Multi-dimensional Review of the Dominican Republic
Towards Greater Well-being for All
The Dominican Republic has made strides on many socioeconomic fronts over the years. The country has been one of the leading economies in Latin America and the Caribbean in terms of GDP growth, reaching upper middle-income status in 2011. However, progress on the different dimensions of well-being has been insufficient. In particular, socioeconomic and territorial disparities are still important, and public institutions remain insufficiently solid. For the Dominican Republic to embark on a more prosperous development path, three critical dimensions must be tackled. First, providing quality jobs for all, with particular emphasis on boosting formalisation and productive transformation. Second, mobilising more public and private finance for development, with more progressive and effective taxation systems, more efficient public expenditure and deeper capital markets. Third, accelerating digital transformation to boost productivity, enhance inclusion and support job creation.
Also available in: Spanish
Multi-dimensional constraints analysis in the Dominican Republic
This chapter describes the country’s performance across well-being dimensions and the SDGs and identifies the key constraints to development. First, it outlines the history and context of the Dominican Republic’s development and identifies a set of risks and trends that will impact its future development. Second, it presents performance across a range of well-being and SDG indicators. It then analyses the Dominican Republic across the five Ps of the 2030 Agenda: People, Prosperity, Partnerships, Peace and Institutions, and Planet.
Also available in: Spanish
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