
Jamaica has 16 tax agreements in force, as reported in its response to the Peer Review questionnaire, including the multilateral agreement among the members of the CARICOM concluded with ten treaty partners (the CARICOM Agreement).1 Two of those agreements comply with the minimum standard.

Jamaica signed the MLI in 2018 and listed its non-compliant bilateral agreements. The agreements modified by the MLI come into compliance with the minimum standard once the provisions of the MLI take effect.

Jamaica is implementing the minimum standard through the inclusion of the preamble statement and PPT combined with the LOB.2


← 1. Agreement Among the Governments of the Member States of the Caribbean Community for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income, Profits or Gains and Capital Gains and for the Encouragement of Regional Trade and Investment, St. Michael Barbados, 6 July 1994; between: Antigua and Barbuda (18 February 1998), Barbados (7 July 1995), Belize (30 November 1994), Dominica (19 June 1996), Grenada (1 March 1996), Guyana* (26 November 1997), Jamaica (16 February 1995), St. Kitts/Nevis (8 May 1997), St. Lucia (22 May 1995) St. Vincent (12 February 1998) and Trinidad & Tobago (29 November 1994).

← 2. For its agreements listed under the MLI, Jamaica is implementing the preamble statement (Article 6 of the MLI) and the PPT (Article 7 of the MLI). Under Article 7(7)(a) of the MLI, Jamaica is also implementing the simplified LOB (Article 7(8 to 13) of the MLI) in agreements concluded with treaty partners that adopted the simplified LOB.

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