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Au cours des dernières années, la carrière professorale a connu une évolution qui s’apparente à une révolution : diversification très importante des modèles de carrière, de la recherche fondamentale à l’innovation professionnelle au transfert de connaissances ; utilisation accrue des outils informatiques et de l’Internet tant pour la formation que pour la recherche ; quasi-obligation d’un recherche en équipe et en réseau très souvent multidisciplinaire ; partenariats accrus avec l’industrie tant pour la formation que pour la recherche ; règlements de plus en plus complexes et exigeants en matière de propriété intellectuelle. On observe également une compétition accrue, parfois féroce, des universités entre elles et avec l’entreprise privée pour attirer les candidates et candidats les plus prometteurs. Dans un tel contexte, il devient encore plus crucial pour les universités de mettre sur pied des systèmes de renforcement qui soient à la fois équitables et susceptibles non seulement de soutenir la motivation à l’excellence mais également d’attirer et de retenir les meilleurs éléments. Au cours des dernières décennies, les renforçateurs traditionnellement utilisés ont été la rémunération au mérite (merit pay system) et la permanence (tenure), auxquels se sont ajoutés d’autres incitatifs utilisés de façon aléatoire ou conjoncturelle, généralement en l’absence de règles bien établies. La situation actuelle commande un système de renforcement plus riche, plus complexe, plus transparent et plus diversifié qui intègre un ensemble d’incitatifs davantage reliés aux exigences académiques actuelles et à la qualité de vie des membres du corps professoral. Cet article qui s’appuie sur des expériences et réflexions menées à la Faculté des arts et des sciences de l’Université de Montréal ainsi que sur les orientations de plusieurs universités nord américaines offre l’illustration d’une approche intégrée de systèmes de renforcement académiques, de l’embauche à la retraite, ainsi qu’un modèle de rémunération au mérite adapté à l’Université du XXIesiècle. Un accent particulier est mis sur la nécessité de revoir les critères et les standards de promotion, pierre d’assise de tout système de renforcement intégré cohérent...


Le personnel universitaire, ainsi que la recherche, l’enseignement et l’acquisition du savoir auxquels il se consacre, constituent le cœur même des universités, ce qui n’est que normal. Mais dans l’université moderne, ces fonctions ne pourraient pas être menées à bien sans l’apport du personnel des services généraux (aussi appelé « personnel administratif » par opposition au personnel enseignant et de recherche). Ce personnel qui n’enseigne ni ne recherche représente près de 50 % des effectifs et suscite l’antipathie d’un grand nombre d’universitaires. Ceux-ci comprennent mal les termes de « gouvernance » et « d’administration » et les utilisent l’un pour l’autre quand cela leur convient. On envisage dans cet article la division binaire entre personnels « universitaire » et « administratif » et on étudie l’apport de la terminologie au fonctionnement le plus efficace possible de l’université tout entière...


Bournemouth University faces the same challenges as many other universities. These arise from the sector-wide agendas, such as widening participation, regional partnerships and international collaboration, in addition to increasing research activity and managing with reduced funding. A key priority within Bournemouth’s Learning and Teaching Strategy is to use learning technologies to address these challenges. Several incentives are being used to encourage lecturers to adopt online learning. These have as their common focus the need to value teaching activity on an equal footing with research. The strategies used include funding for learning and teaching projects, a Learning and Teaching Fellowship Scheme, the creation of a Centre for Academic Practice to focus on pedagogic research, payment for membership of the Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, and a staff development programme for Programme Leaders. These initiatives are possible because the University has take a strategic approach to using government funds for learning and teaching and human resources development (HRD) policies. However, putting in place such incentives is only worthwhile if they work, and research suggests that successful and widespread implementation of online learning depends on a number of factors (Johnston and McCormack, 1996; Steel and Hudson, 2001; Somekh, 1998; Spotts, 1999). This article presents findings from research in progress by the author which is investigating factors affecting the adoption of online learning by lecturers at Bournemouth and their motivation to change their teaching methods. The methodology used is action research and the article ends by briefly illustrating some of the issues faced by the researcher conducting research in her own organisation...


As a result of its geographic location, Greece’s own security and welfare is closely linked to stability and economic prosperity in developing and transition countries in the Balkans, the Black Sea area and the eastern Mediterranean. As a developed and stable country in these complicated multicultural regions, Greece responds to development challenges in its neighbourhood. Greece also perceives it has a significant comparative advantage here, due to shared history and cultural interaction, a high degree of mutual understanding, good political and trade linkages and its own recent development experience. Encouraging democratic practices and sustainable economic development in surrounding regions is consequently in Greece’s national interest and the main strategic orientation of the official Greek aid programme. Greece provides targeted support to regional initiatives consistent with this orientation, such as the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe (a Greek official currently chairs Working Table I on Democratisation and Human Rights). More than four-fifths of Greece’s bilateral official development assistance (ODA) is provided to developing countries in south-eastern Europe...


Étant donné la situation géographique de la Grèce, la sécurité et le bien-être de ce pays sont largement tributaires de la stabilité et de la prospérité économique des pays en développement et en transition de la région des Balkans, des bords de la Mer Noire et de l’est du Bassin méditerranéen. La Grèce étant un pays développé et stable au sein de régions très hétérogènes et complexes au plan culturel, elle aide ses voisins à relever le défi du développement. Elle juge aussi pouvoir se prévaloir pour cela d’un net avantage comparatif, découlant d’un passé commun et des échanges culturels, d’une bonne compréhension mutuelle, de solides relations politiques et commerciales et de l’expérience qu’elle a elle-même accumulée, il n’y a pas si longtemps, lors de son propre développement. Encourager l’instauration de pratiques démocratiques et d’un développement économique durable dans les régions avoisinantes va donc dans le sens des intérêts nationaux de la Grèce et constitue d’ailleurs la principale orientation stratégique de son programme d’aide publique. La Grèce apporte un soutien ciblé aux initiatives régionales allant dans cette direction, comme le Pacte de stabilité pour l’Europe du Sud-Est (un fonctionnaire grec assure actuellement la présidence du groupe de travail n°1 sur la démocratisation et les droits de l’homme). Plus des quatre cinquièmes de l’aide publique au développement (APD) bilatérale consentie par la Grèce vont à des pays en développement du Sud-Est de l’Europe...


Spain is to be commended for the notable progress made in development co-operation since the last Peer Review. Important achievements include the adoption of a comprehensive Law on International Development Co-operation and a four-year Master Plan (2001-2004), improved annual plans, and reinforced or new co-ordinating bodies. The purpose of the reform was to enhance consistency and coordination within the diverse Spanish aid system, which includes many ministries, autonomous regions, local authorities, and civil society organisations. A significant achievement of the new policy is that it establishes poverty reduction as the overarching goal in development co-operation. Gender equality and environment are also determined as mainstreaming priorities. Spain seeks to focus its poverty reduction efforts on basic social needs and a new micro-finance programme is an important addition. Spain has a comparative advantage in its assistance to Latin America with strong linguistic, historical, and cultural ties. Spain has had recent experience of building a democratic state and can add value by sharing lessons-learned with partner countries in innovative and risk-taking areas of good governance. In this respect, it can conduct dialogue with developing countries in areas that are difficult for other donors. Major activities through institutional development include judicial reform, decentralisation, tax administration, and police force training. These are areas in which Spain could take on a lead role in pursuing a sector approach with other donors...


Réaliser une réforme économique, c’est modifier les institutions financières et économiques d’un pays. A première vue, cet exercice peut sembler sans grand rapport avec les inégalités existant entre les femmes et les hommes. Il est en effet plus facile de comprendre qu’un projet puisse avoir une incidence différente sur l’un et l’autre sexes que de se rendre compte qu’une stratégie de réduction du déficit budgétaire, de réforme du secteur des transports ou de libéralisation du système de commercialisation des produits agricoles peut ne pas avoir les mêmes effets sur les femmes et sur les hommes. Le fait que la méconnaissance des questions d’égalité entre les sexes puisse être préjudiciable aux résultats des réformes économiques et autres, est encore moins évident. Une réforme économique ne concerne pas uniquement l’économie. Elle s’accompagne aussi de profondes transformations sociales et politiques. Il s’agit donc d’une entreprise trop importante pour être laissée à un groupe d’experts particulier. C’est pourquoi il peut être utile de se pencher sur la dimension de la réforme économique qui touche aux rapports sociaux entre les sexes pour favoriser le dialogue entre les économistes et les autres spécialistes, comme ceux qui s’occupent de politique sociale. Cette démarche peut en outre encourager hommes et femmes à participer davantage au débat public sur la politique économique et ses résultats...


L’Espagne doit être félicitée pour les progrès substantiels qu’elle a réalisés dans le domaine de la coopération pour le développement depuis le dernier Examen de l’aide. Parmi les réalisations importantes à mentionner figurent l’adoption d’une Loi exhaustive sur la coopération internationale pour le développement, l’élaboration d’un Plan directeur sur quatre ans (2001-2004), l’amélioration des Plans annuels de coopération internationale (PACI), et le renforcement des organes existants ou la création de nouveaux organes de coordination. La réforme opérée avait pour objectif de renforcer la cohérence interne et la coordination au sein du système d’aide diversifié de l’Espagne, qui fait intervenir de nombreux ministères, les régions autonomes, les autorités locales et des organisations de la société civile. La nouvelle politique mise en œuvre a eu pour effet notable de faire de la réduction de la pauvreté l’objectif fondamental de la coopération pour le développement. L’égalité hommefemme et l’environnement sont également deux axes prioritaires de la politique menée. L’Espagne s’efforce de cibler ses efforts en matière de réduction de la pauvreté sur les besoins sociaux de base et vient de mettre en place un nouveau programme de micro-financement, qui constitue un nouvel élément important. L’Espagne dispose d’un avantage comparatif dans l’aide qu’elle apporte à l’Amérique latine du fait des liens linguistiques, historiques et culturels étroits qui les unissent. L’Espagne, qui a eu récemment à bâtir un Etat démocratique, peut apporter une valeur ajoutée en faisant profiter ses pays partenaires des enseignements qu’elle en a tirés dans les domaines novateurs et lourds d’enjeux que recouvre la bonne gestion des affaires publiques. A cet égard, elle peut engager avec les pays en développement un dialogue dans des domaines où d’autres donneurs auraient plus de difficultés. Les principales activités menées dans le cadre du renforcement des institutions concernent la réforme judiciaire, la décentralisation, l’administration de l’impôt et la formation des forces de police. Ce sont autant de secteurs où l’Espagne pourrait jouer un rôle de chef de file dans l’action menée avec les autres donneurs en faveur de l’application d’une approche sectorielle...


"Gender and Economic Reform" clarifies the complex relationship between gender and the way economies operate. It contends that incorporating gender analysis into the design and implementation of economic reform helps to promote the emergence of economies that grow sustainably, in ways that reduce gender inequalities rather than reinforce them. The analysis is particularly relevant in the current context in which gender equality is a proclaimed Millennium Development Goal and the Monterrey Consensus calls for gender sensitive programming. The paper is meant to improve policy makers’ ability to dialogue on what the relevant links might be between gender and economic reform and how to take gender into account in designing and implementing reform programmes. Throughout the document, a number of tools for integrating gender equality into economic policy analysis and decision-making at the national or sector-wide levels are presented. These tools focus on producing a new shared understanding of underlying economic and social relations in order to promote the achievement of a gender-balanced path of economic growth. The document is based on a large body of secondary material written over the past decade by gender specialists and other experts led by Professor Diane Elson et al. on behalf of the former Task Force on Gender and Economic Reform. It includes a summary of key concepts contained in six documents issued by the DAC Working Party on Gender Equality as Workshop Documents Nos. 1 to 6 (OECD 1998). It comes as a complement to the work conducted by that group on gender and sector-wide approaches and will be particularly useful in the light of ongoing work on gender-sensitive budgeting...


This working paper describes a medium-term reference scenario for the OECD based on the shortterm projections described in OECD Economic Outlook No.74. OECD-wide real GDP is projected to expand at 2¾ per cent per annum between 2006 and 2009 and the area-wide rate of unemployment to fall below 6 per cent at the end of the period, while inflation rises only slightly. Despite a fairly robust recovery, fiscal balances remain in significant deficit for the area as a whole; there is little overall improvement in current external imbalances between regions ...

Although Korea has the second-lowest level of public spending among OECD countries at 22½ per cent of GDP, it faces strong upward spending pressures over the medium and longer term, which could threaten fiscal sustainability. This paper analyses the main features of Korea’s public expenditure system and reviews expenditure trends and the main forces behind them. The objective is to identify the major shortcomings in budget planning, management and control systems that have impeded better public sector performance. The paper concludes by proposing policy measures to enhance the effectiveness, efficiency and transparency of the public expenditure management system. These include managing public finance within a medium-term expenditure framework; making the budgetary system more comprehensive and transparent by consolidating special accounts and public funds and bringing extra-budgetary funds into the budget; introducing more flexible and results-focused public management to improve ...

This paper examines how measurement problems affect international comparisons of labour productivity. It suggests that these measurement problems do not significantly affect the assessment of aggregate productivity patterns in the OECD area. However, these problems do influence the more detailed assessment of productivity growth, notably the role of specific sectors and demand components in aggregate performance. The paper shows that there are only a few significant problems regarding the comparability of nominal GDP across OECD countries, the most important being the treatment of software investment. In most cases, efforts are underway to reduce the size of these differences. Measurement differences for real GDP are also important, although several of these factors have impacts that work in different directions. Moreover, several of these problems primarily affect the distribution of total GDP across different expenditure categories and across different activities, not necessarily ...

This paper examines the determinants of female labour force participation in OECD countries, including a number of policy instruments such as the tax treatment of second earners (relative to single individuals), childcare subsidies, child benefits, paid maternity and parental leaves, and tax incentives to sharing market work between spouses. The econometric analysis uses a panel data set covering 17 OECD countries over the period 1985-1999, and distinguishes between part-time and full-time female participation rates. It shows a positive impact on female participation of a more neutral tax treatment of second earners (relative to single individuals), stronger tax incentives to share market work between spouses, childcare subsidies, and paid maternity and parental leaves Unlike childcare subsidies, child benefits reduce female participation due to an income effect and their lump-sum character. Finally, female education, the general labour market conditions, and cultural attitudes ...

This paper examines how measurement problems affect international comparisons of labour productivity. It suggests that these measurement problems do not significantly affect the assessment of aggregate productivity patterns in the OECD area. However, these problems do influence the more detailed assessment of productivity growth, notably the role of specific sectors and demand components in aggregate performance. The paper shows that there are only a few significant problems regarding the comparability of nominal GDP across OECD countries, the most important being the treatment of software investment. In most cases, efforts are underway to reduce the size of these differences. Measurement differences for real GDP are also important, although several of these factors have impacts that work in different directions. Moreover, several of these problems primarily affect the distribution of total GDP across different expenditure categories and across different activities, not necessarily ...

Despite its apparent advantages, devolution of fiscal responsibilities has not proceeded evenly over the past two decades. Decentralisation can strengthen the democratic process, allow governments to tailor the supply of public goods to local preferences and introduce some competition across jurisdictions, thus raising public sector efficiency. It can, however, entail efficiency losses, and make it difficult to implement redistributive policies and complicate macroeconomic management. On the spending side, local provision may fail to exploit economies of scale and internalise territorial spillovers -- a serious issue since few public goods are purely local by nature. On the revenue side, few tax bases can be exploited by subnational governments without risking making national objectives difficult to achieve and raising serious distributive concerns. This paper, which is largely based on country experiences in mitigating the potential drawbacks of decentralisation while obtaining ...

Despite its apparent advantages, devolution of fiscal responsibilities has not proceeded evenly over the past two decades. Decentralisation can strengthen the democratic process, allow governments to tailor the supply of public goods to local preferences and introduce some competition across jurisdictions, thus raising public sector efficiency. It can, however, entail efficiency losses and make it difficult to implement redistributive policies. On the spending side, local provision may fail to exploit economies of scale and internalise territorial spillovers – a serious issue since few public goods are purely local by nature. On the revenue side, few tax bases can be exploited by sub-national governments without risking making national objectives difficult to achieve and raising serious distributive concerns. This paper, which is largely based on country experiences in mitigating the potential drawbacks of decentralisation while obtaining most of its benefits, provides a framework for assessing fiscal relations across levels of government...

  • 10 Dec 2003
  • Stephen S. Golub, Dana Hajkova, Daniel Mirza, Giuseppe Nicoletti, Kwang-Yeol Yoo
  • Pages: 80

This paper assesses the importance of border and non-border policies for global economic integration. The focus is on four widely-advocated policies: removing explicit restrictions to trade and FDI; promoting domestic competition; improving the adaptability of labour markets; and ensuring adequate levels of infrastructure capital. The analysis covers FDI and trade in both goods and services, thus aiming to account for the most important channels of globalisation and dealing with most modes of cross-border services supply. The results highlight that, despite extensive liberalisation over the past two decades, there is scope for further reducing policy barriers to integration of OECD markets. Remaining barriers have a significant impact on bilateral trade and FDI, with anticompetitive domestic regulations and restrictive labour market arrangements estimated to curb integration as much as explicit trade and FDI restrictions. Simulating the removal of such barriers suggests that the quantitative effects of further liberalisation of trade, FDI and domestic product and labour markets on global integration could be substantial...


The substantial decline in private-sector saving rates observed in several OECD countries in the late 1990s coincided in several cases with a sharp increase in household financial net worth. This was seen by many observers as evidence that the strong rise in equity and residential property prices during the late 1990s had been treated by households as a permanent increase in wealth, leading to an unsustainable drop in saving and raising fears of an eventual negative wealth effect. Applying estimation techniques for systems of dynamic panel equations, this paper looks at basic determinants of private saving for a sample of 15 OECD countries and finds that the sharp decline in saving observed after 1995 can be largely explained, even in a post-sample fashion, by fundamentals other than financial wealth. Among the determinants, the rise in public-sector saving is found to have contributed the most to the decline in private saving between 1995 and 2000. Based on this investigation, there is little evidence that consumers had gone too far in responding to the stock market boom of the late 1990s, even in countries where private saving rates have fallen to historically low levels. On the other hand, the results suggest that a loosening of fiscal policy may have a limited stimulatory impact on private consumption...


Prior quantitative assessments of the effects of agricultural trade liberalisation have assumed that negotiated reductions in bound tariffs translate into corresponding cuts in applied tariff rates. This approach, however, overestimates the actual reduction in applied tariffs and, hence, the benefits of trade liberalisation, since applied rates are often much lower than the tariffs bound in Uruguay Round schedules. This paper uses data on applied and bound tariffs and the GTAP-CGE model to quantify the magnitude of the resulting bias. The findings suggest that the distortion of estimates is particularly pronounced for modest tariff cuts, as well as for countries where the differences between bound and applied rates are substantial. Hence, quantitative policy analysts who aim to inform decision makers on the likely impacts of negotiated tariff cuts should consider the relationship between bound and applied tariff rates in their assessments in order to avoid mistaken advice...


This paper provides new measures of restrictions on inward foreign direct investment (FDI) for OECD countries. Several different types of restrictions are considered: limitations on foreign ownership, screening or notification procedures, and management and operational restrictions. These restrictions are computed for nine sectors and eleven sub-sectors, most of which are in services, and then aggregated into a single measure for the economy as a whole. According to the aggregate indicators, the last two decades, and especially the 1990s, have witnessed dramatic liberalisation in FDI restrictions. OECD countries are now generally open to inward FDI, although there remain substantial differences between countries and across industries. The most open countries are now in Europe, at least as far as statutory restrictions are concerned. The preponderance of remaining restrictions is in services, with almost no overt restrictions in manufacturing...

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