailed information at the country level, verified key results and provided feedback and input to improve the analysis.

Latin American countries were hard hit by COVID-19 with rates of excess mortality above the OECD average. The pandemic brought additional stress to health systems already overstretched by a growing burden of chronic diseases, unequal access to health care services, overall under-investment in health and strong budgetary restrictions, and systemic inefficiencies. Doubling down on primary health care will be a cost-effective strategy to increase preparedness for future pandemics and address the structural challenges in the region. The report examines the experience of seven countries in Latin America – Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico and Peru – considering primary health care policies and actions taken to absorb the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and recover from it. The findings and recommendations of this report provide guidance to public authorities in the region in their efforts to better prepare and increase the resilience of health systems through stronger primary health care.

  • 22 Nov 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 173

Policies to promote employee health and well-being not only protect from occupational risks, but also provide benefits for individuals and employers. Unhealthy lifestyles, characterised by high levels of stress, sedentary behaviour and poor eating habits, affect the health of employees and negatively impact workplace productivity. Governments play a key role in promoting health and well-being in the workplace. This report analyses policy levers used by governments to incentivise employers to promote health and well-being at work in ten countries, including G7 countries and OECD countries in the Asia/Pacific region. These include regulation, financial incentives, guidelines, and certification and award schemes. The report also explores how governments can facilitate Environmental, Social and Governance investment to encourage health promotion at work.

The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes is a multilateral framework for tax transparency and information sharing, within which over 160 jurisdictions participate on an equal footing. The Global Forum monitors and peer reviews the implementation of the international standards of Exchange of Information on Request (EOIR) and Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI).

AEOI provides for the automatic exchange of a predefined set of financial account information between tax authorities on an annual basis to assist them in ensuring the correct amount of tax is paid. To ensure the AEOI standard is fully effective, the Global Forum carries out a review of each jurisdiction’s domestic and international legal frameworks to ensure they are complete, as well as a review of the effectiveness of their implementation of the standard in practice.

This report presents the latest conclusions of the peer reviews of the legal frameworks put in place by each jurisdiction to implement the AEOI standard. The results relate to the more than 100 jurisdictions that committed to commence AEOI by 2020. It also contains, for the first time, the results of the Global Forum’s initial peer reviews in relation to the effectiveness in practice of the implementation of the standard.


Accelerating the transition to net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is urgently required to contain the risks of climate change. As countries seek to reduce GHG emissions, they can employ or reform a wide range of policy instruments. This report tracks how explicit carbon prices, energy taxes and subsidies have evolved between 2018 and 2021. This is an important subset of the policy instruments available to governments. All instruments considered in this report either directly change the cost of emitting GHG or change electricity prices. Reforming these instruments could help to meet climate targets, lead to cleaner air and water, and improve public finances. The report covers 71 countries, which together account for approximately 80% of global GHG emissions and energy use. Explicit carbon prices, as well as energy taxes and subsidies are detailed by country, sector, product and instrument. The use of a common methodology ensures comparability across countries. Summary indicators facilitate cross-country comparisons and allow policy makers and the public to keep track of progress made and identify opportunities for reform.


Il mondo sta pagando a caro prezzo la guerra di aggressione della Russia contro l'Ucraina. Il costo umanitario, già elevato, continua ad aumentare e le prospettive economiche globali si sono ulteriormente offuscate. Il presente Rapporto intermedio si concentra sulle conseguenze che la guerra comporta per l'economia mondiale e la crisi energetica. Insieme agli effetti ancora persistenti della pandemia da COVID-19, il conflitto sta rallentando la crescita a un ritmo maggiore del previsto. L'inflazione si è intensificata e si è diffusa tra i Paesi e i beni di consumo. Il rischio di interruzioni nelle forniture di energia è aumentato. Il Rapporto intermedio fornisce un aggiornamento delle proiezioni figuranti nell'edizione del giugno 2022 delle Prospettive economiche dell'OCSE (numero 111).

German, French, English

Teachers and in-company trainers are central to vocational education and training (VET), as they support the school-to-work transitions of learners from diverse backgrounds. VET teachers develop learners’ skills in school-based settings, while in-company trainers support learners during their time in work-based learning. Countries use different strategies to ensure an adequate supply of well-prepared VET teachers and trainers. This report focuses on two aspects: entry requirements for the VET teaching and training profession to ensure quality and consistency; and initial education and training for VET teachers and trainers to ensure that they are well-prepared when taking up their role. It draws lessons from policies and practices in Canada, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Norway for developing a skilled teaching and training workforce through entry requirements and training, while maintaining sufficient flexibility.

Combatting climate change is among the most critical issues on the global policy agenda. The transition towards a greener economy will require a pivot towards more sustainable production processes and consumption patterns. Entrepreneurs have the potential to be a major driving force behind this effort through their capacity to develop and propagate innovative green solutions. To unlock this potential, it is crucial for policy makers to implement appropriate policies and measures that enable green entrepreneurs to thrive. This report identifies lessons from international policy practices in stimulating and supporting green entrepreneurship from three case study countries – Canada, Germany and Israel – to inform Denmark about effective policy practices and pitfalls to avoid as it implements initiatives to strengthen its green transition. Recommendations are offered across a number of areas such as promoting greater co-ordination between relevant policy actors, strengthening specialised support for green entrepreneurs and building green markets.

  • 08 Jun 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 148

La guerra in Ucraina costituisce una grave crisi umanitaria e comporta shock economici che compromettono la ripresa post-pandemia. Le Prospettive economiche dell'OCSE, Volume 2022, Numero 1, mettono in luce le implicazioni e i rischi per la crescita, per l'inflazione e per il tenore di vita derivanti dall'aumento dei prezzi delle materie prime e dalle eventuali interruzioni delle forniture energetiche e alimentari, ed esaminano le relative sfide politiche.

Il presente numero comprende una valutazione generale della situazione macroeconomica e un capitolo che esamina singolarmente ciascun Paese, sintentizzandone gli sviluppi e fornendo previsioni. Le Prospettive economiche prendono in esame tutti i Paesi membri dell'OCSE e alcuni Paesi partner selezionati.

English, French
  • 30 May 2022
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 177

The International Energy Agency (IEA) regularly conducts in-depth peer reviews of the energy policies of its member countries. This process supports energy policy development and encourages the exchange of international best practices and experiences to help drive secure and affordable clean energy transitions.Poland’s energy policy aims to decarbonise its energy supply through expanding renewable energy, introducing nuclear energy, powering transportation through electricity, and increasing energy efficiency across the economy. A central aspect of Poland’s energy policy is reducing the reliance on coal, especially for electricity generation and building heating. There is a strong policy focus on energy security and ensuring a just transition that maintains affordable access to energy and protects vulnerable consumers, while promoting economic growth.Poland has made notable progress on energy transition. It has one of the fastest growing markets for distributed solar PV in Europe, and it has developed a strong programme to drive offshore wind deployment. Poland has also taken important steps to improve energy security, like diversifying energy imports away from Russia. However, the country’s energy mix is still dominated by fossil fuels. All sectors have considerable work ahead to meet targets for increasing the share of renewables, lowering energy demand and reducing emissions.In this report, the IEA provides a range of energy policy recommendations to help Poland smoothly manage the transition to an efficient and flexible low-carbon energy system.

The International Energy Agency prepared this report, within the framework of a Global Environment Facility (GEF) programme aimed at supporting low- and middle-income economies in their transition to E-mobility. It is the first deliverable of Working Group Four on Charging, Grid Integration, Renewable Power Supply and Battery Re-use, Recycling and Safe Disposal. Its objective is to provide policy makers with a comprehensive overview of the ecosystem of public charging infrastructure (defined as infrastructure that is publicly accessible), as well as key recommendations for its efficient deployment. Although it focuses on charging systems for light-duty vehicles, the report also discusses implications for two- and three-wheelers, as well as heavy-duty vehicles. The findings summarised here are informed by the many contributions and insights provided by international stakeholders. The IEA’s analysis begins with a definition of charging infrastructure and describes the different business models associated with it. We present a number of policy examples and conclude with five key recommendations for ensuring the efficient roll-out of public charging infrastructure.

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