Teaching in Focus

Teaching in Focus policy briefs use data from the OECD’s Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) to discuss issues relevant to teachers and teacher policies in a concise, user-friendly way.

English Also available in: French

Supporting students with special needs

A policy priority for primary education

School systems across the world are working to make the classroom more inclusive for all children, regardless of their origin and capacities, so that they have equal opportunities for quality learning. It has become essential to integrate students with special needs into mainstream formal education and they are, increasingly, enrolled in regular schools and classes in primary education. Inclusive classrooms exert more and particular demands on teachers, however. TALIS 2018 data alerts us to the pressing need to support teachers with students with special needs in primary schools. Support for students with special needs is a policy priority for principals and teachers in primary schools. Modifying lessons to support students with special needs is a particular cause of stress for teachers. And a significant proportion of teachers request further training in teaching children with special needs.

English Also available in: French

Keywords: teaching, special needs, inclusive classrooms, teachers
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