Financial Market Trends
- Discontinued
- Is continued by :
- OECD Journal: Financial Market Trends
OECD’s twice-yearly journal providing timely analyses and statistics on financial matters of topical interest and longer-term developments in specific financial sectors. Each issue provides a brief update of trends and prospects in the international and major domestic financial markets along with articles covering such topics as structural and regulatory developments in OECD financial systems, trends in foreign direct investment, trends in privatization, and financial sector statistics covering areas such as bank profitability, insurance, and institutional investors.
Periodically, a small number of articles within one field of financial sector developments – constituting the so-called special focus for the particular issue – may be included.
- Semiannual
- ISSN: 16096886 (online)
Guidelines for Insurers' Governance
On 28 April 2005, the OECD Council approved the Recommendation on Guidelines for Insurers’ Governance. Guidelines were first endorsed by the OECD Insurance and Private Pensions Committee in collaboration and wide consultation with the 30 member countries’ governmental experts in the insurance sector as well as the insurance and reinsurance industry. These guidelines were also deemed fully compatible and consistent with the OECD Revised Principles on Corporate Governance by its Steering Group in October 2004.
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