Policy Instruments to Support Green Growth in Agriculture

image of Policy Instruments to Support Green Growth in Agriculture

This report synthesises the experience of OECD countries in developing and implementing policies, programmes and initiatives related to green growth in the agricultural sector, based primarily on material provided by governments. It discusses the overall approach that countries are taking towards establishing a green growth strategy in agriculture; the implementation of the OECD framework for monitoring progress towards green growth in agriculture; and the various policy instruments used.

A key conclusion is that, while most countries have some policies in place that relate to the concept of green growth, the degree of ambition shows considerable variation. A wide range of instruments and a variety of “policy mixes” are currently applied across OECD countries, with the majority of countries appearing to have strategic objectives covering a wide range of subjects related to green growth, particularly in the area of improving energy efficiency and reducing the carbon footprint of agriculture. A coherent overall policy framework that has clear objectives, sets R&D priorities, and policy measures that are targeted and implemented at the appropriate levels are essential to establish a comprehensive strategy for green growth in agriculture.

English Also available in: French

Green growth and agriculture

Green growth has been identified as an alternative global growth trajectory, and in many countries economic sectors are being scrutinised for the extent to which they offer growth potential that is environmentally benign and socially beneficial. This introductory chapter provides a concise discussion of the concept of green growth and its relation to agriculture, and explains the objective of the report, which is to provide a synthesis of the policy instruments that OECD member countries have adopted in order to achieve their green growth objectives in agriculture.

English Also available in: French

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