Fiscal Decentralisation and Inclusive Growth in Asia

image of Fiscal Decentralisation and Inclusive Growth in Asia

This report looks at the challenges faced by Asian countries in addressing inclusive growth and fiscal decentralisation. A series of studies examines how policies in the region have evolved in accordance with changes in demography and the economic environment, reflecting country characteristics, history and political economy forces.


Executive summary

Many countries have made inclusive growth a major national policy objective. This volume looks at the relationship between fiscal decentralisation and inclusive growth in the Asia-Pacific region. It begins with a chapter that provides a perspective on decentralisation in a globalised world. The authors (Robin Boadway and Sean Dougherty) discuss the challenges posed by globalisation accompanied by the growing importance of information technology and its implications on fiscal decentralisation and inclusive growth. The authors then discuss that the roles of various levels of governments should change in response to increasing pressure for innovation and widening inequalities, and that the role of large urban governments is becoming particularly important in this new environment. They suggest that new thinking on the design of fiscal decentralisation (revenue decentralisation, policy harmonisation, and the structure of intergovernmental transfers) is required to help cities meet the new challenges.


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