Development Co-operation Report 2018
Joining Forces to Leave No One Behind
When Member States of the United Nations approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015, they agreed that the Sustainable Development Goals and Targets should be met for all nations and peoples and for all segments of society. Governments and stakeholders negotiating the 2030 Agenda backed the ambition of leaving no one behind, an ambition increasingly referred to in development policies, international agendas and civil society advocacy.
How can we transform this ambition into reality? Policy makers, civil society and business are asking for more clarity on how to ensure that no one is left behind in practice. What does it mean for the design and delivery of economic, social and environmental policies? How should development co-operation policies, programming and accountability adapt? What should governments, development partners and the international community do differently to ensure that sustainable development goals benefit everyone and the furthest behind first?
The 2018 Development Co-operation Report: Joining Forces to Leave No One Behind addresses all of these questions and many more. Informed by the latest evidence on what it means to be left behind, it adopts a wide range of perspectives and draws lessons from policies, practices and partnerships that work. The report proposes a holistic and innovative framework to shape and guide development co-operation policies and tools that are fit for the purpose of leaving no one behind.
Also available in: French
Delivering the Sustainable Development Goals for all: Policy priorities for leaving no one behind
Drawing on successful examples, this chapter explores how to meet three challenges to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): investment, policy and data. Sections discuss financing for leaving no one behind, how to co-ordinate planning and budgetary processes to make more efficient use of resources, how to encourage long-term, cross-sectoral planning and build the necessary data systems to enable targeted and efficient interventions. The chapter then uses a good practice example from the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) period (2000-15) focused on the health sector, where access to treatments for malaria, AIDS and tuberculosis improved significantly, including for the most vulnerable population groups in low-income countries, to illustrate how investment, policy and data challenges can be met in the context of the SDGs. In particular, it discusses the role that development co-operation can play in generating and scaling up innovations to improve health, education and other societal outcomes.
Also available in: French
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