

By the late 1980s, a technically successful and well-regarded project of reforestation that had been carried out in certain communities in Madagascar with the assistance of bilateral aid from Switzerland, was facing new challenges: How to replicate and continue the activities without ubiquitous project interventions? The project has transmitted know-how to the farmers but their capacity to organise and manage independently was still weak and they were lacking initiative. How to stimulate a process of genuinely local development under such circumstances?

Government services in rural areas were poor and fragmented, a legacy of some 20 years of policies favouring an overly centralised approach largely neglectful of the rural areas. The entire approach had to be reconsidered: the farmers were to become the main actors of the project rather than simple executors. A process of selfevaluation triggered dynamics of change. A new strategy was designed and a new programme was adopted, with ...

Cet ouvrage vient à point nommé compte tenu de quatre des objectifs de développement préconisés par le Comité d’aide au développement (CAD) de l’OCDE -- à savoir réduire l’extrême pauvreté, universaliser l’enseignement primaire, faire baisser les taux de mortalité infantile et maternelle, et améliorer la situation sanitaire. Ses auteurs montrent que, dans les pays très pauvres, des mesures visant à assurer l’accès de tous aux services d’éducation et de santé sont bien plus profitables aux pauvres que des programmes ciblés plus coûteux. Ils soulignent que la cohérence et la coordination sont des nécessités absolues, afin d’éviter de construire des écoles qui resteront sans professeurs et des dispensaires qui ne pourront être approvisionnés en médicaments. Il faut en outre veiller au réalisme des politiques macro-économiques nationales afin que les secteurs de la santé et de l’éducation ne soient pas privés de ressources. Enfin, les auteurs notent que la qualité de la gestion publique se répercute directement sur l’efficience des dépenses sociales.

Cet ouvrage est une référence essentielle pour tous ceux qui sont appelés à intervenir dans la mise en oeuvre de politiques favorables aux pauvres dans les pays en développement et pour les donneurs désireux d'orienter au mieux l'aide au développement international.


This book demonstrates that in the case of very poor countries, policies aimed at universal provision of education and health services benefit the poor significantly more than more expensive targeted schemes. The book draws attention to the absolute need for coherence and co-ordination so that schools are not built without teachers and dispensaries without drugs. Moreover, national macroeconomic policies have to be realistic if the health and education sectors are not to be deprived of resources. Finally, the quality of governance is shown to have a direct effect on the efficiency of social spending.


THE INDIAN OCEAN ISLAND OFMADAGASCAR belongs to the low revenue group of countries. GDP progressed rapidly between 1997 and 2001, growing at an average 4.5 per cent following the launch of a rigorous stabilisation and structural adjustment programme in collaboration with the IMF and the World Bank. Because of the lack of appropriate redistribution measures, the consequences of this improvement have not always...

Alors qu'à la fin des années 70, le PIB par habitant à Madagascar correspondait à la moyenne des autres pays en développement, il n’est plus aujourd’hui que d’environ la moitié. Madagascar a vécu trois décennies de déclin économique et appartient désormais à la catégorie des pays à faibles ressources humaines. Le taux de croissance annuel moyen du PIB à Madagascar a été de 0.5 pour cent seulement pendant cette période, alors que la population augmentait en moyenne de 2.8 pour cent par an. Le Malgache moyen s’en retrouve sensiblement plus pauvre que ne l’étaient ses parents ou ses grands-parents. Ce déclin du niveau de vie découle essentiellement de politiques défavorables...


Madagascar's per capita GDP was average for a developing country in the late 1970s, but three decades of steady economic decline since then have reduced it to about half that. The country’s stock of human resources is now quite small. Average annual GDP growth has been only 0.5 per cent during that period, while the population has increased by an average of 2.8 per cent a year. Today’s Madagascans are much poorer than their parents and grandparents were. This decline in living standards is mainly due to persistently bad government policies that have held back economic...


MADAGASCAR IS ONE OF SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA’S poorest countries, and its structural weaknesses, notably in public finance management, slow its growth and economic and social development.The financial system is also precarious, and the country remains vulnerable to external shocks as well as to climatic hazards. Nevertheless, the government is set on strengthening the economy through its bold 2007-12 Madagascar Action Plan (MAP), which aims to continue structural reforms, diversify levers for growth and achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Madagascar: Real GDP Growth and Per Capita GDP (USD/PPP at current prices) appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

Madagascar: Stock of Total External Debt (percentage of GDP) and Debt Service (percentage of exports of goods and services) appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

Madagascar: GDP by Sector in 2007 (percentage) appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

Madagascar: Current Account (percentage of GDP at current prices) appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

Madagascar: Public Finances (percentage of GDP at current prices) appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

Madagascar:Demand Composition appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

MADAGASCAR POSTED STRONG GDP growth of 7 per cent in 2008. High oil prices in the first half of the year adversely affected Madagascar, which produces almost no oil and is vulnerable to increases in transportation costs given its remote location. The country was relatively insulated from the world food crisis thanks to increased agricultural production, in particular of rice, and favourable contracts concluded with Asian suppliers before prices spiked.


MADAGASCAR A ENREGISTRÉ UNE forte croissance de 7 pour cent en 2008. Le renchérissement des prix pétroliers au premier semestre a affecté l’économie, car l’île ne produit quasiment pas de pétrole et est vulnérable aux augmentations du coût des transports en raison de son isolement géographique. Le pays a été toutefois relativement protégé de la crise mondiale des produits alimentaires grâce à sa production agricole en hausse, en particulier celle de riz, et à des contrats avantageux conclus avec des fournisseurs asiatiques avant l’envolée des prix.


The Constitution of Madagascar prohibits any discrimination on grounds of gender and grants women the same legal status as men. Though, reportedly, discrimination still exists in relation to inheriting land and property. Early marriage is common and there is widespread violence against women.

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