IEA Energy Papers
The International Energy Agency (IEA) advises its 28 member countries on sound energy policy, which seeks to balance energy security, economic growth and environmental concerns. The IEA Energy Papers offer in-depth investigation of energy topics, and explore emerging issues and challenges in the energy sector. These papers will be of much interest to energy experts, policy makers, industry and the general public.
- ISSN: 20792581 (online)
Energy Provider‐Delivered Energy Efficiency
A Global Stock‐taking Based on Case Studies
Energy providers will play a pivotal role over the coming decades in managing energy demand growth and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The IEA projects that the power sector will deliver up to two-thirds of cumulative emissions reductions under the climate-stabilizing 450 ppm scenario, by switching to less carbon-intensive generation, improving operational efficiency, and reducing demand (IEA 2011a). Reducing electricity end-use demand by itself is expected to account for 1/3 of the GHG emissions reductions through 2025 (See Figure 1).
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