
This dataset includes pension funds statistics with OECD classifications by type of pension plans and by type of pension funds. All types of plans are included (occupational and personal, mandatory and voluntary). The OECD classification considers both funded and book reserved pension plans that are workplace-based (occupational pension plans) or accessed directly in retail markets (personal pension plans). Both mandatory and voluntary arrangements are included. The data includes plans where benefits are paid by a private sector entity (classified as private pension plans by the OECD) as well as those paid by a funded public sector entity. Data are presented in various measures depending on the variable: millions of national currency, millions of USD, thousands or unit.
Cette base de données comprend des données sur les fonds de pension, par type de plans et type de fonds. Tous les types de plans sont inclus : professionnels et individuels, obligatoires et facultatifs.
This dataset comprises statistics pertaining to pensions indicators.It includes indicators such as occupational pension funds’asset as a % of GDP, personal pension funds’ asset as a % of GDP, DC pension plans’assets as a % of total assets. Pension fund and plan types are classified according to the OECD classification. Three dimensions cover this classification: pension plan type, definition type and contract type.
Cette base de données comprend des données sur les fonds de pension, par type de plans et type de fonds. Tous les types de plans sont inclus : professionnels et individuels, obligatoires et facultatifs.

Ce jeu de données est un complément de la publication « Politiques agricoles : suivi et évaluation 2013 ». Il présente des estimations du soutien à l'agriculture pour les pays de l'OCDE ainsi que certaines économies non-membres. Ces tableaux de synthèse, conçus spécialement pour le suivi et l’évaluation du niveau et de la composition du soutien conféré par les politiques agricoles, portent sur :

- l’Estimation du Soutien aux Producteurs (ESP), représentant les transferts octroyés aux producteurs individuels ;

- l’Estimation du Soutien aux Services d’intérêt Général (ESSG), représentant les transferts octroyés collectivement aux producteurs, c’est-à-dire les services bénéficiant à l’agriculture mais dont l’incidence initiale n’est pas au niveau individuel des agriculteurs ;

- l’Estimation du Soutien aux Consommateurs (ESC), représentant les transferts octroyés aux consommateurs. L’ESC est presque toujours négative du fait que les transferts payés par les consommateurs via les politiques de soutien des prix dépassent en général l’ensemble des subventions à la consommation payées par les contribuables ;

- l’Estimation du Soutien Total (EST), représentant la somme des trois composants mentionnés ci-dessus, ajustée des doublons potentiels issus de la double comptabilisation de certains transferts de soutien des prix à la fois dans l’ESP et dans l’ESC.

La valeur de ces transferts est analysée plus en détail en examinant notamment leur part relative dans le soutien à l’agriculture, dans l’économie agricole et dans l’économie en général, ainsi que d’autres indicateurs tels que le Coefficient Nominal de Soutien (CNS) et le Coefficient Nominal de Protection (CNP).


This dataset is a complement to the "Agricultural Policy Monitoring and Evaluation 2013" publication. It shows estimates of agricultural support for OECD countries as well as some non-member economies. These summary tables, designed specifically to monitor and evaluate the level and composition of agricultural policy support, focus on:

- Producer Support Estimate (PSE), representing transfers granted to producers individually;

- General Service Support Estimate (GSSE), representing transfers granted to producers collectively, i.e. services that benefit agriculture but whose initial incidence is not at the level of individual farmers;

- Consumer Support Estimate (CSE), representing transfers granted to consumers. The CSE is almost always negative because transfers from consumers due to market price support policies outweigh any consumption subsidies from taxpayers that might be granted to consumers.

- Total Support Estimate (TSE), representing the sum of the three above-mentioned components, adjusted for double-counting given that some market price transfers are accounted for in both the PSE and CSE.

The value of those transfers are further analyzed by looking at their relative share in agricultural support, in agricultural economy and in the economy as a whole, together with other indicators such as Nominal Assistance Coefficient (NAC) and Nominal Protection Coefficient (NPC).


Ce jeu de données est issu de la base de données présentée dans les Perspectives Agricoles de l'OCDE et de la FAO 2013-2022. La table contient des projections du marché agricole et des principales denrées agricoles comme les céréales, les oléagineux, les produits laitiers, le coton, et d'autres. Sont incluses des données sur le commerce agricole en général, notamment sur la production, les prix, la balance commerciale, les stocks en fin de période, la consommation, la transformation, etc. Pour la plupart des marchés et denrées agricoles analysés dans les Perspectives Agricoles, les prix intérieurs et mondiaux sont aussi disponibles. La majeure partie des données remontent jusqu'en 1970 et couvrent jusqu'à la dernière année de projection (actuellement 2022).


This dataset stems from the database presented in the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2013-2022. The table contains projections on the agriculture market and commodities such as cereals, oilseeds, diary products, cotton and more. It includes statistics on the trade side including data on production, prices, trade balance, ending stocks, consumption, transformation, etc. For most of the commodity markets analysed in the Agricultural Outlook, domestic and international commodity prices are also available. In most cases the data go back to 1970 and cover up to the latest year of projection (currently 2022).

  • 19 Mar 2013
  • OECD

This issue of the OECD Journal on Budgeting includes article on fiscal decentralisation in the Netherlands, sustainable public finance, budgeting in Luxembourg, and budgeting in Ukraine.

  • 19 Oct 2012
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 224

Ukraine’s energy sector faces unprecedented challenges, from a heavy reliance on expensive fossil-fuel imports to inefficient infrastructure and markets. Yet there is also potential for Ukraine to experience an energy revolution, one that could boost employment, lift economic growth and enhance energy security. Modernisation of Ukraine’s energy-supply sectors has only begun and will require investment on a huge scale, complemented by a fundamental reform of the business environment. A strong dependency on oil and gas imports and often-inefficient energy production, transportation and supply sectors means that reducing energy demand must be a greater priority. The potential for energy efficiency gains in the residential, district heating and industrial sectors is large. Endowed with large conventional energy reserves, alongside sizeable renewable potential, Ukraine can build the capacity to significantly increase its resource production.

Releasing this potential will require deep regulatory reform and full implementation of international treaty provisions. Effective competition, alongside a progressive move towards market prices, will also help Ukraine attract investment to develop the sector. A draft energy strategy, which sets out a series of supply-side measures, was published in 2012. Broadening and implementing a comprehensive energy strategy, one that takes greater account of demand-side policies, could significantly improve progress in the medium term.

This review analyses the large energy-policy challenges facing Ukraine and provides recommendations for further policy improvements. It is intended to help guide policy makers in the country towards a more secure and sustainable energy future.

This review of competitiveness and private sector development in the Ukraine  provides a solid base for policy analysis and gives recommendations with immediate relevance and applicability. It includes diagnosis and policy actions for policy makers and advisors, offering policy responses to underpin economic diversification, enhanced competitiveness and private sector development. Finally, the book applies an innovative framework to identify barriers that hinder the development of selected sectors. It offers the design and suggests ways to implement specific policies to remove those barriers, including the selection and business analysis of Ukraine's most attractive sectors in terms of competitiveness and FDI appeal.  

For the first time, the Monitoring and Evaluation report of agricultural policies covers OECD member countries (including the new members who joined during 2010 – Chile, Estonia, Israel and Slovenia) and selected key emerging economies: Brazil, China, Russia, South Africa and Ukraine.

This edition shows that, after an increase in 2009, producer support in the OECD area declined in 2010, confirming the downward trend in support to farmers. The trend in emerging economies shows some increase in the level of support, although it stays well below the OECD average.

This report is a unique source of up-to-date estimates of support to agriculture and is complemented by individual chapters on agricultural policy developments in all countries covered in the report.


Pour la première fois le rapport Suivi et évaluation des politiques agricoles couvre les pays membres de l’OCDE (y compris les nouveaux membres entrés au cours de l’année 2010 – le Chili, l’Estonie, Israël et la Slovénie) et certaines économies émergentes : l’Afrique du Sud, le Brésil, la Chine, la Russie et l’Ukraine.

Cette édition montre que, après une augmentation en 2009, le soutien a baissé de nouveau en 2010 dans la zone de l’OCDE, ce qui confirme la tendance à la baisse du soutien aux agriculteurs. Les tendances dans les économies émergentes révèlent une certaine augmentation du soutien qui reste néanmoins bien en dessous de la moyenne de l’OCDE.

Ce rapport constitue une source unique d’estimations récentes du soutien à l’agriculture et est complété par des chapitres sur l’évolution des politiques agricoles dans chaque pays inclus dans le rapport.

  • 11 Jul 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 148

The series examines countries’ investment policies and reflects the OECD’s mission to help governments enhance their investment climate through peer learning and the sharing of best practices. This review looks at the Ukraine.

The economic crisis, the second economic shock to hit the Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus region after the collapse of the Soviet Union, has been a warning and a call to action. The region has many advantages and much potential, but some of this was squandered during the boom years of the 2000s. The studies contained in this volume demonstrate that the potential is still there and that the measures that need to be taken to realise that potential are feasible and affordable. Some of them can have an almost immediate effect, such as easing access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises and opening up new markets for the region’s goods. Others are more medium-term, such as redeveloping product lines in the steel industry or in agriculture. Some of the most critical reforms, like raising the level of education and improving health care, will require political and economic investment over the long term.

None of the recommendations in this book are, however, beyond the bounds of possibility. Governments and the private sector have an interest in implementing reforms to diversify the economy and improve the distribution of revenues. Given the enormous potential of the Eastern European and South Caucasus countries, the region has every reason to be confident about its future.

The purpose of this study is to examine the medium-term budget planning process in Ukraine and the extent to which this approach is used within the environmental sector. It aims to assist the Ukrainian government to integrate environmental programmes more effectively into overall programming, financial planning and budgeting practices which could result into more adequate and predictable allocations to the environment sector. The study also seeks to analyse the implications of the progressive shift in aid modalities towards sectoral and general budget support. This report was prepared within the framework of the OECD Task Force for the Implementation of the Environmental Action Programme for Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia. The report also builds upon work that started within the OECD Task Team on Governance and Capacity Development for Natural Resource and Environmental Management, a joint Task Team of the OECD Development Assistance and Environmental Policy Committees. In addition, the report contributes to the debate on Green Growth, demonstrating the need for more adequate and well-costed environmental budgets, in the context of medium-term expenditure frameworks, as a means of promoting structural changes as part of the transition to green economy.
  • 03 Jun 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 154

L'évaluation économique de l'Ukraine par l'OCDE examine la récente conjoncture économique et souligne les principaux défis économiques auquel le pays fait face à moyen terme : réduction des obstacles à la croissance par le biais des réformes institutionnelles et de la réglementation, augmentation de la compétitivité. L’étude propose une série de recommandations.

English, Ukrainian
  • 04 Sept 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 144

This first OECD Economic Survey for the Ukraine reviews recent economic developments and points out key economic challenges that Ukraine faces in the medium-term, including reducing barriers to economic growth though institutional and regulatory reform and raising competitiveness. The Survey makes a series of Recommendations.

Ukrainian, French
This paper examines problems of entry, exit and competition in Ukrainian product markets. It finds that Ukraine still has too little of all three, and that exit mechanisms, in particular, function poorly. Since impediments to entry and exit are largely the product of excessive and ill administered regulation, the paper also provides a systematic assessment of product-market regulation in Ukraine, using indicators developed by the OECD Economics Department. Finally, the paper presents the main findings of two empirical studies concerned with the potentially large benefits of opening up markets, via both increased competition and further privatisation, for productivity growth in Ukraine. This paper relates to the 2007 Economic Survey of Ukraine (www.oecd.org/eco/studies/ukraine).
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