Fiscal Decentralisation and Inclusive Growth in Asia

image of Fiscal Decentralisation and Inclusive Growth in Asia

This report looks at the challenges faced by Asian countries in addressing inclusive growth and fiscal decentralisation. A series of studies examines how policies in the region have evolved in accordance with changes in demography and the economic environment, reflecting country characteristics, history and political economy forces.


Inclusive growth and fiscal decentralisation in Japan: Current state and challenges

This chapter examines the current state and challenges related to inclusive growth and fiscal decentralisation in Japan. After reviewing the literature, it discusses the Japanese system of local public finance, with a description of recent reforms that have contributed to its fiscal decentralisation. The discussion highlights the integral role of local governments in the Japanese system of social protection, and it considers how and to what extent fiscal decentralisation could play a role in inclusive growth in the Japanese context. The rapid pace of ageing and population decrease in the country indeed poses serious challenges for inclusive growth and local public finances, which make it important to consider the roles of agglomeration and intergovernmental transfers.


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