Education at a Glance 2012

OECD Indicators

image of Education at a Glance 2012

Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators is the authoritative source for accurate and relevant information on the state of education around the world. It provides data on the structure, finances, and performance of the education systems in the OECD’s 34 member countries, as well as a number of non-member G20 nations.

Featuring more than 140 charts, 230 tables, and 100 000 figures, Education at a Glance provides key information on the ouput of educational institutions; the impact of learning across countries; the financial and human resources invested in education; access, participation and progression in education, and the learning environment and organisation of schools.

In the 2012 edition, new indicators focus on:

• the effect of the global economic crisis on education expenditures;

• the state of early childhood education systems around the world;

• intergenerational mobility in higher education among different socio-economic groups;

• the impact of education on macroeconomic outcomes, such as GDP;

• the specific factors that influence the level of education spending in different countries;

• career expectations among boys and girls at age 15, as compared to higher education graduation rates by field;

• the makeup of the teaching force in different countries and training requirements to enter the teaching profession; and

• the impact of examinations on access to secondary and higher education.

The Excel™ spreadsheets used to create the tables and charts in Education at a Glance are available via the StatLinks provided throughout.

English Also available in: French, German, Spanish

Education at a Glance 2012 (Summary in Danish) / Education at a Glance 2012 (Summary in Danish)

Danish Also available in: Norwegian, Icelandic, Hebrew, Czech, Hungarian, All

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