OECD Journal on Budgeting
- Discontinued
- Is continued by :
- OECD Papers on Budgeting
The OECD Journal on Budgeting is published three times per year. It draws on the best of the recent work of the OECD Committee of Senior Budget Officials (SBO), as well as special contributions from finance ministries, academics and experts in the field and makes it available to a wider community in an accessible format. The journal provides insight on leading-edge institutional arrangements, systems and instruments for the allocation and management of resources in the public sector.
Also available in: French
- 3 times a year
- ISSN: 16812336 (online)
- https://doi.org/10.1787/16812336
Public Management Reform and Economic and Social Development
Most OECD Member countries have sought to renew their systems and structures of public management in the last 10-15 years. Some started earlier than others and the emphasis will vary among Member countries according to their historic traditions and institutions. There is no single best model of public management, but what stands out most clearly is the extent to which countries have pursued and are pursuing broadly common approaches to public management reform. This is most probably because countries have been responding to essentially similar pressures to reform.
Also available in: French
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