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The main purpose of the Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits, referred to throughout this document as the Arrangement, is to provide a framework for the orderly use of officially supported export credits.


Against the background of the Action Statement agreed by the Members of the OECD Working Party on Export Credits and Credit Guarantees at their 82nd Meeting in February 2000, the Members are committed to pursuing the following Work-Plan on the issue of export credits and the environment, without prejudice as to outcomes. The Work Plan comprises a list of topics (which is not exhaustive) to be addressed in the further discussions of the Working Group in accordance with the commitments in the Action Statement and to facilitate the fulfilment of the OECD Ministerial Mandate.


The export financing systems of 34 economies are described in this book; 29 are OECD countries and are Members of the OECD Working Party on Export Credits and Credit Guarantees (ECG) (Iceland is currently not an ECG Member). Except for Hungary, Mexico, Poland and Turkey, these OECD countries also constitute the Participants to the Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits (the Arrangement); Hungary and Poland are Observers to the Group of Participants. The five non-member economies (Chinese Taipei; Hong Kong, China; Romania; Singapore; Slovenia) whose export financing systems are described in this book, are neither Members nor Observers to the ECG or to the Group of Participants. They have, however, undertaken to endeavour to comply with the guidelines of the Arrangement.

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