Measuring the Environmental Performance of Agriculture Across OECD Countries

image of Measuring the Environmental Performance of Agriculture Across OECD Countries

Against the background of increased attention to the sustainability of the agriculture sector, the OECD has developed indicators of the environmental performance of agriculture. Covering the OECD as a whole and all individual OECD countries over the period 1990-2018, the data in this report show that, while most OECD countries increased their agricultural production in the last decade, the environmental performance of the agriculture sector registered mixed results. Progress was achieved reducing phosphorus balances, ammonia emissions, nitrogen balances, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensities. However, a lack of progress was observed in reducing GHG emissions and, for those countries where relevant, improving biodiversity as measured by the presence of farmland birds. The OECD agri-environmental indicators presented in this report provide a reliable and robust source of data that can be used to benchmark environmental performance and inform policy action.



This dashboard is a tool to visualise the evolution of selected environmental indicators related to agricultural activities in OECD countries. It contains seven sections: i) summary of key characteristics of the agricultural sector; ii) agricultural land-use change; iii) production and input use; iv) nutrients; v) greenhouse gas emissions; vi) ammonia emissions; and vii) farmland birds biodiversity.


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