A Glossary of International Criminal Standards
In order to draw up effective laws to implement international anti-corruption conventions, legislators must have a clear, common understanding of the international standards set by these conventions. Clearly, fighting corruption requires political will. But political determination, while crucial, is not enough. Once leaders have resolved to take on the formidable challenges of combating corruption, their governments need the tools to transform commitment into action, and action into results. We have created this glossary to provide lawmakers with just such a tool. It provides clarity on the standards set by three major international anticorruption conventions. It gives salient examples of proven solutions and good practices as well as typical legal deficiencies and potential pitfalls. This tool seeks to remedy the lack of knowledge about international law and recent developments in international treaties that some national legislators may face. We think that it should be useful for legal practitioners in any country that aims to strengthen international cooperation and domestic rules to fight corruption.
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