OECD Public Governance Reviews: Haiti

Strengthening Public Administration for Resilient and Sustainable Governance

image of OECD Public Governance Reviews: Haiti

The government of Haiti is undertaking public governance reforms to support sustainable growth and inclusive socio-economic development. This Review analyses areas such as whole-of-government co-ordination, the links between budgeting and planning, and the decentralisation process to improve development outcomes to which all levels of government in the country contribute. It also assesses the management of the civil service and the implementation of open government strategies and initiatives to involve citizens in the policy cycle. This Review provides concrete recommendations, aligned with key national strategic documents such as the State Modernisation Programme 2018-2023 and Haiti's Strategic Development Plan, to support public governance reform in Haiti.

English Also available in: French

Open government and strategic management of public communication in Haiti

This chapter analyses the institutional and public policy framework in Haiti for open government and the principles of transparency, accountability, integrity and participation which underpin it. It also aims to assess the regulatory framework for strategic public communication, which is a key element of open government. Based on the results of this analysis, the chapter offers recommendations that will enable the Haitian government to better integrate these principles into the public policy cycle and to communicate in a more effective and inclusive manner.

English Also available in: French

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