Shaping the Future of Regulators
The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Economic Regulators
The pace and scope of emerging technologies are creating a sea change for governments and for regulators. They challenge economic regulation by blurring the traditional definition of markets, for example, and by transcending administrative boundaries domestically and internationally. At the same time, the digital transformation is an excellent opportunity for regulators themselves to harness the power of data and digital tools to improve regulation and its delivery. Seizing this opportunity will require fit-for-purpose regulatory frameworks and governance arrangements. This report brings together case studies submitted by members of the OECD Network of Economic Regulators that highlight how regulators have analysed and tackled these issues. The case studies span nine countries and a wide range of sectors (communication, transport, energy, environmental protection) and provide concrete examples of how regulators are responding to innovation in the sectors that they oversee.
Approached to big data and disinformation strategies in Italy: Case study on the Telecommunications Regulator (AGCOM)
Digital markets and on-line platforms are a fundamental part of today’s overall global economy. They are a complex ecosystem, populated by several market actors, embracing all economic and social environments. Digital data is pivotal in this ecosystem and in the platforms’ economy, where interactions, transactions, consumption and production are made of or based on digital data and information.
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