Financing Uzbekistan’s Green Transition

Capital Market Development and Opportunities for Green Bond Issuance

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The scale of Uzbekistan’s green transition requires a marked increase in private financing to fill the existing spending gap. The outsized role of the state in Uzbekistan’s economy and its underdeveloped domestic capital market act as significant constraints and call for a diversification of sources to finance the green transition. Since 2021, Uzbekistan has made green bonds a central part of its strategy to fill the financing gap and mobilise new sources of capital for its domestic green infrastructure projects. This publication explores the current market and institutional set-up in Uzbekistan, the reforms that have led to recent issuances of both sovereign and corporate thematic bonds, and the remaining barriers to further uptake of the instrument. The report also provides policy recommendations related to the market's institutional set up, Uzbekistan's regulatory framework for debt capital markets and emerging opportunities for further green bond use aimed at key stakeholders, including policy makers and market participants.

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Uzbekistan’s net-zero challenge: Macroeconomic and environmental state of play

This chapter provides the necessary context to understand the scale of the challenges that Uzbekistan faces in pursuing its green transition and the gap between available financing and the estimated sums required. Uzbekistan’s economy is dynamic and growing, but also highly energy- and GHG-intensive. The Government of Uzbekistan has set ambitious targets for the country in terms of economic development and climate change mitigation, but the scale of the economic transformation required to meet these targets requires sizeable investments, particularly in infrastructure. This transition will necessitate a major shift in Uzbekistan’s existing infrastructure systems, especially its fossil fuel-reliant energy sector. By facilitating private investment, including from international sources, in projects that satisfy growing demand for infrastructure services without exacerbating existing environmental problems, Uzbekistan has an opportunity to establish itself as a regional leader in sustainable development. Such projects could, for instance, seek to harness Uzbekistan’s large renewable energy potential.


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