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Year Index

  • 21 Oct 2021
  • Andreas Schleicher
  • Pages: 62

The COVID-19 crisis has amplified the many inadequacies and inequities in education systems. As the future continues to surprise us, the importance of resilience, adaptability and fairness in education will only grow. Equitable schooling means more than treating students equally and uniformly. To be truly fair and impactful, education should work to adapt to students’ differences.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken long-accepted beliefs about education, showing that learning can occur anywhere, at any time, and that education systems are not too heavy to move. When surveyed in May 2020, only around one-fifth of OECD education systems aimed to reinstate the status quo. Policy makers must therefore maintain the momentum of collective emergency action to drive education into a new and better normal. This Handbook provides practical guidance to support them to do just that. It presents the current state-of-play in over 40 education systems, and efforts to improve pedagogical practices in the midst of the pandemic. It proposes three key lessons and related policy pointers for the current academic term and beyond. Drawing on concrete examples of COVID-19 policy responses from primary to tertiary, as well as impactful pre-crisis policies, it addresses the policy areas of flexible learning, educator skills, and student equity. The Handbook has been prepared with evidence from the Education Policy Outlook series – the OECD’s analytical observatory of education policy. As such, it benefits from a decade of policy analysis, outcomes from the Education Policy Reform Dialogues 2020, and the development of an actionable Framework for Responsiveness and Resilience in education.

Across OECD countries, higher education graduates enjoy higher employment rates and earnings than workers with only an upper secondary qualification. However, not all graduates find jobs that make full use of their skills and help them launch rewarding careers, and employers in some economic sectors point to a lack of qualified graduates. Policy makers are concerned about the current alignment of higher education systems to labour markets, and are increasingly uneasy about the future of work and the resilience of higher education systems in uncertain economic times. This report, which focuses on four US states – Ohio, Texas, Virginia and Washington – is the third of a series of country-specific reviews conducted as part of the OECD project on the labour market relevance and outcomes of higher education. The report offers a comprehensive review of graduate outcomes and policies supporting alignment between higher education and the labour market in the four participating states in 2018-19, an overview of the US labour market and higher education context, and a range of policy examples from across OECD jurisdictions to help improve the alignment of higher education and the labour market.

Este informe analiza la incorporación de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) en la educación superior en América Latina, se enfoca principalmente a lo denominado comúnmente “educación a distancia” o “e-learning”. El sistema de educación superior enfrenta retos cruciales como: acceso a educación de calidad, recursos financieros limitados y lograr la pertinencia de la educación a las necesidades del mercado laboral. El estudio intenta comprender cómo las TIC y las nuevas prácticas de aprendizaje y enseñanza pueden ayudar a afrontar estos desafíos. El informe proporciona también los resultados de una encuesta que muestra el grado de implementación e impacto del e-learning en un grupo de instituciones de la región. Asimismo hace recomendaciones de política pública.


There is no country or economy participating in PISA 2012 that can claim that all of its 15-year-old students have achieved a baseline level of proficiency in mathematics, reading and science. Poor performance at school has long-term consequences, both for the individual and for society as a whole.  Reducing the number of low-performing students is not only a goal in its own right but also an effective way to improve an education system’s overall performance – and equity, since low performers are disproportionately from socio-economically disadvantaged families.

Low-performing Students: Why they Fall Behind and How to Help them Succeed examines low performance at school by looking at low performers’ family background, education career and attitudes towards school. The report also analyses the school practices and educational policies that are more strongly associated with poor student performance. Most important, the evidence provided in the report reveals what policy makers, educators, parents and students themselves can do to tackle low performance and succeed in school.

  • 24 Dec 2014
  • OECD
  • Pages: 376

지난 50년간 대한민국 교육의 역사는 괄목할만한 성장과 업적을 보였다. 대한민국은 PISA 최상위권 국가 중 하나이며, 고등학교 교육과 고등교육을 수료한 학생의 비율이 가장 높은 국가 중 하나이기도 하다. 대한민국은 교육 체제 개선 방법 을 지속적으로 강구해왔고, 지난 십년간 교육 분야에 대한 정부의 투자도 급격하게 증가하였다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 이러 한 개선을 독려하고 지속시키기 위해서는 추가적인 개혁이 필요하다. 또한 급격한 세계화와 현대화는 현재와 미래의 젊은 이들이 21세기에 부합하는 능력을 갖출 수 있도록 새롭고 어려운 도전과제들을 제시하고 있다.

본 보고서인 ‘뛰어난 학업성취와 성공적인 교육개혁: PISA가 대한민국 교육에 주는 시사점’은 대한민국이 국제적 관점에 서 교육정책 해결과제를 파악하고 대처하는데 도움을 주고자 한다. 이를 위해 PISA 결과를 통해 대한민국의 교육 체제를 평가하고 최근 정책 발전을 고려하며 개선을 위한 구체적인 정책 대안들을 제시하였다. 또한 성취 수준이 높은 국가의 사 례에 대한 심층적 분석을 제공하였다.

  • 14 Mar 2014
  • OECD
  • Pages: 200

The story of Korean education over the past 50 years is one of remarkable growth and achievement. Korea is one of the top performing countries in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) survey and among those with the highest proportion of young people who have completed upper secondary and tertiary education. Korea is continuously exploring ways to improve its education system and has dramatically increased government investment in education over the last decade. Nevertheless, further reforms are needed to spur and sustain improvements. Rapid globalisation and modernisation are also posing new and demanding challenges to equip young people of today and tomorrow with skills relevant to the 21st century.

The report Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education: Lessons from PISA for Korea aims at helping Korea to identify and address education policy challenges in an international perspective. To this end, it examines the Korean education system through the prism of PISA, considers recent policy developments and suggests specific policy options to foster improvements. The report also provides an in-depth analysis of the experience of other high-performing countries.


Dado que el capital humano es la fuente de la innovación, uno de los principios de la Estrategia de Innovación de la OCDE es “fomentar los lugares de trabajo innovadores”. Los sistemas de educación y capacitación deben ponerse a la altura del reto de proporcionar a las personas los medios para prepararse continuamente a lo largo de sus vidas. Las empresas y las organizaciones deben optimizar los recursos humanos con que cuentan. Sin embargo, ¿aprovechan las empresas las habilidades de las personas para innovar? ¿Algunas organizaciones están más vinculadas a la innovación que otras? Si es así, ¿están presentes más en ciertos países que en otros? ¿Se asocian con determinadas políticas del mercado laboral, prácticas gerenciales, culturas de aprendizaje o niveles de educación? ¿Cuáles son los retos para la innovación dentro de las organizaciones?
Este volumen muestra que la interacción con las organizaciones —así como el aprendizaje y la capacitación individuales y organizacionales— es fundamental para la innovación. Las herramientas analíticas y los resultados empíricos que aquí se presentan muestran de qué forma algunos lugares de trabajo pueden fomentar la innovación impulsando la autonomía y el criterio de los empleados, apoyados en las oportunidades de aprendizaje y capacitación. Lugares de trabajo innovadores es de relevancia para los diseñadores de políticas en los campos de la educación, el empleo y la innovación, y para los empresarios, académicos y todas aquellas personas interesadas en los asuntos sociales.

  • 06 Dec 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 130

La medición de la innovación: Una nueva perspectiva presenta nuevas mediciones y nuevas maneras de examinar los indicadores tradicionales. Se basa en 50 años de trabajo de la OCDE en el desarrollo de indicadores y va más allá de la I+D para describir el amplio contexto en que sucede la innovación. Incluye algunos indicadores experimentales que ofrecen una nueva perspectiva sobre áreas de interés de políticas públicas. Destaca los vacíos de medición y propone direcciones para avanzar en el programa de medición.
Esta obra comienza con una descripción de la innovación en la actualidad. Se enfoca en lo que está motivando la innovación en las empresas, en la forma en la que el panorama científico y de investigación se reconfigura gracias a las convergencias, a la interdisciplinariedad y a la nueva geografía de la innovación. Presenta mediciones más amplias de innovación, por ejemplo, usando nuevos indicadores de inversión en activos intangibles y marcas registradas.
El capital humano es un insumo básico de la innovación y una serie de indicadores examinan la forma en que los sistemas educativos contribuyen a las bases del conocimiento y la investigación. Otras series analizan de qué manera las empresas transforman las habilidades y el conocimiento y hacen más claros los diferentes roles de la inversión pública y privada respecto al fomento a la innovación y a sus beneficios con ejemplos concretos de los inmensos retos mundiales, como la salud y el cambio climático.
La medición de la innovación es un gran paso hacia una forma de crear políticas públicas de innovación basadas en la evidencia. Complementa indicadores tradicionales de “posicionamiento” con otros que muestran que la innovación está, o puede estar, relacionada con las políticas públicas. También reconoce que falta mucho por hacer y señala los retos de medición que los expertos en estadística, investigadores y encargados de diseñar políticas públicas necesitan enfrentar.

French, English
  • 04 Dec 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 208

This is the latest of the influential series of OECD reports on Innovative Learning Environments. “Learning leadership” is fundamental because it is about setting direction, taking responsibility for putting learning at the centre and keeping it there. This becomes increasingly complex in 21st century settings, calling for innovation and going beyond the heroics of individual leaders. Many need to be involved, bringing in diverse partners at different levels.

This is all explored in this volume. It clarifies the concepts and the dimensions of learning leadership, relating it to extensive international research and identifying promising strategies to promote it. Specific examples are drawn from Austria, Australia, Canada, Israel, Norway, Singapore, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. There is an extensive overview that addresses the “why, what, how, who, where, and when” of learning leadership. Among the international experts contributing to this volume are James Spillane, John MacBeath, Louise Stoll, and Clive Dimmock.

This report will prove to be a valuable resource for all those interested in schooling. It will be of particular interest to teachers and teacher educators, advisors and researchers, the voluntary sector and teacher associations, and, first and foremost, education leaders themselves.

  • 03 Dec 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 104

This report compares the performance of 15-year-olds in the United States in PISA against the global patterns and trends. But it goes beyond the aggregate level analysis that have so far been published in the PISA 2012 reports, to give analysis of student performance on individual mathematics test items in order to reveal students’ strengths and weaknesses. Considering this also in the context of the relationship between PISA and the Common Core Standards for Mathematics can help connect these results to what the United States aspires to teach in classrooms and help inform teaching practices that can support performance improvement.

  • 26 Oct 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 220

오늘날 OECD 회원국은 높은 수준의 직업 능력과 기술을 경제 성장 달성의 핵심 수단의 하나로 여기고 있습니 다. 따라서 직업교육훈련 시스템이 과연 현장에서 요구되는 직업 능력을 성공적으로 배양해내고 있는지에 대한 해답을 찾고자 곳곳에서 심층적인 검토가 진행 중입니다. ≪Learning for Jobs≫는직업교육훈련에대한OECD의연구보고서로서 회원국이노동시장수요에보다효과적으로부응하는직업교육훈련시스템을갖추도록돕고자발간한것입니다 본보고서는증거기반을확충하고 다양한정책안을발굴하며 기존의직업교육훈련정책노력을평가하는도구를개발하는데기여합니다 OECD는호주 오스트리아 벨기에플랑드르, 체코공화국 독일 헝가리 아일랜드 한국 멕시코 노르웨이 스웨덴 스위스 영국잉글랜드와웨일즈 및미국사우스캐롤라이나주와텍사스주에서직업교육훈련정책리뷰를수행하고있습니다 현재까지칠레에대한첫정책리뷰보고서와중국에대한간략보고서가완성되었습니다 ≪Learning for Jobs≫ 보고서는OECD 웹사이트 에서도 열람하실 수 있습니다.

French, German, Spanish, English
  • 19 Jun 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 82

Most parents know instinctively that spending more time with their children and being actively involved in their education will give their children a good head-start in life. But since most parents have to juggle competing demands at work and home, there never seems to be enough time or they feel ill-equipped to help.

This book from OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has some good news for concerned parents: it does not require a Ph.D or unlimited hours for parents to make a difference in their children's education. In fact, many parent-child activities that are associated with better reading performance among students involve relatively little time and no specialised knowledge. What these activities do demand is genuine interest and active engagement.

"I enjoyed reading Let's Read Them a Story! The wide sample of countries shows the universality of the conclusions - conclusions which reassure parents that it is important to simply transmit the pleasure of reading to our children. No need to exhaust oneself finding the latest trendy children's books or educational toys; parents should simply read to children, enjoy reading themselves, and make family time to discuss what we've read."
                                                                                               -Kristine Minski, mother of two

Spanish, French

The rise of globalisation makes language competencies more valuable, both at individual and societal levels. This book examines the links between globalisation and the way we teach and learn languages. It begins by asking why some individuals are more successful than others at learning non-native languages, and why some education systems, or countries, are more successful than others at teaching languages.

The book comprises chapters by different authors on the subject of language learning. There are chapters on the role of motivation; the way that languages, cultures and identities are interconnected; the insights that neuroscience provides; migrants, their education and opportunities to learn languages; language learning and teaching in North America; and new approaches to language learning.

  • 04 Apr 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 120

This report focuses on the development of reading proficiency during the transition from adolescence to early adulthood. The span of time between the ages of 15 and 24 is a critical period of development for young people. Once compulsory education is completed, individual decisions about post-secondary education, employment and other life choices have to be made with major consequences for future learning and employment outcomes. A good foundation in reading proficiency facilitates success in specialised education during higher education or during job-related training. Since reading proficiency is not the goal of such specialised or professional learning, reading skills may begin to atrophy. So both learning gains and losses need to be considered as human capital is developed.  

Canada’s investments in PISA, as well as in longitudinal data and reassessment of reading proficiency, provides insights into the importance of individual reading proficiency and later outcomes, such as educational attainment, further learning, employment and earnings. Therefore, this report makes a vital contribution to the understanding of learning gains between the ages of 15 and 24 and their impact on such outcomes, and provides a basis for evidence-based policy and strategic investments by the community of countries participating in PISA

  • 29 Feb 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 208

For decades Japan has remained at or near the top of international assessments of student learning; and in the past decade, students in Japan have become more engaged in learning. However, the government aspires to improve learning outcomes even further. Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education: Lessons from PISA for Japan focuses on how Japan is reforming its education system not only to produce better learning outcomes, but to equip students with the skills they need to navigate through the unpredictable labour market of the future and to participate in society as active citizens.

This is the second in a series of reports examining how education systems are handling the challenge of preparing their students for a world of interconnected populations, rapid technological change, and instantaneous availability of vast amounts of information. Like the first volume, Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education: Lessons from PISA for the United States, this report presents examples from other countries with consistently high-performing education systems or countries that, by redesigning policies and practices, have been able to improve their education outcomes, as measured by the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the world’s most comprehensive and rigorous survey of students’ skills and attitudes towards learning.

A basic level of literacy and numeracy is essential for full participation in modern societies. While very few people in most of the advanced countries could be regarded as illiterate or innumerate, recent studies have shown that there are, in fact, significant numbers of people with poor skills, and that low levels of skills are associated with lower wages and greater chances of unemployment and disengagement from the labour market. At the same time, technological changes, particularly the increasing presence of information and communication technologies in all areas of life, have led to a growing demand for higher-level cognitive skills that involve understanding, interpreting, analysing and communicating complex information.

In this context, policy makers need the most comprehensive and up-to-date information if they want to ensure that the supply of skills in the labour force matches labour-market demand. The Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), an international assessment of adult skills managed by the OECD, will be central in providing that information. Implemented by 25 countries in Europe, the Americas and Asia, PIAAC is compiling one of the richest sources of data regarding the skills that adults use in their work, home and communities, and related information, including family background, education, employment, income, civic participation and health. Results from the data, which are being collected from August 2011 to March 2012, will be available at the end of 2013.

This report maps the development of the Programme, from determining what should be measured, to defining the meaning of PIAAC’s three core domains, “literacy”, “numeracy” and “problem solving in technology-rich environments”, to designing assessment tasks and determining how those tasks will be interpreted. It summarises the draft frameworks, developed by dedicated experts, for each of the assessment domains, and includes examples of the items and stimuli used to measure proficiency in the three domains. In essence, it provides an overview and a look at the underpinnings of PIAAC.

  • 20 Dec 2011
  • OECD, Statistics Canada
  • Pages: 390

Literacy for Life is the second report from the Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey. It presents additional results on the nature and magnitude of the literacy gaps faced by OECD countries and how these gaps have evolved over the medium term.

It offers new insights into the factors that influence the formation of adult skills in various settings – at home and at work – for the eleven countries participating in the first and last round of data collection between 2003 and 2008. The study offers comparative evidence on the impact of various factors on the supply of skill. The study offers a special focus on numeracy skills and problem solving skills. It explores the relationships between numeracy and key socio-demographic factors as well as labour market outcomes and earnings.

It highlights the importance of problem solving skills by defining this foundational skill and by exploring its determinants as well as its relative role in influencing important labour market outcomes.

The report offers also an analysis of performance across multiple skill domains. It investigates the skill profiles of various population groups defined in terms of the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of those who score at levels deemed to be low in one or more skill domains and explores the resulting consequences.

The report concludes by investigating the issue of skill mismatch in the labour market and its relationship to adult learning. The extent and distribution of mismatch between the day-to-day literacy related requirements of workers and the literacy skills they have obtained is an important issue that is being explored in this study.


El creciente interés en los modelos de valor agregado se deriva de la mayor precisión que ofrecen estos modelos para medir el desempeño escolar. Proporcionan una base cuantitativa fundamentalmente más exacta y valiosa que las puntuaciones brutas de pruebas y estudios transversales para planear mejoras escolares, diseñar políticas educativas y poner en marcha acuerdos eficaces de rendición de cuentas escolar. Con la gran presión sobre los sistemas educativos de los países dentro y fuera de la OCDE para que mejoren su eficacia y eficiencia, cada vez se reconoce más el papel que las medidas de desempeño precisas representan en el diseño e implantación de iniciativas de políticas educativas y desarrollo escolar.

En esta publicación se identifican tres objetivos amplios de políticas que impulsan el desarrollo de modelos de valor agregado en un sistema educativo: iniciativas de mejoras escolares, la rendición de cuentas de las escuelas y de los sistemas educativos y la elección de escuela. El empleo de datos de desempeño en la toma de decisiones referente a estos objetivos de políticas depende de la precisión de las medidas de desempeño empleadas. Sin embargo, la difusión de la toma de decisiones con base en datos para promover objetivos de políticas se ha visto obstaculizada por la falta de datos de desempeño escolar precisos, esenciales para las mejoras educativas. Las mediciones de valor agregado son un avance significativo, al dar una medida más precisa del desempeño escolar en la cual basar decisiones que fomenten objetivos de políticas y eleven el desempeño escolar. Los beneficios se acumulan a partir del uso de los modelos de valor agregado para programas y políticas específicas, así como para la toma de decisiones en los ámbitos tanto escolar como del sistema educativo.

Una discusión detallada sobre los beneficios y los retos en el diseño de modelos de valor agregado, así como lineamientos sobre el diseño y puesta en marcha de sistemas de evaluación basados en ellos, se encuentran en este libro que ha sido traducido y actualizado al 2010 de su versión original en inglés.

Esta obra forma parte del Acuerdo Para Mejorar la Calidad de la Educación de las Escuelas en México, firmado por el gobierno de México y la OCDE.

English, Slovenian
  • 17 May 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 258

US President Obama has launched one of the world’s most ambitious education reform agendas. Under the heading “Race to the Top”, this agenda encourages US states to adopt internationally benchmarked standards and assessments that prepare students for success in college and the workplace: recruit, develop, reward, and retain effective teachers and principals; build data systems that measure student success; and inform teachers and principals how they can improve their practices and turn around their lowest-performing schools.

But what does the “top” look like internationally? How have the countries at the top managed to achieve sustained high performance or to significantly improve their performance? The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) provides the world’s most extensive and rigorous set of international surveys assessing the knowledge and skills of secondary school students. This volume combines an analysis of PISA with a description of the policies and practices of those education systems that are close to the top or advancing rapidly, in order to offer insights for policy from their reform trajectories.

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