Financing Uzbekistan’s Green Transition

Capital Market Development and Opportunities for Green Bond Issuance

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The scale of Uzbekistan’s green transition requires a marked increase in private financing to fill the existing spending gap. The outsized role of the state in Uzbekistan’s economy and its underdeveloped domestic capital market act as significant constraints and call for a diversification of sources to finance the green transition. Since 2021, Uzbekistan has made green bonds a central part of its strategy to fill the financing gap and mobilise new sources of capital for its domestic green infrastructure projects. This publication explores the current market and institutional set-up in Uzbekistan, the reforms that have led to recent issuances of both sovereign and corporate thematic bonds, and the remaining barriers to further uptake of the instrument. The report also provides policy recommendations related to the market's institutional set up, Uzbekistan's regulatory framework for debt capital markets and emerging opportunities for further green bond use aimed at key stakeholders, including policy makers and market participants.

English Also available in: Russian

Financing the transition: Capital availability

This chapter outlines the public, private, domestic and international capital that Uzbekistan could use to finance its ambitions to boost living standards and swiftly reduce GHG emissions as well as the estimated gap between current spending and the flows that are needed. Public domestic financial flows, primarily from the state budget, and public international finance flows, from multilateral and bilateral donors, have been essential sources of Uzbekistan’s development and climate finance, but there are increasing opportunities to harness the country’s developing securities market and attract domestic and international financiers. Given budget constraints, the scale of the transition cannot be achieved without increased private sector financing and more efficient use of available resources.

English Also available in: Russian

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