Entrepreneurship at a Glance 2013

image of Entrepreneurship at a Glance 2013

Entrepreneurship at a Glance, a product of the OECD-Eurostat Entrepreneurship Indicators Programme, presents an original collection of indicators for measuring the state of entrepreneurship, along with key facts and explanations of the policy context. This third issue features a special chapter on the profile of the entrepreneur, as well as longer time series and breakdowns by sector for the main indicators.

English Also available in: French

Self-employment rates of migrants

In OECD countries, around 13% of foreign-born workers are self-employed. Migrants represent around 12% of the self-employed not working in agriculture, a percentage that changed little between 2005 and 2010. There are however very large differences across countries. While in several OECD countries, including Finland, Germany, Sweden and the United States, the rates of self-employment are similar for natives and migrants, in other countries such as the Czech Republic and Poland, the self-employment rates of immigrants are much higher than those of natives.

English Also available in: French

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